If you've taken other bribes then your rep is going to be extremely difficult to fix. It would be far easier just to make a new character and follow OSI's rep guide. Will you lose some scrapping that ship and remaking it? Yep. However, you'll likely spend far more time trying to get your rep in order on the current ship.
I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with your rep and why you took other bribes. Can you please clarify that and also list the bribes you took to try to fix it?
Thank You, Daedric,
happend is this:
i´ve made the Deadcat without any /restart, so i hadn´t the money for any bribes. I´ve began to mine in Penn and found the Xenos and the rogues hostile to me, the same with hessians (all npc factions). After i´ve had the money for the bribes i did the multibribing like i had read in the thread, buyed my Zoner ID and began to play my role.
But i stayed red to a lot of factions they should be neutral to me. It was in no way that, what i think should be a Zoner´s rep. Wasn´t that hurting though as i´m mostly in the omicrons but - not Zoner like...
Then when i´ve reached freeport 14 yesterday i thought: cool, let´s fix this issue here with a bribe to the Red Hessians.
Bad idea... :(
As i often fly around with Corsairs or Outcasts i now was unable to reach the Corsairs anymore, Corsairs now red, hessians green, Zoner and Outcasts neutral... horror
So i gave another bribe to the corsairs, and now every house police and military is red, hessians too, rogues too, outcasts too, nearly all factions and my own faction is now complete neutral
So the char is no more useful as i can´t reach the mates i like to play with or do some serious RP. And i have to play a long time with a new char before i have a chance to visit my beloved omicrons again...:(
I only want to be a realistic Zoner, not anything with Zoners rep green, and i have no clue how to become this. I´ve made a few new chars trying to become neutral, but never it worked for me. Best worked a gallic restart as i could then begin as a Junker and become a Zoner later, but here also i found factions red to me they shouldn´t be.
Greetz, Carl
EDIT: I´ve deleted my char, saw no chance to solve this.