' Wrote:Aforementioned FTU, Gotti, IND, USI, basically any trading faction that gathers enough manpower. Which is quite easy to find. FTU recruits players straight from Penny. And it's not how many exist that one should be concerned with, is how many more would be created for the sole purpose of creating a flagship. Coupled with the fact that most powertraders go for a Cau8 Anti Cap Battleship as soon as they get the money for it, what's keeping anyone from imagining CCCP-like factions taking on two, three factions at once.
'Smart usage of flagships' is offensive usage, rather than defensive. Ambushed by Flagship.
You call CCCP fun?
Well, only one way then.
Faction-specific flagships would be tied to ID. You only have one-two of these flagships per ID. One would be occupied by the official faction, and any remaining slot could be grabbed.
Faction-specific flagships would be tied to ID. You only have one-two of these flagships per ID. One would be occupied by the official faction, and any remaining slot could be grabbed.
That would fix the spamming issue indeed. Still leaves a lot of problems to be dealt with though.
But what stops factions sending the damn thing into every battle if it's so potent in pvp? People love to win. Give them a tool that really ups their chances at coming out of a brawl on top and they -will- spam it. ths reducing the 'omg, here's comes the boss' feeling you may have when it appears seldom.
Im all for this, but Im worried about how people will wave their uber stick.
Agreed. It sounds like fun at first but I'm not sure the community is up for the responsibility that would have to go along with that.
' Wrote:A good idea.
Trading factions dont really need a ship like that. Give trading factions the opportunity to by the Barge again because what we need is storage not guns:)One Barge per trading faction.
No need, then, to change loadouts buff this and that and create more work for the devs.
I know, i know, your going to say build a base then:)but for small factions thats just not feasable.
Maybe in Bretonia. In Kusari, where the traders keep couping the government, it very much makes sense to have corporate capital ships.
' Wrote:Won't they? Flagships would be a faction effort, like player stations. We've all seen how useful and effective they have been at spurring factions on.
Actually we haven't. So far all we've seen is another new tool to play with which raises activity just like all other new tools did.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
' Wrote:Barges are horrible abborations which bases make entirely redundant. Offering them to trade factions sounds more like a punishment to me.
Got to disagree with you there bud.
Granted Barges are not the prettiest thing in the world but they offer an alternative to small trading factions that dont have the time or members to build a base.
Bases have all the advantages large corps need. Admin permissions for docking, buying selling, making toys:)etc.
Barges are there souly for storage for small factions. can also be put on a shared account for all members to use.
They are pretty much stationary now anyways, or can they be made completely stationary? i dont know the answer.