' Wrote:well..correcting IMG rep towards Mollys is easy enough..but also some rumors and news from Hood should be removed as well as Molly rep hack...As Hood is concerned Mollys and IMG are still best friends...
That would make things hard for us. As you might know players start with red rep to Mollies, right now that's the only way for us to get started easily.
' Wrote:Seeing as there's a Treaty of Dublin going on between the UoG and Bretonia, methinks some changes in Dublin are in order. Number one, I wouldn't expect the BAF battleship to stay there... might make everyone edgy. I'd also expect a nice clear path through the minefield to Arranmore if there is to be trade, and further the Molly NPCs shouldn't shoot BAF on sight...
This is just a rough idea, but I'd like to see what the people seriously involved have to say.
I for one don't think it should be removed yet. Why? Because there is already a hostile fully armed battleship in Dublin, the Hood. The Hood would probably have to go before the Essex.
However, I do enjoy listening to Mollies near Arranmore saying, "I'm from the Hood." :lol:
Well, the Hood is "stationary" because it's lost all propulsion. That doesn't mean however, that it's position is fixed and nothing can change that. The hulk can be hauled around, but that would need some tugs.
Essex should be indeed moved closer to some purely Bretonia assets. Either Graves or the gate... no difference. It might get moved to the Taus - since the Mollys it was supposed to hold back don't pose a threat anymore.
Trade lanes should go as Unseelie says. Nothing else would make sense.
How about getting rid of the mines arund Graves and Arranmore? No need for them anymore I guess...
And whatever hapened to the mining station Glorious? It disappeared the moment Trent and Quintaine left Dublin and would make a neat trade centre. Assuming, that the pirates dwelling there left (Those were corsairs i think... one was named Vasco)
Heh, Templar, the GMG Station Glorious is a blight on Freelancer...
Hessians, Corsairs and worse, mingling together on a Gas Miners Guild base, with Xenos weapons. Oggm!!
I think it disappears after the single player missions. I would rather another station, perhaps the Mollies contracted DSE to construct more of a... Trading station near the Hood's current location (assuming the Hood is moved).
Read a bit and the Glorious - (the real one, not th apparent spoof) it was one of the two BMM miners, that got comandeered on the founders' day revolt. The second miner got wrecked, but the Glorious managed to limp away from the fight.
Would make sense if it got repressurized like it was done with the Hood and turned into a trade hub. Problem is: what base model? That GMG miner? or maybe like one of those Samura is operating in Hokkaido?
What happened to glorious? i really wanna know... it should be back there, since it wasnt destroyed in The First Galactic War (nomad war) by the rhienlanders that trent fought off.
Quote:The Hood was an abandoned hulk until it was re-pressurized by a few enterprising members of the Independent Mining Guild looking to make a fast buck. The Hood is now a floating bazaar where the Mollys come to trade, usually paying in Gold. The most popular pastime aboard the ship involves racing through the neighboring asteroid field; most races generally end with a survivor as opposed to a winner.
Uh... there's the Hood infocard. As far as I can see, it's essentially a trade centre, not a fully armed and operational battlestation.
Has anyone mentioned that a good idea as a part of the Treaty of Dublin would be the exchange of Belfast Production for Graves Mining between BMM and the Mollys?
This would be a nice mirror to real life history, to an extent.