[6:58:27 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): ...
[6:58:27 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): oh
[6:58:28 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): my god
[7:00:10 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): well
[7:00:14 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): I need clean pants
[11:31:52 PM] Jake (Thexare): A sound investment. Something they have cited as a need, and a logical one at that
[11:32:19 PM] Jake (Thexare): Also, remember to take a Dump for each of your day's work
[1:45:02 PM] Scumbag Dis: yeah maybe
[1:46:46 PM] Scumbag Dis: and fran stop thinking about my ass
[1:47:07 PM] Fran: I'm just thinking about forcing Pavel to do something he wouldn't like
[1:47:08 PM] Fran: (nerd)
[1:47:18 PM] Fran: not your ass in particular, you're aiming at the wrong guy