[3:31:53 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): I said five guys.
[3:31:58 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): As a random figure.
[3:32:09 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): I know probably would never go past that point.
[11:12:50 PM] Saronsen: i mean
[11:12:52 PM] Saronsen: i guess
[11:21:29 PM] Saronsen: but only if kaz lets me make skyscrapers on his planet
[11:22:01 PM] Jake (Thexare): Well, we can consider it
[11:22:08 PM] Jake (Thexare): but because it's Troy's planet, the sky's a little shorter than normal
[11:22:15 PM] Jake (Thexare): so even a three-story building scrapes it
[11:22:16 PM] Saronsen: LOL
[11:24:32 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): you're all banned
[12:40:32 AM] Jake (Thexare): the trick to torture though
[12:40:39 AM] Jake (Thexare): setting aside its dubious effectiveness
[12:40:49 AM] Jake (Thexare): is that you're supposed to be able to stop it when someone gives you what you want
[12:40:52 AM] Jake (Thexare): that's the entire point
[12:41:02 AM] Jake (Thexare): You cannot stop the Haribo.
[12:41:49 AM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): "MAKE IT STOP"
"No can do."
"You cannot stop the Haribo."