Greetings respective members of liberty law enforcement. I have good news today! A Rheinland Battleship attempted to bombard Planet Housten but, with well co-ordinated attacks from two battlecrusiers and a small wing of a couple of fighters and one bomber, the battle ship was destroyed!
Full patrol report bellow:
During the start of my patrol I encountered a cardamine smuggler at West Point. I told him to stop, but he fled towards Manhatten. Unfortunatly he escaped and docked with the planet. But, with the help of Ensign Jack Will we captured him later and asked him to pay a 200 thousand credit fine. He did not comply and fled to Rochester base. He was then spotted later but escaped again. I have uploaded his ship id into the LPI criminal record.
Then, we recieved disturbing reports of the Rhienland Battleship. It was reported seen in bering so we headed to texas. We grouped with couple of fighters and a bomber and sent a distress call onto our local communications channel. We arrived just as the battleship began orbital bombartments of Housten, but, with a hasty attack were able to divert his fire onto our fighters. Soon after, the heavy capital support came in and after an extremely long battle destroyed his vessal was destroyed. This did however come at a price...The pathfinder was destroyed and Jack Will lost his ship.
Here are some guncam images:
Attacking the battleship
Shields down
Batteries and Nanobots depleated
Battleship down.
Well done to all involved in the fight, great job. Another great victory for the house of liberty!
*** Liberty Navy Ensign Jack Will ***
*** "Battle for Houston" ***
*** Commandments ***
I would first like to thank all that were involved with this battle. It was a very long battle but all of our ships pulled though, even that we lost two, but they have already been rebuilt and no injuries.
I would like to commend LNS-Constitution and LAS-Pathfinder for there bravery to attack the Rheinlander Battleship.
I will also like to thank Issac for assisting with the coordination of the attack with myself.
This battle was a success for all as it ended in this...
Greetings, just another day in Liberty. Patrolling lane i saw hostile target pirating miner, i dropped out of lane, warned pirate to leave but he refused. Pirate opened fire on miner ship so i moved in to save miner. I was good distraction, miner managed to cruise away and pirate then after failing to disrupt him turned and engaged me with full force, but soon after that he got supernova in his hull. He was in broadsword bomber. I couldn't find his escape pod after that, he might be dead or escaped.
###Image recieved###
After that i went back to Manhattan to restock and after i departed there it was, Lane hacker Spyglass. Battleship was less then 5k away from Manhattan and soon he started shooting around, i called for backup and he went down fast. Not sure what happened with all escape pods.
There are a lot of changes, so take it slowly and don't try to memorise it all in one attempt.
In addition, you may note that Captain Patterson has been placed in a managerial role for the registration of independant capital ships. You are to respond to his calls for aid and assistance against any possibly hostile encounters with secondary fleet captains as a medium priority distress call.
In light of the revised law stature, I put forward the idea of having a criminal registry that the public can forward complaints to. This registry would handle complaints of unlawfuls that Liberty citizens and alike have encountered within the boundaries of Liberty space. Sufficient evidence would be necessary for a search warrant to be issued against the suspects, as well as the reporting person(s) being required to give an official statement, leaving their name and other personal details in the communiqu?.
I would like to head up this department, if it comes to fruition and with the blessing of the rest of the Primary Fleet.
Begin Transmission
Comm ID: Agent James Silverwolf, =LSF=SilverWolf
Source: Manhatten, New York
Begin Report.
Good evening,
First time I've submitted a report in a very long time. I seem to have misplaced the Agency Security key so I'll just post my reports here for now until one of the Directors can get ahold of me with a new Key access.
Anyway, the other day after I was able to get my havok flying again, with some serious issues concerning the weapons systems having partially failed and in need of replacement along with several other key systems failing or on the verge of failing. I was making my way from Norfolk to Manhatten when I ran across a Lane Hacker trying to hijack ships at a disrupted Trade lane. Being in no real condition to deal with him, I advised the loacl system of his presence and enguages cruise to swing around him and get to Manahtten.
Alas that was not quite ment to be for just as I was about to slip out of sensor range I noticed the pirate managed to stop a Zoner ship and was in teh process of begining to make demands. Knowing it was potential suicide, I turned around and headed back. Just as I was coming into range, the priate had begun to open fire on the Zoner who;d refused to pay and was attempting to flee.
I believe the Hacker was not fully expecting me to return as I did, since my only funtioning weapons systems were a Cruise Disruptor and my trusty Supernova Cannon. Having little other choice, i charges the Cannon and hit the pirate full on with that, thus distracting him long enough for the Zoner to enguage his own cruise and get away.
Having done that, I put on all speed I could to my thrusters and turned tail for Manhatten. I figured if he was going to be fool enough to chase me into range of the guns of the stations there, then I'd have a marginal chance. Anyway, he did not give chase for very long as a LN Cruiser (whose name I can not recall at this time) made its presence known and the pirate choose that time to leave the system.
I am pleased to report that not long after all this, I was able to secure replacement weapon systems for my havok and resume full patrol duties, of which the rest fo that night was uneventful, thankfully.
Hello there agent, if you contact me on a more secure network we can sort out your access key. Also may I remind you to use encryption when broadcasting on any network, this will not only hide your location but it will protect you and anyone you contact. That is all...
Miss Julia Wolfe
Associate Deputy Director
Liberty Security Force
In light of the revised law stature, I put forward the idea of having a criminal registry that the public can forward complaints to. This registry would handle complaints of unlawfuls that Liberty citizens and alike have encountered within the boundaries of Liberty space. Sufficient evidence would be necessary for a search warrant to be issued against the suspects, as well as the reporting person(s) being required to give an official statement, leaving their name and other personal details in the communiqu?.
I would like to head up this department, if it comes to fruition and with the blessing of the rest of the Primary Fleet.
I eagerly await your response,
Lt. Commander Jack Malrone
--Stream End--
[Transmission End]
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan
Regarding your idea for a criminal registry;
Such a registry seems like a good idea for citizens to report criminals that have in the past evaded the authorities. Of course, as you say, sufficient evidence will have to be provided for a search warrant, or in more severe cases, immediate declaration of hostility. If it comes to fruition, then the government of Liberty will likely use it as the main location for analysing and taking action against unlawfuls, adding them to the currently fairly barren list of criminals in the new laws.
I was also thinking about a separate registry, to deal with the law suits that are becoming increasingly popular amongst the disenchanted within our house, but that needs to be discussed within High Command before anything is decided.
I'll make your case for you, Lieutenant Commander. I doubt there will be any resistance from either Admiral MacTavish or Fleet Admiral Hale. I'll inform you if you get the go-ahead. If you do, I will also amend the notes section in the new laws to include a link to the frequency.
*** [LN]-Jack Will ***
*** Report against LPI Andy Crooks ***
*** Priority:Medium ***
Shade Walker and I were doing routine patrols when Walker received a distress call from a miner, say that he was just looted by a pair of Hogasha. Upon hearing this we sprang into action assembling a team to check everything out.
The comms were being flooded when Walker caught something that can from Andy Crooks transponder ID, "A diplomatic mission" was heard. When we heard this we called upon Andy to tell us the location of these ships. He refused to do this many time. After firing a freelancer we finally located them. Andy Crooks was sitting there as well.
We happened to scan Andy's ship and saw Liberty Navy Pilots in his hull. The action the Andy showed before told us he was not fit to hold these items. He refused to give them and then cruised away. I, Jack Will, soon followed.
Following for a long time he than stopped and opened fire on my ship. I soon fired back.
During this Walker made a distress call which i had to respond. As I flew off Andy said. "Jack, better watch your back".
Shade and I both agree that he did not act as he should've it the situation. We wanted to inform other LPI, LN and =LSF= about this
A relatively simple report today as much of Liberty was unusually quiet. I joined comms with Captain Kreagen, Commodore Robinson and Sub.Lt. Launders. While I had no standing orders, I was on patrol of New York and found the Corundum Freight holding silver ore.
Taking my offer for an escort, we headed off to Colorado when we met Agent 117 who also accompanied us on our way to the independent systems. The Colorado system was quiet and only a minor lane hacker incursion at the Galileo gate was the only action we had.