Location (ingame) Omicron Gamma
Time 23:08 GMT
date: Today
Reason: Alt-enter made some messed up result, had to kill the game. Trying to reconnect.
Name: Renee.Thorpe
Location: Java Station, Tau 23
Time: Now(?)
Reason: Intense packet loss to the point where it took 5 minutes for a /ping to be received back. Decided to F1 after F3 proved another 5 minutes of uselessness. Now it says i'm still ingame after waiting more than 1 minute in the lobby. Still waiting, ping from the stats on the forum says it's 500 and lag 42.
Name: LNS-Icarus (AGAIN.)
Location (ingame) New York
Time 22:23 GMT
date: Today
Reason: Massive lagspike, seems pretty much everyone online got hit with it.
I swear this has got to be the only thread I ever post in.