Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: California system, Battleship Maryland, Riverside airspace
Recruit Joe Nio;
After fulfilling the requirements as set by the Primary Fleet, it is my pleasure to inform you of your elevation to ensign. Good job, Joe.
Things are quite busy around here at the moment, but I will endeavour to either teach you personally if circumstances permit, or at the least get one of our other accomplished pilots to help you learn new techniques. Firstly, I would start with the loadout, and perhaps replace the turret and a vengeance gun with two improved debilitator mk 1's. Good choice with the mosquito, though.
The two mentioned in your report will be blacklisted as you recommended, ensign.
Regarding a second donation to the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet;
The following took place in the viscinity of Norfolk Shipyard in New York:
The credits donated have since been added to the coffers of the Naval armory. An entry in the law document will be processed shortly.
It is good to see that the actions of the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet are appreciated by even the Junkers, it would seem. This is after the Captain of the Akasha's.Wanderer made a complaint about the secondary fleet, no less, so it would seem that we are doing the right things. Keep up the good work, folks.
Deployment of forces;
• The Maryland and her escort, consisting of elements of the Primary Fleet and the 214th fighter squadron, have been deployed for the forseeable future in California. The Maryland herself is charged with keeping the trade lane from Riverside Station to the New York jump gate clear from interdiction, as this is an identified problem area.
• The Durango battlegroup has been placed as a tactical reserve in California, holding around Riverside station for the time being.
• The Anchorage battlegroup has been redeployed from New York to Texas to aid our forces against the more frequent incursions by Rheinland Military capital ships.
All other group deployments remain unchanged for the timebeing.
I have been looking around for some time now if there is any Server rule/[LN] law/conduct advice for us within [LN] that prevent us from taking our military vessel outside liberty with no agressional intentions. I have still been unable to find anything that speaks against such a trip.
My reason for such a trip would be to head out to the edge world and loot wrecks for some Code weapons. I have no intention of violate the privacy of the guard systems.
I am aware of that pilotes often sell code weapons, and that I could wait until I find someone willing to sell me a code weapon. But to head out there would be about exploring aswell. So my question is therefor: Do I have High Commands permission to use The Avenger for a trip like that?
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: California system, Battleship Maryland, Riverside airspace
Ensign Nio;
I'm very glad you asked this question.
I would like you to imagine the following scenario:
•A foreign military ship is sighted in Texas, it appears to be a Kusari Naval Forces Chimera.
• When questioned about his presence, he responds with 'I'm just taking valuable equipment from the wrecks in the system'.
- Do you believe him, or;
- Do you think that perhaps he might actually be doing reconnaisance of the Texas system for the KNF, for whatever reason, possibly because in this instance, the Kusari government might have hostile intentions against Liberty?
I think you can draw your own conclusions from reversing this situation if you were to, say, pass through Kusari.
Please do not enter other houses or the Omicron systems, excluding Omicron Minor, without permission from the High Command or during tasks such as escorting a [LN] logistics ship, [LN] freighter or participating in offensive actions against Rheinland. Both the logistics corps and freighter corps are detailed here.
That said, you can enter such systems such as Kepler, Galileo and Oita, as both are considered at the time of writing as neutral territory. I have heard that people going into those systems come out again with PHOENIX and ARCHANGEL weaponry respectively... of those that do make it back out anyway.
However, I would very much prefer if you would do this off-hours, rather than whilst on duty, which means I would rather you do it in a ship not bearing [LN] markings. After all, during your shift, you are meant to be focussing on the safety of the citizens of Liberty, not on the practice of arms dealing.
::Source: LNS-Champion::
~ This message has been handled by Vergil~
We wish to inform you that the declassification and publication of the history of the LNS Champion is complete. Review is encouraged, however optional. ::Database:: Link > <->
Cpt. Ian Thorne Vergil
- Message End -
::Source: Lost::
It was my first time patrolling and during my sweep of New York, I came across some weird conversation occurring in the system. I went to find what was going on and this happened:
A pirates by the name of Aztec.Flame apparently tried to pirate a HDMS_Esbern_Snare. The pirate shot and destroyed his vessel without hesitation. Upon spotting my vessel, he ran away and circled around the northern part of New York until he came to Rochester Base. I contacted a fellow navy ship named LNS-Tampa, a BC, to help me but was too late because the pirate docked and hid at Rochester Base.
I almost got the pirate but my Cruise Disruptor was apparently made for figthers. He was in a Corsair Gunboat. I advise that he be put in our Kill on Sight list.
***Incoming transmission...***
"Subject ID: Recruit Christopher Hood, Primary Liberty Naval fleet division"
"Source: Battleship Mississippi"
Good day. Today I've made my first report of duty standing.
This was a pretty calm day, until I've arrived to Fort Bush and saw a Rogue ship nearby. He had policemen in his hold. After noticing me, he started to be nervous. I kindly asked him to relenquish our co-operatives. He refused. The time passed by, my patience was going down. I decided to take our men by force. Battle didn't last for long, he got my mine into his cockpit. Hull decompressed... and boom, he's gone and our fellow pilots have been secured.
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing... Lieutenant Samuel Zander
Salutations Commanders, Zander reporting in.
I was patrolling the New York system and received a distress call. The source was tracked down to the perimeter of Rochester Base, apparently a civilian weapon merchant was cornered by several criminals. I arrived at the scene and spotted an Outcast-pilot and a Liberty Rogue-pilot. However, I also found two members of the infamous group known as the Slavers Union. Unfortunately I couldn't warrant for their arrest as they were not found breaking any law. Until one of them issued an one-million-credit bounty that is. The name of the pilot: {SU}Midnight.Express
The slaver, started to make a run for it and arrived near Planet Manhattan. At this point the slaver tried several times to escape using both thrusters and the nearby Trade-Lanes. Even though prior to this attempted escape he was warned several times to stand down in the name of the law. However, it seemed that the slaver refused to cease his movements even though he tried tricking me by stating he would, and therefore I issued the order to shoot him down.