Would you care to explain to me as to why an Orchid would be so harshly classified as "illegal"? I really do not see a problem with myself using a vessel such as that, as it is rare enough a sight within Liberty anyway. I am less concerned with the fact that you deem it illegal, so much as why you dub it as such. A just reason would be all I need in order to see reason with your decision.
Because as far as this little handbook goes, I fail to see where exactly the Orchid would fall under the category as "illegal." I do however notice a small sub-section of exceptions to the supposed "illegal ships" list. Should the Orchid somehow fall under the "illegal vessels" category, I would ask if there is any way to find myself as an exception.
If you could please answer these questions, then I would be most grateful.
Central Liberty Internal Treasure [color=#66FFFF]Ferris Dufresne
[color=#99FFFF]Ozei Ruousha,
[color=#99FF99]If you would please refer to page one of the bounty board, any technology from a group which is deemed HOSTILE to the Republic of Liberty is automatically denied. While the GC are considered neutral to the Republic of Liberty, we are attempting to normalise diplomatic relations with Kusari. Having a "pirate" designed bomber claim on our bounty board will negatively impact on those efforts.
Furthermore, you have not provided a full picture of your reputation and what groups you are really affiliated with. The decision stands.
It would seem that you are giving me a bit of a run around as far as this situation is concerned. I really do not see how the Orchid C7-F Bomber could be classified as a "pirate" vessel, when parties such as the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Bretonian Police Authority seem to deem the vessel in question as fully acceptable and in some cases lawful. I bring this up as the Republic of Liberty and the House of Bretonia seem to be, as far as I know, allies with one another.
I would also like to know as to why you would require my entire reputation list, as you only require registrants to show standings with the Republic of Liberty. Is this perhaps because I am flying this Orchid? Or is there something more to that? Maybe it is because you deem my vessel so bluntly as being of a "pirate" origin, and yet have no apparent explaination as to why you label it as such? What is it that you see wrong with the craft? It is not every day that you would see one flying about in Liberty, so how is it possible that it has gained such a trashy reputation for being "illegal," as you have put it?
Furthermore, I fail to understand how my claiming on this board would negatively impact your diplomatic relations with the Imperial House of Kusari. If the board does not concern any vessels of the house of Kusari whatsoever, then why is it, that you are fearful that this may somehow degrade the relations of the Republic and the Imperial Houses? In addition, and as far as I know, I am not a public enemy, nor a menace, nuisance, setback, or any variation of this within the publicly available criminal databases within the Republic of Liberty. Lastly, I feel as though you do not remember a certain agreement that I cannot possibly hope to mention in a public channel such as this without misfortune upon myself.
If you could stop beating around the bush on this matter and give the information to me upfront, then perhaps I may cease pestering you about this so that we could move on with our respective lives.
[color=#99FF99]I do not understand why you persist along this line of questioning while offering no evidence to support your cause. I also do not understand why you did not provide information requested. Instead, you have reacted with a inflammatory response which has now resulted in being permanently [color=#FF0000]DENIED from this bounty board.
Quote:It would seem that you are giving me a bit of a run around as far as this situation is concerned. I really do not see how the Orchid C7-F Bomber could be classified as a "pirate" vessel, when parties such as the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Bretonian Police Authority seem to deem the vessel in question as fully acceptable and in some cases lawful. I bring this up as the Republic of Liberty and the House of Bretonia seem to be, as far as I know, allies with one another.
Your reasoning is that because it is legal in Bretonia then Liberty should swiftly follow suit and declare it legal? How naive you must think the Republic of Liberty is! We are our own Sovereign state with our own laws and regulations. Our Alliance with Bretonia has no bearing over any internal proceedings. Furthermore, as Bretonia is currently at war with Kusari, organisations against the Emperor are welcomed within their Sovereign house. Liberty is trying to keep a neutral footing with Kusari during these trying times. Your point is invalid.
Quote:I would also like to know as to why you would require my entire reputation list, as you only require registrants to show standings with the Republic of Liberty. Is this perhaps because I am flying this Orchid? Or is there something more to that? Maybe it is because you deem my vessel so bluntly as being of a "pirate" origin, and yet have no apparent explanation as to why you label it as such? What is it that you see wrong with the craft? It is not every day that you would see one flying about in Liberty, so how is it possible that it has gained such a trashy reputation for being "illegal," as you have put it?
So you deem what is required for this Bounty Board and not the Republic of Liberty? The application guidelines are exactly that - Guidelines. I am well within my rights to request further information from you. Information which has not been forthcoming. I wanted to know who you have dealings with, perhaps who you are really working for. I expect this information from any hunter I work with. At the end of the day, it is the Treasury's money you are wanting as payment. I have to be convinced of who or what I am funding.
Furthermore, as we are working towards normalising our relations with Kusari, to allow a "pirate affiliated" bomber within our borders and carrying out lawful work constitutes recognising the factions whom built your craft. This would damage relations between Liberty and Kusari. Perhaps you being a simple mercenary means you do not understand Galactic politics, however in layman's terms - "The Enemy of my Enemy is not my Friend".
Quote:Furthermore, I fail to understand how my claiming on this board would negatively impact your diplomatic relations with the Imperial House of Kusari. If the board does not concern any vessels of the house of Kusari whatsoever, then why is it, that you are fearful that this may somehow degrade the relations of the Republic and the Imperial Houses?
See previous point. We would be indirectly recognising a terrorist group within Kusari as lawful. This, for the moment, cannot happen.
Quote:In addition, and as far as I know, I am not a public enemy, nor a menace, nuisance, setback, or any variation of this within the publicly available criminal databases within the Republic of Liberty. Lastly, I feel as though you do not remember a certain agreement that I cannot possibly hope to mention in a public channel such as this without misfortune upon myself.
Whichever agreement, verbal or written, you are referring to can be one of several things. It is either highly classified information which you do not have access to. Highly encrypted, which means reading it has made you an enemy of state. Otherwise it does not exist.
This is my final comment on the matter. Permission to access this frequency has been revoked. Should you have any further complaints, please direct this to your attorney who can raise it through the proper channels.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Greetings and excuse me, what? Illegal? Are we reading the same text of Laws of Republic of Liberty? Because Corsair weapons not listed as illegal, Ships yes, sure. Weapons - no. No, mean NO, mean N and O together. Mean legal. Can you please review it, i hope you'll change your mind because i already did some work for you in the past on old board.
Quote:[font=agency fb]
<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%][color=#CCFFFF][color=#FFFFFF]SECTION THREE : SHIPS AND WEAPONS[color=#FFFF]
I. Weaponry.
All types of weaponry are permitted in Liberty, with the exception of Rheinland manufactured guns (Firekiss, Flamecurse, Hornviper, Stealthblade series), Phantom labelled guns and Nomad weaponry. Anybody in possession of these weapons will be asked to dismount them and hand them to any station authority for transportation to Willard research station. All civilian installations are equipped to handle nomad material.
II. Small ships.
The possession of some small ships is illegal in Liberty. Small ships are classified as gunboats or anything below such as freighters and fighters. This most commonly applies to Freelancers and Mercenaries. The list is as follows:
Pilots flying these must either exit the house of Liberty immediately by the route specified by the officer on duty or turn the ship in for research or destruction purposes at the nearest station able to provide a replacement ship. Any resistance will result in the ship being destroyed.
There are, however, exceptions. Address any plea for exceptions to this law to the Liberty Navy Mid-Command. The list of exceptions are as follows: