(03-07-2016, 01:41 AM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: [6:39:37 PM] Arbi: Like we pull the nails from the rogues and shave their crotches with a rusty knife (evil)
[6:39:52 PM] Arbi: Dont context that xD
[15:58:53] Caelumaresh: a zoo in my country just got sued because the caretakers had sex with dolphins
[15:59:40] Werdackel [早苗]: wat
[15:59:41] Werdackel [早苗]: the
[15:59:42] Werdackel [早苗]: ****ing
[15:59:43] Werdackel [早苗]: ****
[16:00:04] Caelumaresh: Indeed
[16:00:08] Caelumaresh : My thoughts exactly
[16:00:42] Caelumaresh: **** that dolphin laddy, ****, that dolphin laddy...
[16:00:49] Caelumaresh: Oooooooooh, soooo deeeeeep!!
[16:00:58] Caelumaresh: (Imagine as a songtext)
[16:01:01] Werdackel [早苗]: Dude
[16:01:04] Werdackel [早苗]: Can I context it
[16:01:11] Caelumaresh Thomas: Yes
[16:01:12] Caelumaresh Thomas: Pls
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[11/03/2016, 21:43:50] Wulverine: i also refuse to accept that i am smaller than you
[11/03/2016, 21:43:59] Wulverine: so i am going to go get someone to measure me