(03-19-2016, 09:12 PM)sindroms Wrote: Perhaps the administration team has finally taken sense and are starting to remove all the unneeded people from the community for the sake of the new members, Lyth, so perhaps do not tempt them in that endeavor. Though that would be a damn shame seeing as though I like the community and would be sad to leave it.
Chuba's just a kid. Kids do dumb things. I think executing him rather than constructive punishment is overkill. Admins should be acting with a 'tough love' approach. Sanctions and probations should be constructive in nature. What the staff did was they probated him for 6 months (2 or 3 months would have been fairer) and then permabanned him for saying in Nomnom's thread "i'm new one of my ships was deleted i need ships". Fair enough - if you want to get taken seriously by the staff that's not the smartest thing to say, but by no means was it trolling or negative. No one was insulted or hurt. It was not something that breaks Disco's forum rules and gets someone a punishment typically. Honestly? They just threw a hammer at him for the sake of getting him out of their hair. What they did wasn't tough love. It was tough shit.
(03-19-2016, 09:14 PM)Drrobe Wrote: Actually Lyth, I closed it because we're discussing things. Not everyone is home/on Skype right now, so it can't happen as quickly as you'd like. Sorry, we have lives.
I closed it because you know as well as anyone that those threads are not for discussions. It even says so in the first post, and if you do you could be sanctioned/action taken. You ignored that. Granted, Shinju responded to you and didn't mention not posting in there, but you know very well that is NOT the place to discuss it. You really want to argue about something that has been in place for years, and you are now getting upset that I closed it? C'mon. You're smarter than that.
Understandable then. But some more transparency would be good, it really gives off the wrong message to lock it silently. But I'll still stand by my point that discussing unbanning him from the game doesn't require a vote or discussion. I'm upset that it was closed without notice. A verdict of some sort would at least have been good, regardless whether I'd have agreed on it or not.
(03-19-2016, 09:17 PM)Beast Wrote:
(03-19-2016, 09:03 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=137199
Silently closing a thread to dodge having to answer my posts because I'm pointing out a mistake is poor form. It's not the first time this has happened either. It's something I'd expect from a washed up faction leader trying to avoid critism over ganking or something - not the staff.
I can keep posting this all over and spreading it around the community. What are you going to do, ban me too?
And I suggest you think carefully before posting that you "don't care" or something snarky of that caliber. It doesn't instil (already declining) faith in the staff.
I think you should desist. Posting all over the forum will get you banned yes. Besides is it really worth it, your defending a guy who is a pest on this forum and has never had anything useful to say on this forum. Good riddances
I'm not going to argue against the fact that Chuba screwed up. I warned him to be careful. But I'll fight for his right for a fair and just punishment though.
(03-19-2016, 09:22 PM)Toris Wrote: I think we should restrain ourselves from discussing ban on Admins' thread - such a discussion never was and will never be healthy.
I sense bias comment.
In any case, this is an Admin Feedback Thread. I think what has been said has been said.
I think it's absolutely fair for Toris to be biased here. He was the one affected, and he certainly deserves justice. However I believe Chuba does as well.
Making a biased comment was never my intention. I only stated that we all should stop discussing it before something bad emerges from that - like a banhammer.
In all seriousness, lyth, why did he even do what he did?
You just said you told him to be careful. What happened that he just ignored everything and wanted to post a lolz 'i am noob gib me ship' ?
I had hoped a Probation would be a fitting way to sort him out. A perma is too extreme. Perhaps it might still deliver the same end result as a Probation, or maybe it might just make him stop playing here at all. Sanctions should be helping players understand and deal with their behaviours.
(03-19-2016, 09:36 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I had hoped a Probation would be a fitting way to sort him out. A perma is too extreme. Perhaps it might still deliver the same end result as a Probation, or maybe it might just make him stop playing here at all. Sanctions should be helping players understand and deal with their behaviours.
So what do you suggest after a person has been warned and sanctioned and temp banned several times?
What is more fitting ?
Actually, Lyth, you claiming that Chuba was using an alt without knowing that he shouldn't in this particular case is a bit illogical - considering that the thread that you linked to was exactly that: Chuba asking why he was permabanned using an alt. He could've just waited for a moment, then the sanction thread popped up. He could also have formulated his question more maturely. He didn't.
As much as I usually disagree with the Admins on many things, I think here they finally did something right. They reacted swiftly and cut down a known problem in the community. And no, Chuba being a child is not an excuse. He had multiple chances. How little the latest exploit is doesn't matter - he overstepped the boundaries again, and that tipped the balance. Yes, it might have been a minor offense, but it was an offense nonetheless, and Chuba has used up his chances on "lighter" treatment so often and freely, that he has shown how little respect he has for the forum rules and community. Other "children" are able to act far more maturely here. If he can't, he has no right to be here. It's that simple.
So, in that regard: A good move, greens. Thumbs up from me.