The stream flickers to life. Annora has the camera set on a stand pointed at her, in a sparse, slightly messy room. The rear wall has pipes showing through the haphazard paneling, and the only furnishing visible is a simple table with a chair pushed into it. She looks into the camera, standing in the middle of the room.
It has been some time, hasn't it?
A small smile grows on her face and she folds her arms.
I cannot truly remember the last time that I chose to speak publicly on a Gaian Guard channel. In case you have forgotten, or you were not aware in the first place, my name is Annora Ash. You may have some in your numbers who are familiar with me, as I did have...
She pauses as she searches for a good word.
...a reputation. I once led the Gaian Underloch, one of the more militant cells of the Gaian cause, and, in the wake of the Underloch's collapse, I also attempted to start another cell known as the Circle.
She smiles sadly.
Unfortunately, it didn't take root. But, it seems that you have all done well for yourself, as I cannot help but hear about you from the shadows I've chosen to dwell in of late.
She furrows her brow with a frown.
As it now stands, however, I'm weary of hiding.
I'm weary of the inaction that I've brought upon myself as I sit in apathy, watching Gaia and the rest of Sirius burn from the irresponsibility of others. I'm weary of feeling as though I have abandoned my people in their time of need. I'm weary of ignoring the call to arms.
Perhaps there is no longer a place for me. But, know that I am here, and I will no longer suffer the injustices inflicted upon nature idly. If you will have me, I will pledge my hand and sword to the Gaians once again, and rise to meet the duty I have so long neglected.
Gaia will not bleed.
Annora steps over to the camera and reaches around to a button somewhere on the side. The feed cuts.
It's good to see you again. It's been a few months since I had to disappear as well from The Circle and I fell really bad. I know how do you feel and you can be more than sure I will welcome my fellow member from The Circle with opened arms.
Come to Islay, and I will share details and important stuff.
Good evening and what-have-yeh. Ye can call me Tad, Tad Mundy. I'm one of the best big-game-hunters that you'll find planetside on Gaia herself. You wouldn't believe the massive ex-pet predators that bloody Spa & Cruise tourists can leave unattended or flat-out release. For quite a while now I've been part-a the teams trackin' them down. Trackin' the foreign species too, that is.
You'll find all th'relevant template information attached to the transmission. Truth be told I'm only in space again because Annora's been buggin' me about it for months by now.
- - - - - - - - - -
Name: Thaddeus "Tad" Mundy
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: "Chameleon"-class Space Superiority Fighter
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: Planet Leeds, Leeds (Prefer not to disclose date of birth)
Current Gaian station residence: Torshavn Space Port, Cambridge
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: "The Circle" Cell, serving under Annora Ash.
Reasons for joining: I know exactly what happens when people meddle in stuff that they don't understand. We saw it at Leeds, we saw it in the Nomad War, and we're gonna see it with Harris, California Minor, and possibly Gaia herself unless we do something soon, and drastic.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? : I'm gonna go out on a limb and say California Minor. I've got a really bad feeling about the ice melting and turning that planet from an Arctic to an oceanic world.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?: Prominently display my hunting weapons, tools, and trophies to let them know that I've killed a Los Angeles lungshark with only a knife and my teeth. Not even counting my guns.
Name: Levi Ramos Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: Ahah! The bartender turned on! Ship? Lets see.. I don't have a ship, I do have a horse though. I'm pretty sure I can train it to swim through water more efficiently if I make it practice some. I bet I can make 'em swim faster than any of your ships will move. Come forth with your challa-.. ohh, there's more? Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: That big thing outside New London. Waterloo, that's it. I haven't lived in a station in a very long time however, having moved over to Gran Canaria. Lovely place. Natives are rough though. I've grown very, very fond of the forests and animals inside though. Have you 'seen' those overlooks to the oceans? It's glorious I tell you, glorious! Current Gaian station residence: Back in the day when I was sober.. About three beers ago.. I remember looking over somethin' like this. Compared to places on the map, Islay looks pretty homey. I could get used to living in a station. That one seems to be in the center of diverse somethin-or-anothers. Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: Never called m'self Gaian before. No affiliation back to there. Although there was a time where I jumped off an overlook into the ocean, hit some rocks at the bottom (Gravity, why have you failed me) and was brought to the hospital. Escaping from the hospital by jumping off the overlook that was behind it and hitting more rocks. This process repeated a few times, before they decided to try restraining me. Almost called the police. Thankfully on my last one out, I stole someones horse and got away. Hah. Take that police force. Too slippery for you. Reasons for joining: On a more serious note, the enviroment has always been something which I can't tear my mind away from. The nature of things are just so.. peaceful. Animals doing their own things, being housed by the ever large growths of forests, oceans catering to the sea-life.. And then you have the humans. No respect, whatsoever. Going in with their chainsaws, harpoons, toxic gasses, even with those big wood chippers I started to call.. uhh.. 'Growly'. That's it.
At any rate, i'm getting sick and tired of it. Ruining the balance of things out there is one way to make me mad. Humans like us shouldn't be allowed to disrupt the natural beauty. Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? Umm i'm biased as heck, although Gran Canaria I do have to say needs to be watched. The balance is getting very, very bad. The climate is starting to change. Some plants are starting to die as a whole. I don't know what it's from, although the industry I have a huge sinking feeling is at fault for this. You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why? Well! Isn't this a loaded question! First, i'd walk up to 'em, probably leaning against the BMM guys shoulder, and casually start a conversation. "Hey there guys. Lovely agriculture, don't you think?" Or somethin' like that. It gotta be smooth. Suddenly, then they are confused, i'd throw down a smoke-bomb which I made out of half bio-degraded fruits which were thrown out and a lot of onion salt.
In ta' chaos, i'd open my backpack and shovel dirt that I always plan to carry around on me, into their pockets and down their shirts. Next up, i'd grab their ID cards and swap who has what. After the smoke was gone, i'd be all like "Lookin' good. I know a horse who looked as good as all of you"
Then proceeding to use my super-good running away without screaming skills to hopefully get away. I knew runnin' from those Lion like things were good practice.
It's good to see new old face from the Gaian Guard Circle, honestly... I am missing old days, but times always change and we have to fight for Gaia herself again. As I said, all Gaians from the Circle Guard are welcome with opened arms.
Levi Ramos,
You are quite strange person you know? I love it, because normal people are just boring ha? About your horse, if you we can find something for your lil pet on Islay or in the other case we can find a peaceful place on Gaia's surface. Uh... Is your head alright?
Anyway you seem to be alright, and I hope you will enjoy Dragons and Dinnosaurs soon!
At present, I'm learning to fly my nifty, new Panther Bomber under the callsign "Morbid.Zen"
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:
I was born on Islay Station back in 785.
When I was a child, I was the first Gaian to grow an organic tomato plant within the lower caverns of the station by simple trial and error with nitrogen ratios in the soil I composted myself, which eventually led to the massive greening of the Level 66 Project by my uncle Grim, so I guess It wouldn't be incorrect to say that I'm the original Green Hellspawn :: shrug ::
I was arrested and thrown in prison back when I was a teenager. During my stay, they forced a neural net install in my frontal lobe to keep me tagged like an animal (which they completely effin' botched) & to this day, I get massive headaches from simple N.N. communications. On the plus side though, I've adapted a very high tolerance to pain.
In my early 30's after surviving my Guard trials, I was awarded leadership of a small covert cell of six, codenamed "The Plague Dogs."
Our mission was to infect our traditional Gaian enemies with specific, genetically engineered filoviruses derived from the Ebola family. (which is where my nickname and chest-branding originates.) It was ultimately a failure, and I left the cell in disgust after learning the Marburg virus was not as genetically specific to our enemies as I was led to believe by my handler, and as I'm a carrier of this dormant virus, had it been communicable as originally planned, I could have ended up inadvertently killing millions, if not billions of people as a type of "Typhoid Jerry" for lack of a better term.
I waited until our annual Festival of Blights celebration on Islay a few months later to publicly confront my handler (who was also, indecently, the closest thing I had to a father figure) to a public fight to the death and survived ::barely:: by ripping his throat out with my teeth...after his death rattle, I took his place as Manager of the Green Hell, as was my right.
I also during that time took leadership of Nature's Last Hope for years until it ran its course (but that's a long story for another time)
Since then, I've continued to run the Hell in tandem with Uncle Banger, but since the Gaul invasion, Hell ain't what it used to be & I've honestly neglected my duties, leaving it to Gaia's whims while I've been searching for a new life. I've been watching you Watchers as ally, friend and outsider for a long time, and I believe that new life begins now if you'll have me.
Current Gaian station residence:
At this point in time, I consider myself a dual resident of both Islay & Klaksvic
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:
"The Plague Dogs" "Nature's Last Hope" (as illustrated above) and for a very short amount of time, the "Gaian Underloch"
Reasons for joining:
Also illustrated above. As far as the Underloch, I formed it as an evolution of the NLH, but I quickly lost heart in my ability to be a good leader and set it free to fly without me.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?
Primarily, Harris. I'm a major proponent for a free Edinburgh and as it's so close to our space, it needs a very close eye.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?
I feel it difficult to be 100% honest here specifically, as I'm such a creature of feral instinct...let's just say without having to go into too much detail, that since I have never witnessed any proof in my life that the dead are able to suffer, I would tell them all to run. If they did, I would run after them; If they stood their ground, I happily wouldn't kill them...I'd simply make them wish they had chosen to run, leaving them whimpering for their mothers, literally as half the men they used to be, or proudly die for Gaia in the attempt.
The naked chest decided to hop in, hm? Missed that view, to be honest.
Welcome aboard Damien. I hope you'll stay for longer with us. We need more experienced people in here.
And I'll have what to look at in the meantime.
Just not when I'm handling diplomacy, kay?
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:
A Panther bomber... recently stolen from BPA custody. I've yet to give it a callsign, but all in good time.
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:
I was born on Sandur Station, 799 A.S. I was raised there too, through the hell of the Gallic invasion and all the other mess the fallback brought.
At a young age, I was fortunate enough to be taken on an expedition to Gaia. Oh! I will never forget the sights, the smells, the fresh air! I have never felt so alive, and it was at that moment it all made sense. I knew what we were fighting for! I dedicated the rest of my year studying ships... how they worked... how to fly them... how to get every last drop of efficiency out of the limited supplies we had. I even managed to build a fully solar powered fighter! Not so impressive now... sure... but at the time!
I worked as an engineer on Sandur, believing that it was doing the Gaian cause some good. All that changed when I was taken out to witness a raid by my sister. Flying too close to a BPA patrol, she was shot through the cockpit and I was ejected into space. The patrol detained me, and brought me to New London awaiting trial. Ba! The irony of it all was that it all took place in an edifice to their own ignorance... The Southampton Debris field!
I.....I do not feel comfortable describing what I had to do to escape on such a public neural net feed... but nevertheless, I managed to escape detention, and as fate would have it, there it was. A Gaian Panther just waiting for me with a full load of torpedoes still in the hold! Jumped in, shot the hanger doors apart and flew off without a second thought.
A day later... I meet Flora and Wildcat
Current Gaian station residence:
Estranged from Sandur base, for fear of breaking the news of my sisters death to my parents, I dwell on Torshavn.
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:
None thus far.
Reasons for joining:
As mentioned above... Gaia, and those planets like it, must not be lost. Sirius would loose it's soul to house corruption if left unguarded.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?
Gaia herself... she is being held to ransom by the Gallic forces. She must be freed before their folly learns new bounds!
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?
"A PlanetForm, OSC and BMM fly to a Junker station. Whilst they are there, they bump into a Gaian who was happily strolling back to his docking bay. "Ah, look!" They said, "it's one of those hippie planet lovers!" The Gaian, acting in total dismay at the comments, lights some cigarettes "No need for hostilities chaps, here, have a roller." The three men take the cigarettes, smoke them, and say "Hey, are you having one?" "I don't smoke", was the reply "and neither will Gaia". The three men collapse, to high to remain conscious. The Gaian leaves, after taking their ID details and callsigns...
I send this to you and wait in hope that my application to the Watchers will be accepted.
Karl Jetsom
I'm sorry to hear about your sister, Karl, and I more than understand your reasons to leave Sandur.
I'll make sure that you'll get a proper place to live on Torshavn.
I'm more than happy to welcome you to the family. I'll poke our guys from Cambridge to get you prepared.