Nav data: 1
Survey notes: The Hessian-Corsair conflict's eternal warzone. Very high Hessian and Corsair presence on both sides of the Hammen Hole (guarded by weapon platforms and the middle scattered with mines and wrecks) in the center of the system. The Hole wasn't well-mapped due to high Corsair activity and hazards derived from the number of mines scattered around said zone.
Nav data: 2
Survey notes: One of New Moscow's entrances. Substantial Hessian and Corsair activity in here, mostly around the Omega-5, Omega-3 and Omega-47 jumpholes. Aside of this, a pretty much desolate system.
Nav data: 3
Survey notes: One of Omicron Gamma's backdoors. Due to the central Neutron Star, and the surrounding fragment field, there is background radiation that increases in intensity the more you near the Neutron Star. Substantial activity through the systems, from Hessians to Corsairs, Zoners, Bounty Hunters, and sometimes even Wild patrols. Advised caution.
Nav data: 4
Survey notes: The Corsair pigs' homeworld. Several entrances via jumpholes have been found through the system. Of course, there is extremely high Corsair presence in here, as well as the presence of capital patrols, up to dreadnoughts, mostly around Planet Crete. Extreme caution is advised when traversing the system.
Nav data: 5
Survey notes: Despite being located in the deep Omegas, this systems contains medium-high activity from various factions - Corsairs, Core, Hessians, Junkers, Coalition and Wild. Three asteroid fields, each one has at least a jumphole - 4 jumpholes in total. Junker presence originated from Kreutzwald. Core patrols have been tracked down to a station called Dagger Outpost, orbiting Planet Absconsum. Above the sun there's a Wild station - however, there is a 16-click radius where sensor efficiency is severely reduced - and Wild patrols are heavily concentrated around the station. I also discovered something unusual - within Sector Charlie-Seven there is a Benitez ship graveyard. There also is the presence of a Wilde Comm Array and four Weapon Platforms - I suggested that said array attracted these Benitez ships there, and then they were crushed by Wild forces. Blackboxes indicate that the pilots are MIA, and the ships are empty. Two more ships detected orbiting Absconsum - named 'Der Rote Baron' and 'Cosme de Churruca' - the latter had [REDACTED] artifacts onboard, them being brought to Mykolaiv for research. Extreme caution advised due to Wild presence.
Nav data: 1
Survey notes: The various jumpholes have re-opened in different locations, a portion of the Walker nebula offshoots seems to have drifted away, and the Accretion Disk seems to have coalesced in a sort of elliptical shape around the young sun of the system. Corsair presence has increased slightly.
I then made way to Omega-47 and based myself off Viernheim, to make a patrol route in the nearby Melilla asteroid field. Not much after I entered the system, I detected a jumphole anomaly - my scanner's results indicated that it linked to a system called 'Omega-58'. Since I was curious, I decided to enter the system, and take a look.
At first it seemed empty and quiet - but it didn't remain like that for long. I saw a station reminiscent of a shipyard from my position, and I decided to near to gain info. As I neared, the phenomenon that I witnessed in New Bejing happened - sensors went to an all-time low, and infectee fighter wings were deployed to take me down. It was a hard fight, but all of the wings were downed, and many pilots were taken for custody. I also captured several Corsair pilots that dared to intrude into New Moscow. Needless to say, they were no match for the People's power.
Details below.
|---| N° 16 Wild pilots detained for custody at Mykolaiv.
- n° 12 Corsair pilots under custody on Zhukovsky.
That is all for now, kamerades. For the Revolution!
- Michel De Grasse
:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
TARGET ID: Michel De Grasse
SUBJECT: Your Work
"We have been watching you for quite some time now. You have seen things that would send most screaming for the hills of JiangXi in terror. And yet you persisted when otherwise you would have gone mad.
The Commissariat and the Ministry may find some use for one such as yourself. Thus I have decided to handle this matter....Personally.
You are to join the Ministry of Truth as a member of the Commissariat, there will be no debate about this Comrade, for it is after-all the only logical solution.
The next time I see a transmission from you I suggest for your own health you refer to yourself as Commissar. Outside your quarters a package has been delivered with your Uniform and Access Codes. You will accept these which indicate your new station within the People's Republic and the Ministry of Truth.
I look forward to hearing more from you...Commissar De Grasse. "
Strength in Cooperation, Power through Innovation, Peace from Truth
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
Nav Data: 1
Survey Notes: The Molly movement's cradle. The system contains four asteroid field, three of which brimming with Gold Ore ready to be mined. In the north, the Independent and Hood fields - the latter containing the Dublin Racetrack, while in the south there are the BMM and Molly fields - the first contains the BMM-controlled Graves Station, while the latter contains our Molly friends' main base of operations - Arranmore.
Corsair patrols often spotted in the Molly Gold field - most of the times dispatched by local patrols. IMG maintains a presence on the old Battleship Hood. High density of BMM convoys, patrols as well as BAF light, heavy and capital patrols between Graves and the New London jump gate. Advised extreme caution at all times.
Nav Data: 2
Survey Notes: A system located to the south of the Cambridge system, has access to Omega-49 via jumphole. Speaking of which, there is a Corsair Battleship, the Fes, hovering approx. 14 klicks above the plane and nearby said jumphole - this is the origin of Corsair presence in Poole and its neighbouring systems. Contains a jumphole to Cambridge itself as well as to Dublin. Within the Torfaen field there is a Planetform mining operation. Two stations near Lyndhurst - the Gateway-owned Caernafon and the Reapers of Sirius-owned Milazzo Outpost. Near Studland two more stations owned by Planetform and Bretonia Police. In the north of the Torfaen field, there's the Ulster Cloud, that shrouds two Molly stations - Fort Coleraine and Foyle Shipyard - located above the cloud's plane. I have to be honest in saying that I stumbled upon them as a fortuitous case, as I was exploring the Ulster Cloud to check for any enemy station. There also is the Kilrea colony orbiting Planet Cork, owned by Mollies of course. Extreme caution advised as a Corsair capital vessel is present within the system. I suspect that said battleship might be the origin of Corsair patrol around Omega-49, Poole, Dublin and Bretonia in general.
:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Opening Video Feed ::
:: ID: Michel De Grasse ::
:: Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, New Moscow ::
:: Rank: Commissar ::
:: Encryption: EXTREME ::
:: Commlink Established ::
Privyet, kamerades. Commissar De Grasse, reporting.
I've undertook another trip to the Omicrons. I forward the complete mapping of the Omicron Theta and Kappa systems.
All found below.
Nav Data: 1
Survey Notes: A system connecting the Sigma cluster and Kusari with the Omicrons. Has jumpholes leading to Omicron Kappa, Sigma-17 and Omicron Gamma. There is a Zoner presence within the system - its origins are from Corfu Base and Freeport 9 - the latter being frequented by Bounty Hunters and Corsairs at most. Within the Amarus Cloud, lies Planet Vespus - two installations have been found within its orbit. One is called Sydney Station - I wasn't able to dock at it, unfortunately. The other one is more interesting - an Order battleship named Canaan. From what I heard, it is the most recent 'inhabitant' of said system. Moderate caution at all times when traversing.
Nav Data: 2
Survey Notes: The Gammuian AI's cradle system. Has jumpholes leading to the Omicron Delta, Theta, Gamma and Chi systems. There is a Corsair presence nearby the Omicron Gamma jumphole in the form of a base named Ciutadella Outpost. Zoners are present here as well, with two bases - Corinth Research Station and Livadia Shipyard. Aside of the AI drones patrolling the whole system and the Zoner and Corsair vessels, I noticed Core and [REDACTED] presence within the system. Origin of [REDACTED] presence has been backtracked to the jumphole which leads to Omicron Chi. Core presence can be backtracked to Omicron Delta. I tried to map Chi as well, but not only the scanners within the system just don't work - there also is a heavy [REDACTED] presence all around. I was lucky to escape from there in one piece. Extreme caution advised at all times.
During my time there, I took an assignment to terminate none other than those AI drones. I counted 12 Sentinel-type AI drones in total, none survived. I have tractored each drone's black box and stored all the information they had into my hand-made storage matrix that I always bring along with me - call it a 'precaution' in case my ship gets disabled. Transmitting to Mykolaiv's R&D now.
|----| = Encrypting transmission channel =
= Initiating transfer.....25%....50%....75%...100% =
= Transfer completed successfully =
Since there were so much informations within those black boxes, I found convenient to write down a wrap-up to ease our scientists' work.
I triangulated the drones' point of origin - tracing them back to Gammu, as usual with the AI. Yet, I discovered that they are not linked to the main PRIME AI structure, but instead they're linked to an independent AI structure. I also found intel that the AI have repurposed a derelict depot within the Omicron Lost system - named Outpost Secundus. From what I found, it seems it is the first project for the AI to expand their presence outside Gammu and Omicron Kappa itself. The outpost is located in orbit of Planet Moros and it seems to be only defended by a contingent of Sentinel drones. The rest of the information mostly concerns their patrol routes around Kappa, Delta and Lost. In addition, it seems that most of the Harvester-class vessels the AI employ are under the PRIME AI. I will make another trip to the Omicrons to find said Outpost.
:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
(//OORP: I took two missions (one in Delta vs AI, one in O-52 vs Wild) and killed NPCs for both the AI blackbox RP and the Wild pilots. Can't really do that much if no official player is around. Just so you know.
:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Opening Video Feed ::
:: ID: Michel De Grasse ::
:: Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, New Moscow ::
:: Rank: Commissar ::
:: Encryption: EXTREME ::
:: Commlink Established ::
Privyet, kamerades. Commissar De Grasse, reporting.
I have recently been given command of the CPW-Aurora in order to further complete more assignments for the Commissariat.
Needless to say, its first sortie under my orders was very fruitful.
We set a course to the Omicrons in order to obtain some [REDACTED] samples for our R&D teams. We were very fruitful as 21 samples were retrieved. The trip back and forth from the Omicrons was very uneventful. As I entered New Moscow, though, Zvezdny Gorodok's radar control informed me that several Wild light patrols (13 snubcrafts in total) have been seen entering the Motherland from the [REDACTED] jumphole. As we were still on duty, we made sure none of them went back. All 13 pilots were downed and taken into custody, as well as three pieces of [REDACTED] adapted weaponry. I have met with TOR-TWO for the transfer, which was successful.
Below, the manifests.
|----| n° 21 [REDACTED] remains collected and n° 13 Wild pilots under custody.
- n° 3 [REDACTED] adapted weaponry samples.
That is all for now, kamerades.
For the People's Revolution,
- Michel De Grasse
:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
// OORP Note: NPCs were killed. I would have liked to see more officials logged, but it's pretty hard to see them.
:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Opening Video Feed ::
:: ID: Michel De Grasse ::
:: Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, New Moscow ::
:: Rank: Commissar ::
:: Encryption: EXTREME ::
:: Commlink Established ::
Privyet, kamerades. Commissar De Grasse, reporting.
These days saw me far away from the Motherland, to be precise within the Royalists' corrupted den - Gallia.
Like Kamerad Ledovskoy, I mapped the requested systems, and my intel is exactly the same as his.
Yet, I added a couple systems to my list - Ile-De-France and Picardy.
All related intel found below.
Nav Data: 1
Survey Notes: It felt strange for me to return to Ile-De-France again, after all this time. But I digress.
Needless to say - it's the Gallic homeworld. I'll divide the system in two parts, to simplify: north and south.
In the north, the Oise asteroid field, in which we find 2 jumpholes leading respectively to Burgundy and Picardy, a Gallic Junker base named Beaumont (casually, like the one in Texas), and Planet Creil, with the Senlis Cloud coalesced around it, is found. Within the cloud, the jumpgate to Picardy is located. Still in the north of the system, there also is an EFL-owned station called Beauvais Production Facility, and three Royal Police bases - Versailles Residence, Compiegne Space Colony and Aubigny. The latter's an inhabitated moon that produces the fuel for Gallic engines - Oil. Going on-to the south, we find the Chevreuse field, where the Orleanais jumphole is found. There is the capital planet, New Paris, whose docking rings are under GRP control, like the two stations orbiting the planet: Montmartre and Fontainebleau. The GRN, of course, has its presence in the system under the guise of Rambouillette Shipyard, Melun Research Institution and the battleship Montreuil. Orbiting Creteil's biggest moon, Brunoy, is a GRP prison station, Fleury-Merogis. To the south there is the Valenciennes nebula, that harbors Avon Hideout, run by the Maquis.
Given the fact that it is a capital system, should we think of making sorties within it, we have to expect an overzealous presence of Royalists.
And mostly, be aware of capital patrols.
Nav Data: 2
Survey Notes: Located roughly north-east of the Ile-De-France system. We can find one of the jumpholes leading to the Council's cradle system - Champagne - to the north, within the Doullens field, guarded by Battleship La Fierte. The De Crecy field is located near the Doullens field, and houses the Guise facility run by GMS. From Guise, using trade lanes, we find the GRN-owned Fort Etaples and the EFL-owned Haute-Seine Shipyard. To the north of said station, the Calais research facility is located. Within the Somme field (where these stations are located) there are two Brigand bases - Boulogne and Ecommoy. Going south of the field there is the Abbeville production facility run by EFL. South of it, there is a sealed Jump Gate guarded by battleship Saumur. Going east of Abbeville, we reach the system's capitol - Planet Amiens. Keeping east will take to the Ile-De-France jumpgate, while heading north will take to the Peronne platform (owned by IDF Shipping) and the Saint-Quentin colony (owned by the GRP. Nearby, orbiting Planet Laon, there's the prison station La Fere.
Behind Amiens, we find the jumphole to Ile-De-France and Eplessier Depot, owned by the Maquis. I also noticed an atmospheric entry point to a camp under Council control.
Many Royalists stood in my way, and I kept finding light patrols at every corner. They went down like flies.
I also met several capital patrols, which I dodged carefully.
All the Royalist pods I tractored have been left on Sevastopol, and the pilots have been already sent to the brigs.
|----| n° 20 Royal Navy pilots under custody on Sevastopol.
- n° 21 Royal Police pilots under custody on Sevastopol.
That is all for now, kamerades.
For the People's Revolution,
- Michel De Grasse
:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
// OORP Note: NPCs were killed, again. They tried to throw capitals at me, failing because I dodged them.
After collecting the latest Coalition approved edition of the "Communist Manifesto" from our comrades at Bruschal I set about Rheinland attempting to spread the word of Marx to the unenlightened. I merely desire that pilots tractor in one of the copies that I leave for them in space, hoping to raise class consciouness and increase support for our Revolutionary Movement. Alas, the brainwashing of the capitalist system appears as strong as ever.
Firstly, almost immediately I encountered a Gateway transported filled with alloy, who was, alas, extremely unco-operative and despite numerous polite requests, unwilling to realise that his work was unwittingly enabling the capitalist system.
Quote:[25.05.2017 17:48:37] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Comrades
[25.05.2017 17:48:44] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Have you heard the good news?
[25.05.2017 17:48:54] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Now now
[25.05.2017 17:48:58] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: That's not the spirit!"
[25.05.2017 17:49:14] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I just wish to talk
[25.05.2017 17:49:22] VultureSam: i think
[25.05.2017 17:49:22] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: please comrade
[25.05.2017 17:49:23] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: stop
[25.05.2017 17:49:42] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I promise
[25.05.2017 17:49:48] VultureSam: kill me or leave me...
[25.05.2017 17:49:54] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Sigh
[25.05.2017 17:49:59] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Ca\pitalists
[25.05.2017 17:50:08] Death: COMMODUS was put out of action by LNS-Starlight (Gun).
[25.05.2017 17:52:49] "Bullhead": // next time chap
[25.05.2017 17:55:09] Death: VultureSam was put out of action by SCRA|Vasily.Dudko (Gun).
[25.05.2017 17:55:13] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Shame
After a brief restock at Bruchsal, I was fortunate enough to meet up with a Hessian battleship flown by one "Baron Franz.Carl". I re-engaged in my mission, hoping that a Hessian battleship might make the proletariat more willing to open their ears.
Whilst moving through the Omegas we came across several Bretonians who desired nothing more than to earn the approval of their feudal overlords through the silencing of our movement. They even brought in battleships of their own:
Quote:[25.05.2017 18:33:57] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: What a surprise
[25.05.2017 18:34:02] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: Communists reaching out a bit far it seems.
[25.05.2017 18:34:04] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: The forces of reaction have arrived
[25.05.2017 18:34:17] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: All I desire
[25.05.2017 18:34:24] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Is to open the minds of the proletariat
[25.05.2017 18:34:34] Baron-Franz.Carl: bombers?
[25.05.2017 18:34:37] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: And the lackeys of the nobility are here to crush all free thought
[25.05.2017 18:34:47] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: VHF
[25.05.2017 18:35:02] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: All I desire is to see Bretonia without filth like you polluting it.
[25.05.2017 18:35:16] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Are there not some Gauls you should be failing to get out of Leeds?
[25.05.2017 18:35:20] PTMC-Ahayweh.Charter: Revolutions don't work.
[25.05.2017 18:35:32] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I think you'll find
[25.05.2017 18:35:36] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: I'm a bit far from Leeds now dont you think?
[25.05.2017 18:35:48] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles
[25.05.2017 18:35:50] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: I'm not going anywhere.
[25.05.2017 18:35:54] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: And neither are you.
[25.05.2017 18:36:06] Baron-Franz.Carl: Spread The Word
[25.05.2017 18:36:11] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Tell me captain, were you born in to the ruling class? Or have you betrayed the workers for 30 pieces of silver?
[25.05.2017 18:36:32] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: None of your concern.
[25.05.2017 18:36:41] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: I'm not here to discuss my childhood.
[25.05.2017 18:37:03] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I don't suppose you would be interested in some reading material?
[25.05.2017 18:37:13] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: another hostile
[25.05.2017 18:37:41] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: All I wish is to raise class consciouness
[25.05.2017 18:37:51] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: Stall them officer.
[25.05.2017 18:37:53] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: What reading?
[25.05.2017 18:37:54] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: I'll be back.
[25.05.2017 18:38:06] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I have a pamphlet
[25.05.2017 18:38:11] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I am trying to get people to read
[25.05.2017 18:38:16] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Righto...leave me hanging with the Hessian cap and the revolutionary..
[25.05.2017 18:38:25] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I have no desire for violence
[25.05.2017 18:38:28] BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan: Oh relax.
[25.05.2017 18:38:29] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Unless forced to it
[25.05.2017 18:38:31] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: What is the name of this document?
[25.05.2017 18:38:41] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: It comes from ancient Sol
[25.05.2017 18:38:47] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: It is called "The Communist Manifesto"
[25.05.2017 18:38:52] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Ah
[25.05.2017 18:38:57] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Marxism
[25.05.2017 18:39:01] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: An ancient rhinelander explains society
[25.05.2017 18:39:05] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Open your eyes officer
[25.05.2017 18:39:08] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: BREAK THE CONDITIONING
[25.05.2017 18:39:18] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Yes sir, I studied Political theory
[25.05.2017 18:39:31] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Now be honest, are you interested in reading this?
[25.05.2017 18:39:38] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: I did.
[25.05.2017 18:39:42] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Well.
[25.05.2017 18:39:45] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Sort off
[25.05.2017 18:39:52] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Or are you just stalling so you can bring some reactionary battleship to attack me and my friend?
[25.05.2017 18:39:56] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: I glanced at it a while ago
[25.05.2017 18:40:12] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: For you comrade
[25.05.2017 18:40:17] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: What the BAF does, I have no control over
[25.05.2017 18:40:33] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Argh these damn bretonians
[25.05.2017 18:40:39] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: All these potential comrades being missed
[25.05.2017 18:40:44] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Because I am stuck talking to them
[25.05.2017 18:40:50] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Funny thing really
[25.05.2017 18:40:50] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Constable...
[25.05.2017 18:40:56] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Oh dear.
[25.05.2017 18:41:02] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Ah Commodore.
[25.05.2017 18:41:02] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Good grief
[25.05.2017 18:41:08] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: bomber
[25.05.2017 18:41:17] Baron-Franz.Carl: i see
[25.05.2017 18:41:24] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Officer, I have not been hostile
[25.05.2017 18:41:33] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: No, you haven't
[25.05.2017 18:41:33] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I am a moving library of sorts
[25.05.2017 18:41:40] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: So I see.
[25.05.2017 18:41:43] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: However
[25.05.2017 18:41:45] Baron-Franz.Carl: That move, what was that?
[25.05.2017 18:41:50] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: You have two civilians
[25.05.2017 18:41:59] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I rescued them
[25.05.2017 18:42:01] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: they were stuck in space
[25.05.2017 18:42:02] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: and your fellow here has a number of people in his hold
[25.05.2017 18:42:11] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: How did they get into space?
[25.05.2017 18:42:29] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: *Sighs*
[25.05.2017 18:42:42] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: The historical dialectic
[25.05.2017 18:42:46] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: I do wonder what they will do if I decide on a stroll in Omega-52.
[25.05.2017 18:42:55] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Why does anything ever happen?
[25.05.2017 18:43:02] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Reaction.
[25.05.2017 18:43:21] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Commodore
[25.05.2017 18:43:27] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Are you interested in some reading materials?
[25.05.2017 18:43:30] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: No.
[25.05.2017 18:43:37] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: A closed mind
[25.05.2017 18:43:41] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: A shame
[25.05.2017 18:43:48] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Already have read all your military dictatorship has to offer.
[25.05.2017 18:44:05] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Closed minds are pretty safe though, You must admit that
[25.05.2017 18:44:22] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: And funny you should say that. Coming from a Communist.
[25.05.2017 18:44:24] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: I will not take insults from feudal underlings who put down the workers to serve their masters
[25.05.2017 18:44:28] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: See?
[25.05.2017 18:44:37] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Now now
[25.05.2017 18:44:38] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: bretonia can never be free under monarchy
[25.05.2017 18:44:45] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: What?
[25.05.2017 18:44:46] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Sirius can never be free under capitalism
[25.05.2017 18:44:49] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: See?
[25.05.2017 18:44:53] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Who is the closed mind?
[25.05.2017 18:45:05] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Sir, you have every right to think what you wish
[25.05.2017 18:45:10] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: You do not however
[25.05.2017 18:45:18] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Have the right to act on everything to think.
[25.05.2017 18:45:24] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: *you think
[25.05.2017 18:45:30] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: My only action is to offer something to read
[25.05.2017 18:45:36] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: and this is rejected by your "commodore"
[25.05.2017 18:45:42] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Which in itself is not a crime
[25.05.2017 18:45:44] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Because I have read it.
[25.05.2017 18:46:00] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: You will, however surrender thos pilots
[25.05.2017 18:46:09] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: I tire of this.
[25.05.2017 18:46:10] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Furthermore
[25.05.2017 18:46:18] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: What on earth
[25.05.2017 18:46:20] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: Your ships are Illegal.
[25.05.2017 18:46:33] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: The forces of reaction show their true nature
[25.05.2017 18:46:38] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: and resort to violence
[25.05.2017 18:46:45] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: What violence?
[25.05.2017 18:46:54] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: My comrade was under attack
[25.05.2017 18:46:55] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: You know, Mr. Communist.
[25.05.2017 18:46:59] BPA)Con.John.Steiner: I have not seen any shooting, have you Commodore?
[25.05.2017 18:47:08] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: I will read what you have.
[25.05.2017 18:47:09] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Gosh even more of you
[25.05.2017 18:47:16] BAF|HMS-Enterprise: Brennan: This is Captain Brennan aboard the Enterprise reporting in.
[25.05.2017 18:47:20] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: But after get it from the remains of your ship.
[25.05.2017 18:47:29] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Captain Brennan.
[25.05.2017 18:47:30] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: So be it
[25.05.2017 18:47:35] SCRA|Vasily.Dudko: Death to the enemies of the people
[25.05.2017 18:47:46] BAF|Cdre.Kazeagon: Destroy that ship.
[25.05.2017 18:47:49] BAF|HMS-Enterprise: Brennan: The Enterprise is ready to engage.
[25.05.2017 18:48:00] BAF|HMS-Enterprise: Brennan: Very well, turrets, fire!
[25.05.2017 18:49:24] BAF|HMS-Enterprise: Brennan: It's going down.
During the fighting, some of our Hessian comrades came to our aid, including the RHC Hanse, the RHA Xiang.Xi, and Nicolae.Kaputski. During the fighting my bomber was badly damaged and I was forced to attempt escape after I was unable to salvage it. Fortunately, I hear the Hessians were able to destroy some of the Bretonians after I had to get away.
:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Opening Video Feed ::
:: ID: Michel De Grasse ::
:: Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, New Moscow ::
:: Rank: Commissar ::
:: Encryption: EXTREME ::
:: Commlink Established ::
Privyet, kamerades. Commissar De Grasse, reporting.
I undertook a small survey within New Bejing in order to check on the Kamchatka colony orbiting Estergebirge several days ago. The colony's fine and running good. Yet, several Wild patrols were seen at sensor range. I went in to intercept, resulting in all of them being terminated. Captured pilots, as well as a couple pieces of [REDACTED] adapted weaponry have been already transfered onboard TOR-TWO.
Today, while on patrol alongside the CPW Lenin commanded by Field Marshal Selim, the defense grid was alerted of a vessel intruding New Moscow. We flew across the whole system to intercept said vessel, and I succeeded in said action in orbit of planet Volgograd. Said vessel, codename Wadi, flew a 'Bishamon'-class GMG Gunboat with Bounty Hunter transponders, basic gunboat armaments. As I stopped him, he didn't answer back, instead he fired at me, even at Field Marshal Selim's request. With the help of the Lenin's gunnery crew, he was brought down, and my Catapult missile salvo dealt the crippling blow. The debris, as well as Field Marshal Selim, can confirm. Proof below.
|----| n° 2 [REDACTED] adapted weaponry - already on TOR-TWO.
- n° 8 Wild pilots and n° 2 Corsair pilots - on TOR-TWO already.
- Wadi Kill Confirmation
- Pile of debris from Wadi
That is all for now, kamerades.
For the People's Revolution,
- Michel De Grasse
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:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
Nav Data: 1
Synopsis: Nagano, as seen from the collected nav data, hosts 3 jumpholes leading to Tau-37, Rishiri and Chugoku, as well a jumpgate leading to Rishiri. A Naval Forces battleship, the Matsumoto, is located within the system, approx. 17/18 klicks from the jumpgate. Within the northen part of the Takasaki Dust field, there is an Outcast base called Lentini Outpost. Even though it's just an outpost, it might be a nuisance for our Dragon allies. In the southern part of the same field, there is a huge gas giant called Kodo, and a Dragon battleship, the Kokura, orbiting it. Near Kodo, there is Planet Tomioka. As I approached it, I detected an atmospheric entry point which led me to Tomioka's lower atmosphere, and to the Blood Dragons' outpost on the planet. This is the Dragon outpost's atmospheric docking entry.I spoke with some Dragons, and they told me that the Outcasts have started to hit the convoys that supply the outpost. As a last, there's Planet Shirane, and a belt full with harvestable Platinum Ore. I also found two more bases, one called Shiojiri Storage Depot, the other named Xuanming Trade Centre. The first one is defended by six heavy-duty platforms, while the latter is lightly defended by three platforms. Caution advised as Naval Forces, Farmer Alliance and Outcast ships might be found within the system. Battleship Kokura might be a suitable staging point for our snubcraft sorties.
That is all for now, kamerades.
For the People's Revolution,
- Michel De Grasse
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:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::