Callsign: Quicksilver
Name: Mercurio Lloyd
Age: 25
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
DOB: Unknown
POB: Cambridge, Bretonia
>> Background <<
From available records, Mercurio was the youngest of three children of a prominent Cambridge farmer. School records show he excelled in school, taking special intrest in artisan crafts, namely wood-turning. After secondary school, he opened up a small gallery near Cambridge University. He went to school part time while making pieces for his gallery. During his classes there, he met up with a language teacher, and mutal attraction bloomed to romance. They are now sharing her apartment when he's in system.
After gaining his degree, he left his gallery in the care of his older sister, and travelled to Kusari space to learn from the woodcrafters of the Kusari. He now travels back and forth as he can, honing his craft and picking up odd jobs where he can.
>> Distinctive Traits <<
As a Freelancer, Mercurio is convinced that every good pilot needs an "image". His is reminiscent of the Masquerade Galas that some of the richer families still hold in Bretonia space. While travelling, or on missions, he is never seen without his trademark full-face white mask. Allthough it looks like porcelin, it is actually a ceramic compound, with a HUD system installed where the eye holes should be. His clothes seem very archaic, ruffled shirts and scrolled trimmed jackets. When off-duty though, he can usually found in snug, comfortable clothing.
>> Criminal Record <<
After a terraforming incident caused his family crop to fail due to increased temperatures, his brother Andrew Lloyd, became an active supporter of the Gaian eco-terrorist group. Investigations found Mercurio clear from any terrorist affiliations, but there are rumors among the Gaians that Bretonia Intellegance still has survellance on him.
Name: Brakelatabasaasta Real Name: Unknown Age: Mid-20s, early 30s, maybe.
Other information is as follows:
The pilot known as Brakelatabasaasta supposedly lived most of his life on Planet Manhattan. Not long ago, Brakelatabasaasta's last surviving relative (his uncle) died, and left him with a large sum of money. Brakelatabasaasta took this and any other money he had to go buy a ship, for reasons unknown.
Brakelatabasaasta has been described as "crazy" or "eccentric" by many who have come in contact with him. He is extremely outgoing and always tries to start up a conversation with anything near him, whether the object is sentient or not. His attempts to have fun and cheer people up are, however, sometimes seen as bothersome. Brakelatabasaastas unique ways of having fun paired with his nearly incoherent speech lead people to believe that he belongs in a psychiatric ward. These people may be right, after all.
Today, Brakelatabasaasta flies a Starblazer with multiple smiley-faces painted on the hull, trying to make friends with anyone he meets. He will never leave the New York system, for reasons that no one truly knows. Some say that he simply wants to stay close to his home, others claim to have heard a rumor that there was an incident that involved singing over the system-wide comm-channels, and that LPI has restricted his access to New York where they can keep a close watch on him. Whatever the case, you can often find this chipper young man sitting in front of Manhattan, trying desperately to hold a conversation with the mooring fixture.
During the Alliance and Coalition war over 800 years prior to the current date, Drake Thastus joined the Ranks of the American Army. Later into his career Drake was Recruited to Project Fire Flight a experimental progam studying human biology. To enhance soldiers...
It was a complete but expenensive success, Drake and 11 others were turned into prefect soldiers. No sleep, food, water or anything else required to survive. Hightened senses, ehnanced abilities and tremendous resistance to injury and disease. Also...he became immune to the deadliest disease of all.
Aging, for 1000 years Drake served Liberty after the fall of the Alliance. Until after obtaining command of a new ship the Ragnarok his superiors began to fear what he was capable of. So they tried to kill him and the other super soldiers. They succeeded in killing 10 of them, Drake Thastus and John Kyle survived. And Liberty pursued them...
They were separated, Drake and Ragnarok went to Magellan and found the Lane Hackers and with their help massacred an entire Liberty Battle group. He began to plot his survival and revenge, he and Kyle reunited and formed the... Hellfire Legion one of the most feared and powerful organizations to ever exist.
Drake is usually calm and cold but when his temper flares the only safe place is out in space. He is very smart and a good pilot, he is no nonsense sort of person and when his men disobey direct orders (which he doesn't give them too often but people usually listen) he sends them to the brig or depending on his mood shoves them out the airlock.
Name: Commodore Puddles
Age: who knows, who cares
Sex: Male. . . I think
Height: 5'11
Weight: Varies daily depending on how many donuts he has eaten
Rank: Stooge
Doo Doo Level: 7
Background: Former greater poop in the Sol secter was sent on a time travel mission to the 1600's to balance some rogue temperal chao that had caused dutch settlers to fight with each other. His efforts however solved nothing and instead led to the extinction of the Terran animal known as the dodo. This caused the unbalance in the chao to spiral to critical conditions. The situation was only resolved when the land grabbing British came along and took the island, killing the dutch settlers and restoring balance.
The commodre was demoted for his stupidity apon his return to the year 3000AD, (approx 800AS sirrius time) his own time. He was then assigned to some unimportant geomagma (since u can more heat from magma than hot water more power is produced) power control centre in the arctic. His objective was simple keep the chao balanced and everything running smoothly. Sadly he couldnt even do that, one of our lady's enemies was able to breach security and detonate explosives in the many of the geomagma vents in use. The subsequent widespread realese of the hot magma all over the arctic caused it to melt at quite a fast rate. This melting of a polar ice cap has led to the flooding of several major terran cities including New York, Tokyo and London. Berlin is now a popular terran tourist resort for its newly created sandy beaches.
Demoted again he was transferred to the new Martian colonisation mission. Again the thought was that he would be able to do little damage. We again were badly mistaken, with some catastrophic consequences. This time while taking part in a deep underground geological survey he was able to mistake a box of nano probes for a box of nuclear powered nano probes. When put into use 1 mile below the martian surface these unstable versions began to explode when they're power supplies ran out. Having realised his mistake 6 minutes into the survey the commodore ran for his ship and evacuated the planet. The explosion of the probes caused a chain reaction which spread to the core. Shortly after that Mars blew up and became an extension of the Sol asteroid belt.
Now he has been reassigned to Sirrius where we all pray that anything he destroys is either nomad or Bounty Hunter.
End File.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
accessing Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army file records...
search: 'High Chancellor Aeon'
error. security clearance level 9 required...
enter clearance code: ***/******/**/******/**/*********/******/****
access granted.
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army High Chancellor Aeon:
gender: male
height: 5'11"
weight (by Earth standards): 71 kilograms
eye colour: hazel
hair colour: brown
age: approximately 190 Earth years
place of birth: planet Gran Canaria
Backround Information:
Aeon was born around the year 640 AC in the capital city of Gran Canaria, Nasqueron. After an idillic childhood on the family estates just outside the city, his father died.
Young Aeon was only 12 years old, so an interim regent, Aggelos, was appointed to lead the SCRA until he was old enough to take the reins of power. When he reached his 18th birthday, Aeon took control of the SCRA, and voiced his vision of the faction.
"We need a space fleet; to explore, to make contact, and eventually, to go home."
To that end, they started a program of economic revival on the backwater of Gran Canaria, which had been stagnant for generations. When 700AC hit, they were finally ready to begin construction of the fleet that would eventually take them home to Earth.
Some fifty odd years ago, the Zoners first arrived in Omega-49, as they call it. While to all outward appearances the Zoners seem to own the planet, the real powers that be are the SCRA. Eventually, the Corsairs too found the system, and after negotiations, a friendly repor was established with both factions.
The real dangers today are the Bretonian government and Red Hessians, who control both neighbouring systems. Although neither faction has expressed as interest (if they even know about the system), it seems only a matter of time before full scale war breaks out.
Even as this happens however, Aeon and the SCRA are preparing for the construction of the mother ship that will take them, and whoever else wants to go, home to Earth.
- Julius Kane (Recon)
- Casper Orilion (Tac Com)
- Klaus (#ref.deleted)
Person: Julius Kane
Accessing File...
Start File_
Name: Julius Kane ID: DarkStar Branch: LSF Spec Ops (Recon) Age: 43 Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Point of Origin: Planet Los Angeles, California Hight: 6'7" Weight: 198 lbs History: Born on Planet Los Angeles from immagrents from Rheinland, Julius Kane showed exceptional inborn skill and talent. Showed several genetic markers we were looking for, he was targeted by our recruiting programs while in High School. Examinations were quite prommising, and recruitment efforts were redoubled.
Accepted into Recon branch at age 18. Passed preliminary examinations with a 99% average, top 2% of class. Served for 24 years, including serving in Operation Stilleto (#ref.deleted) and Operation Sallanger (#ref.deleted), then defected from service. With extensive knowledge of Liberty operations and the Boarder worlds, the agent DarkStar was a dangerous loose end. Many attempts were made to silence the operative, but all direct attempts failed. Contact with subject was lost about 1 year ago, and DarkStar returned leading the terrorist organization known as the Phantom Empire(#ref.deleted), or Phantoms.
All Phantom operatives are beleived to have received unknown implants and biological upgrades. No intact corpses of Phantom operatives have been located. Agents within the Zoner operations have been pursuing Asgard Warrior contacts to this end, but have met with failure. Not due to AW resistance, but with their own lack of information.
DarkStar is responcible for the New London Bombings, the Orbital Bombardment of Leeds, the Nomad Attack of Manhatten, the Magnificant's Ramming of Manhatten, the Tau 31 Incident involving the Jinsei Aki (#ref.deleted), and several other terrorist attacks against the Houses. Current location is unknown, and subjects current ship is beleived to be the Osiris class Dreadnought "Oblivion." Contact is highly advised against. Avoid at all costs.
End File_
Person: Klaus
Accessing File...
Start File_
End File_
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Place of birth: suspected to be the legendary Blood Dragon base, Kyoto.
Background: evidence points to the person being a former Blood Dragon, believed to have participated in the Blood Dragon raids on yukawa shipyard, when the transport of artifacts was highjacked, and on the former governor tegaki's base, the tohuko planetry arch.
Attempting to retrieve any piece of information...
Found... Mission report,
Walter 'BlauMax' Nowotny...
attack on Vaughtland Base, Dresden System, dated one year ago
"It was a clear blue sky, and it was filled with Hessian fighters attempting to attack our bombers. I picked a Sabre and made a sharp turn, putting my Wrath in a good position. A few bursts sent him burning to the ground. The remaining fighters tried to escape, but my Wrath was faster. Flying above the docks on the Vaughtland Base, I got the backboard plane in a finger-four formation into my gunsight. Two bursts of fire and the Sabre blew up. Fuselage and wings tumbled away on fire. The Natteturns fired fiercely from below. I made a 180 degree turn and spotted four Sabres attacking our bombers from behind. Pulling up the nose of my fighter, I made one of the Hessian fighters pass through my bullet tracers. The success stunned me. He immediately went into a steep dive, started spinning and left a thick black trail of smoke. This was my sixth victory today. Number seven didn't last long. I was just about to return home, as suddenly a Sabre pulled up beneath me. I pushed my stick forward, and seconds later the enemy went down in spirals."
[font=Verdana]... connection terminated.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Alan Kell
Currently owns two ships.
LoganKell: Large Train named after his father.
YTC-2362: Private cruiser
Eccentric Zoner, origins unimportant.
Has amassed a small fortune and supports several worthy causes.
Does not really care about the fortune but enjoys the solitude of space. Trading achieves something in the process.
Has recently acquired an iddylic piece of land on Gran Canaria with a wooded area, waterfall and swimming hole for the occasional stopover.
Private underground spaceport under construction with small attached living quarters and workshop.
Is not a very good host.
Owns maintenance droid(serial XM-2333) which has become somewhat eccentric like it's owner.
Has 4 arms which can act as legs if required. Drum shaped body with 4 powered wheels.
Since swear filter was installed, tends to constantly insult it's owner, so only emits beeping noises usually. Is useful with ship repair and piloting duties.