This is currently the concept of our OF ID. It might undergo some alterations but we decided to post it to allow community feedback
The Golden Chrysanthemum Gen'an Cell is a radical terrorist faction that seeks to overthrow the Kusari government and establish an authoritarian matriarchy. Cardamine use is one of their most defining traits and they use it as a security mechanism against infiltration. They are allied with the Outcasts and the Blood Dragons.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Gen'an Chrysanthemums, who:
- Can attack any ships in self-defense or to protect a ship of the same affiliation anywhere.
- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can treat Samura, Hogosha, and Farmer's Alliance transports as combat targets
- Can treat transports carrying Stabiline and Artifacts as combat targets
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for the GMG and Interspace.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Tau-37, Lorraine, Sigmas
Okay so, I was really not expecting that it would come to this sad point where I need to talk even though I wished you best of luck for officialdom. Now my opinion is pretty changed, especially seeing you're a faction pursuing officialdom, therefore you need to prove yourself now in numbers, but in quality of RP, of course with activity. Both of these things are implied, and it's also implied to treat every player ingame nicely, by nicely I am not considering not to do "rude" RP, because that's nothing I have against here, but to at least give some reasonable RP and know well your ID. Reason I will tell you my opinion now is very changed, is making me to think do you even deserve that officialdom. Interactions don't need to be perfect in any meaning, but they shouldn't be making other players come to point that they don't know what to do with themselves, again, I will explain more below. Also, this is a shameful display for you for reason it is Meg's birthday today, and I don't know who behind character I will talk about below. Think whatever you think after you read all of this, but this is your own fault.
I was in my transport, Black.Phobos, flying around Kusari. As I was taking this trade lane, from Planet Kyushu to Planet New Tokyo, I saw your player GC-Chika. I greeted it inRP, as I was expecting, ship shut down trade lane and at that point, I was already knowing I should have just docked with the planet, but I wanted to see what you can do there. Considering the fact I was in my Liberty 5ker without any guns, way how you treated me in that ship, is rather shameful. Ship was empty, it had no cargo in it. I was roleplaying that I am in a hurry and that I have no time for this, and I was but irl sa well. That's my fault, true. But you tell me, do you even know your "own" ID? Because, you did not respect that ID. You gave me "a demand" expressing you want me to call navy. I lied to you few times inRP, and after third time I finally decided to tell I called for navy. Even though, that is not a demand, you still decided to blow up my ship, which was TOTALLY DEFENSELESS.
Let's take a look at "your" ID, not your "personal" ID you wish to have.
Golden Chrysanthemums
The Golden Chrysanthemums are a revolutionary group who want equal rights for women in Kusari society. They promote Cardamine use in Kusari. They are allied with the Outcasts and the Blood Dragons.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Golden Chrysanthemums, who:
- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for the GMG and Interspace.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lorraine, Sigmas
It does not say, you can in ANY WAY shoot transports without a cargo demand nor credit demand. You did not respect that, and decided to blow up an EMPTY DEFENSELESS transport, without demading cargo (seeing it is empty) nor credits. I don't know if you can demand credits if a ship is totally empty, but I would certainly pay if you gave me that sort of demand. This demand was rather shameful, ESPECIALLY for a faction that is pursuing officialdom. You're talking on your discord about RP that other "factions" make, giving them a terrible look in a group of about 60 people in, and I am sure there are people there who can't wait for that and accept those lies you're telling about. I will get you to not talk about any other faction and how they RP, because you they never done thing like you done, maybe 20 minutes ago.
EVEN if with somewhat magic, you can do these things followed by your ID and rule 4.2 rule of 4.4 rules 4.2 Demands should be reasonable and only one monetary or cargo demand can be issued during each piracy interaction. Upon compliance with the demand, the demanding party must not interfere further during the same interaction, unless provoked. 4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in
Do you really think, in somewhat crazy way, that RP was acceptable and reasonable for you to achieve that officialdom you're pursuing for 2+ months? Do you think such reaction towards a defenseless ship, empty ship, you really own quality RP and deserve that officialdom? If you would ask me, even if I was the most drunk person in the universe, I would not RP like that and destroy an empty transport without weaponry, nanobots and other, that is for sure.
I myself said after third time I was calling the navy, you still kept on shooting. "You lost patience" you might say now. Then your character must have some, health problems which wouldn't allow it to fly in space. Besides that funny fact I just said, do you really think that was a right way to act? Do you think I was totally wrong? You also said, "I was gonna let you go" or something like that. Question is, would you and why didn't you?
Turns out I might be your concern now, and this is really a shameful display for the officialdom you are pursuing and during which period you must not make enormous mistakes.
Is this acceptable RP and way of acting for an officialdom? Instead of me waiting to congratulate you officialdom you are soon going to get, I need to come here, and tell bad things? What if that transport wasn't me, and you reacted that way towards a relatively new players. What do you think would that player just quit this game, and see there is not reason to play a "dead game"? That player maybe wouldn't publicly react as I do now and would maybe let it slip through, but this is terrible.
I hope you will give me some reasonable contradicting on this. Once again, DO NOT talk bad about other factions, when you don't act good, because GC| would not do this in such a cheap way.
Discord has nothing to do with your officialdom, but it makes me think when you say things about other factions, because this interaction, I wouldn't rate even 1/10.
Let's see who's wrong, shall we? Also, don't expect me on Discord to waste my time to write there.
[30.07.2019 14:50:20] GC-Chika: Alright, do me a favor will you
[30.07.2019 14:50:30] GC-Chika: Call for help
[30.07.2019 14:50:50] Black.Phobos: No.
[30.07.2019 14:51:03] Black.Phobos: You're my least concern.
[30.07.2019 14:51:10] GC-Chika: Really?
[30.07.2019 14:51:18] GC-Chika: You don't want some Navy to come clear me out?
[30.07.2019 14:51:22] Black.Phobos: No
[30.07.2019 14:51:36] Black.Phobos: As I said, you're just wasting your and my time.
[30.07.2019 14:51:44] GC-Chika: Lucky for you I have time to waste
[30.07.2019 14:51:49] GC-Chika: I was going to just let you go on your way
[30.07.2019 14:51:53] GC-Chika: But now I'm annoyed
[30.07.2019 14:51:56] Black.Phobos: Well, you gotta make this quick.
[30.07.2019 14:52:12] GC-Chika: Make what quick, exactly?
[30.07.2019 14:52:58] GC-Chika: Nothing to say now?
[30.07.2019 14:53:35] Black.Phobos: Lost my tongue.
[30.07.2019 14:53:44] Black.Phobos: A cat ate it.
[30.07.2019 14:53:47] GC-Chika: Hai, hai, of course
[30.07.2019 14:54:18] Black.Phobos: Are you going to demand anything? This is just funny.
[30.07.2019 14:54:18] GC-Chika: It seems like you have a death wish though
[30.07.2019 14:54:29] GC-Chika: Are you deaf?
[30.07.2019 14:54:31] GC-Chika: I told you
[30.07.2019 14:54:34] GC-Chika: Call for the Navy
[30.07.2019 14:54:35] Black.Phobos: Death wish from what?
[30.07.2019 14:54:42] Black.Phobos: I won't call it, are you deaf?
[30.07.2019 14:54:51] GC-Chika: So you want me to just
[30.07.2019 14:54:51] Black.Phobos: Girl, chill out.
[30.07.2019 14:55:00] GC-Chika: Rip holes in your ship?
[30.07.2019 14:55:25] Black.Phobos: Would you want to get your body separated into two pieces?
[30.07.2019 14:55:48] Black.Phobos: You're just forcing me to stay here without a proper reason.
[30.07.2019 14:56:14] GC-Chika: If you Libertonians had any brain cells you would know exactly what my reason is
[30.07.2019 14:56:30] Black.Phobos: I'm glad you girl have it.
[30.07.2019 14:56:39] Black.Phobos: Have them.
[30.07.2019 14:57:17] GC-Chika: Well if you won't do what I tell you
[30.07.2019 14:57:24] GC-Chika: Which is, call for people for me to shoot
[30.07.2019 14:57:29] GC-Chika: Then I'll have to settle for you
[30.07.2019 14:57:33] Black.Phobos: I called from the already, may I go?
[30.07.2019 14:57:37] GC-Chika: And to think I was going to let you go peacefully
[30.07.2019 14:57:41] Black.Phobos: //them*
[30.07.2019 14:57:45] GC-Chika: You had your chance
[30.07.2019 14:57:50] Black.Phobos: Liberty is going to kill you.
[30.07.2019 14:57:55] /time
[30.07.2019 14:57:55] 2019-07-30 14:57:55 SMT
[30.07.2019 14:57:59] GC-Chika: They won't do a thing
[30.07.2019 14:58:22] GC-Chika: But since you have a big mouth
[30.07.2019 14:58:30] /time
[30.07.2019 14:58:30] 2019-07-30 14:58:30 SMT
[30.07.2019 14:58:37] Death: Black.Phobos was put out of action by GC-Chika (Missile/Torpedo).
[30.07.2019 14:58:41] /time
[30.07.2019 14:58:41] 2019-07-30 14:58:41 SMT
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] To see past messages and the player list, press Y.
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] To type messages and commands, press ENTER.
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] To learn about useful features, enter /help or /helpmenu.
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] This is a Role-Play server!
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] Players are required by server rules to roleplay here.
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] The year is 826 A.S, 26 years after the events of Freelancer.
[30.07.2019 14:58:47] Please read the server rule item in your cargo hold and visit for the best game experience.
[30.07.2019 14:59:33] IRMM~"Blackfox": This is operative Blackfox. Explosion was detected, anyone in a need of help?
[30.07.2019 14:59:48] Death: Trog was put out of action by H|-Sigma-1 (Gun).
[30.07.2019 15:00:15] Death: Ekesebi was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[30.07.2019 15:00:39] GC-Chika: iie, everything is fine
[30.07.2019 15:00:43] GC-Chika: Just an idiotic Libertonian
[30.07.2019 15:02:20] IRMM~"Blackfox": Is good to see you around
[30.07.2019 15:02:58] GC-Chika: Hai, likewise. But it looks like the one I wanted to draw out is gone now
Hello, GC-Chika here. Lemme start off by saying, yes, I made a mistake. I was under the impression that RP demands could be enforced as much as credit/cargo demands but I was told shortly after that isn't the case. For that, I apologize. I messed up and I'll take full responsibility for it.
But for the rest, jesus that's blowing it way out of proportion. There was a KPT in the system and I wanted to draw him out. I spotted a defenseless Mastadon, saw it as my chance, and told you to call them on me.
Instead you were antagonistic. I find it funny that you're coming here saying that my RP was bad in this situation, trying to set up an ambush with allies nearby, when you were staring down a member of a known terrorist organization in a defenseless ship essentially going "kill me its cheaper". Then once you do "call the navy" once I start actually being hostile, you're expecting to be let go? When staring down a snake you don't poke at it with a stick then cry when it bites. Like I said, I had a misunderstanding of the rules since I thought RP demands were still valid, but saying that the RP behind it was bad is just dumb. Sure it wasn't 10/10 but I feel like my actions were justified by a purely RP standpoint. Poking a snake analogy and all that.
Coming here saying that the official vote of the faction should be put in jeopardy based on one interaction that you had full control over is pretty messed up mate. Like I said, I take full responsibility over breaking the rule and apologize, but don't act like the entire faction is the devil for one small thing that I did.
Hello, GC-Chika here. Lemme start off by saying, yes, I made a mistake. I was under the impression that RP demands could be enforced as much as credit/cargo demands but I was told shortly after that isn't the case. For that, I apologize. I messed up and I'll take full responsibility for it.
But for the rest, jesus that's blowing it way out of proportion. There was a KPT in the system and I wanted to draw him out. I spotted a defenseless Mastadon, saw it as my chance, and told you to call them on me.
Instead you were antagonistic. I find it funny that you're coming here saying that my RP was bad in this situation, trying to set up an ambush with allies nearby, when you were staring down a member of a known terrorist organization in a defenseless ship essentially going "kill me its cheaper". Then once you do "call the navy" once I start actually being hostile, you're expecting to be let go? When staring down a snake you don't poke at it with a stick then cry when it bites. Like I said, I had a misunderstanding of the rules since I thought RP demands were still valid, but saying that the RP behind it was bad is just dumb. Sure it wasn't 10/10 but I feel like my actions were justified by a purely RP standpoint. Poking a snake analogy and all that.
Coming here saying that the official vote of the faction should be in jeopardy based on one interaction that you had full control over is pretty messed up mate. Like I said, I take full responsibility over breaking the rule and apologize, but don't act like the entire faction is the devil for one small thing that I did.
You know, this really sounds like "Yeah I broke the rules but its your fault".
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Charo was under assumption RP demands were still valid. To be honest I thought that as well until now, because back then I demanded a poem, nothing was wrong with it. But if Charo falsely demanded RP thing and you complied on third attempt/time then what's wrong? He could have shot you down at the first attempt as you haven't complied.
Charo has apologised, I've learnt something new also that RP demands aren't thing now, thanks for that. But I have to agree that shedding a bad light on whole faction because of one interaction isn't totally okay. Just my thought.
(07-30-2019, 05:11 PM)Kalhmera Wrote: You know, this really sounds like "Yeah I broke the rules but its your fault".
The very first thing he mentioned in his post is that he takes full responsibility for his actions and for breaking whatever rule he broke. That doesn't automatically turn him into the root of all evil, nor does it forbid him from pointing out the flaws and issues with something else, such as Chios ways of handling things in the encounter. Normally someone wouldn't have even admitted to breaking the rule because the norm around here is to play the victim and point fingers at everyone else but yourself.
If anything it speaks to the integrity of this faction if its members are willing to admit their mistakes and not immediately cower behind some admin friends to take care of the issue.
(07-30-2019, 05:11 PM)Kalhmera Wrote: You know, this really sounds like "Yeah I broke the rules but its your fault".
The very first thing he mentioned in his post is that he takes full responsibility for his actions and for breaking whatever rule he broke. That doesn't automatically turn him into the root of all evil, nor does it forbid him from pointing out the flaws and issues with something else, such as Chios ways of handling things in the encounter. Normally someone wouldn't have even admitted to breaking the rule because the norm around here is to play the victim and point fingers at everyone else but yourself.
If anything it speaks to the integrity of this faction if its members are willing to admit their mistakes and not immediately cower behind some admin friends to take care of the issue.
I commend Chika for admitting fault, and I can respect that. its not an easy thing to do and god knows I struggle with it a lot. Over my Career here in Discovery I have burned bridges and made plenty of mistakes and I learn from them. The way Chika made it sound was what I stated above, my 2 cents if you will. The Faction as a whole is pretty good obviously cuz Meg. but still I have had good encounters on a few ships that you dont know I own. Just in the future take responsibility and dont try to put some blame on the accuser, it dosent look good.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Hello, GC-Chika here. Lemme start off by saying, yes, I made a mistake. I was under the impression that RP demands could be enforced as much as credit/cargo demands but I was told shortly after that isn't the case. For that, I apologize. I messed up and I'll take full responsibility for it.
But for the rest, jesus that's blowing it way out of proportion. There was a KPT in the system and I wanted to draw him out. I spotted a defenseless Mastadon, saw it as my chance, and told you to call them on me.
Instead you were antagonistic. I find it funny that you're coming here saying that my RP was bad in this situation, trying to set up an ambush with allies nearby, when you were staring down a member of a known terrorist organization in a defenseless ship essentially going "kill me its cheaper". Then once you do "call the navy" once I start actually being hostile, you're expecting to be let go? When staring down a snake you don't poke at it with a stick then cry when it bites. Like I said, I had a misunderstanding of the rules since I thought RP demands were still valid, but saying that the RP behind it was bad is just dumb. Sure it wasn't 10/10 but I feel like my actions were justified by a purely RP standpoint. Poking a snake analogy and all that.
Coming here saying that the official vote of the faction should be put in jeopardy based on one interaction that you had full control over is pretty messed up mate. Like I said, I take full responsibility over breaking the rule and apologize, but don't act like the entire faction is the devil for one small thing that I did.
That is how things work here, sadly.
"Kill a man, then apologize after" - of course, I accept the apology, but you need to look several things. But since you want to heat things up and speak even more, I can also tell you some things, again. Wall of text is what you need to fully understand, and I see you did not, because you're here writing things sarcastilly, saying basically things you should never. You, as member of that faction, now insulted me and my work. Please, don't forget to apologize after, for heating things up.
Instead you were antagonistic. I find it funny that you're coming here saying that my RP was bad in this situation, trying to set up an ambush with allies nearby, when you were staring down a member of a known terrorist organization in a defenseless ship essentially going "kill me its cheaper".
You find it funny? It is really funny for you to "apologize" several times, then to say it's "funny"? Wall of text I wrote myself, took me some time, you didn't understand point of it, if you really DID then you wouldn't say that. Your RP in that situation was the thing that was sad, not funny at all. Let me tell you there was a KPT in that system, which logged of BEFORE you even seen me. Also, that KPT was in a warship, and it would be AMAZING if you can take down a warship in ship you had. Let's look at that "members of a known terrorist organization" - you consider your ID to be a terrorist ID? Terrorist IDs are Xenos and Maquis, pure terrorists. Terrorists in their ID one of line, in this situation it would be considered as "-Can treat transports as combat target", at least transports they belong to house or organisazion they HATE the most. I can see from this point you don't know your own ID, because it does not say you can shoot a transport without a cargo or credit demand, and you are now saying here "It's my fault but I'm right, literally. I was behind that ship, and you said "kill me its cheaper", that is what I HAVE NEVER DONE. It was not my point to get destroyed because it was cheaper. If it really is cheaper, then why in the world would I come in a transport that is FULLY EMPTY. Was there something worth in there? Cheaper? I was literally going to other house that is far, far away. This just wasted my time and it was not cheaper in any sense. Only thing I can find cheaper here in your RP and action that brought you here.
Then once you do "call the navy" once I start actually being hostile, you're expecting to be let go? When staring down a snake you don't poke at it with a stick then cry when it bites.
That "hostile" wasn't allowed by the rules and your ID. And yes, I was totally expecting you to let me go because I actually acquired that your "OWN DEMAND (I will do whatever I want". That quote you given, has literally nothing to do with this. Wait. It can actually have something in it. Maybe rules were the snake, and you were poking them? I can't relate that to this situation. It provoking wasn't a thing here, not according to that demanding rule.
Like I said, I had a misunderstanding of the rules since I thought RP demands were still valid, but saying that the RP behind it was bad is just dumb.
It is not dumb, it is sad from person that got killed in a defenseless ship, seeing someone doesn't understand rules and decides to do whatever it wants, and say "It's my fault but I'm right" RP behind it lead to this, thing. And that thing was sad, not dumb. RP can't be dumb that easy, this one reached to point it is sad, because it's even worse than dumb. Wall of text didn't learn you, but you still are contradicting this very wrong. Don't do a "fake apology" to me, because I won't quit until things turn out as they should.
Sure it wasn't 10/10 but I feel like my actions were justified by a purely RP standpoint. Poking a snake analogy and all that. Seriously?
You're saying it is 9/10? It is not even close to 1, even though I said it is one. Your actions were justified by a purely RULE BReAKING standpoint. Poking rules anology and all that.
Coming here saying that the official vote of the faction should be put in jeopardy based on one interaction that you had full control over is pretty messed up mate. Like I said, I take full responsibility over breaking the rule and apologize, but don't act like the entire faction is the devil for one small thing that I did.
I wasn't controlling that at all, you were the one that was forcing this while breaking rules. How in the hell can I control a situation like this is someone is breaking rules? Why would you join a faction if you are not entirely sure about rules, saying you are "apologizing" but actually saying "I'm right".
Faction should have learnt you do act how you should, not to bring you to this situation, roaming around and doing whatever you want, afterwards coming to do fakes apologises in order to slip through. Not knowing your ID well, why would you then decide and join the faction? Nobody is perfect, true, but nobody should contradict stuff in sarcasm saying basically "I apologize but I don't care"
You have absolute controle over but one thing, and it is your thoughts.