(06-26-2022, 10:46 PM)DariusCiprian Wrote: Then the server ought to also be renamed accordingly.
This. The setup was fine but what killed it for me was not even the respawn madness but rather allowing absolute archenemies, read Corsairs and Outcasts, to ally and abandon any perspective of RP (even more than respawns do) altogether.
I know they teamed up to try have a chance against Liberty but to be real here, cash is so easy to make, people could have made CAPS FOR THE EVENT on an organized basis easily. So no, having them ally to have the player force isn't a valid excuse either anymore, not with regular cash making being the way it is.
Now I'm not here to make assumptions but I'm fairly certain if there is a much larger fleet of a foreign group moving onto outcast and corsair forces with the intent to destroy, its not to far fetched to say that the two groups from the Hispania would band together for the shortest time pheasably possible, To remove that threat for the sake of business, before moving on to then tearing each others throats out again because there is no longer any foreign influence.
This. If you study basic OC and Sair lore they mainly fight for territory, it's dead obvious they'd team up vs Liberty house Fleets away from either's contested space - not even sure how this is remotely in doubt.
Corse has no ego either - they do what suits them regardless of ideology, pretend to take your side and then kill you when you sleep if it's in their interest.