This thread is almost too good , as it has adressed many problems which i think should be adressed.
I'm not in a ranting mood however , so i wont post anything significant... Lets just say that the arrogance and selfrighteousness of certain factionss along with all the rule lawyering that i put up with when i first joined were the reasons that made me quit a few months afterwards. And even now that i came back I still look at factions as a whole with some distrust... (Except the congress of course. You guys rock my socks!)
Although this isnt exactly bout factions , so meh. I still think people shouldnt be so trigger-happy on the sanction button.
So much ruels lawyering. One guy hav the nerve to yell in system: GIVE ME AN F***ING BREAK I IS NEW!he then f1ed. The only reason i have not reported, is that the timer was increased so i blew him up:Dthen he decides that he will try to report be for being OORP for not giving him a break. He was 39, mining in silverton, in a rhienland armored trans, if you want to know. I just told him to drop it, and he uses OORP staling(I have no problem with rp stalling), And the widows punture his hull.
It's not a hundred percent, but I found that as soon as I hit level 40 and had to get an LPI faction tag the overall fun-levels diminsihed. It probably had something to do with the Sabres that seem to be swarming around Manhattan like flies. Being a new guy with low equipment and getting killed twice in about 10 minutes (I got killed, and was trying to leave the system when I got killed again) really did seem to take away from the feel especially since there are these high-level players making it hard for me to even make it to Fort Bush from Manhattan.
There seems to be 2 types of members around here ATM: Those who have an axe to grind with the admins, and everyone else. Ok, the sanction hammer is brought down harshly at times. Everyone who has posted here makes a good case, I'm sure.
But if admins aren't harsh, guess what happens... everyone starts bitching and moaning about all the PVP-whores and pwnz0rs who suddenly pop up like worms. Then they demand the admins Do Something, like "get really harsh on rules breakers."
Jeez I wouldn't be an admin for quids.
Disco has reached this level of uptight-ness for reasons I stated in my last post. It's a shame really; coz if people played with fairness and good sportsmanship in mind, rather than beating everyone at all costs and/or being the biggest badass around, we wouldn't need rules or admins.
' Wrote:We cant blame only the admins, sure they have soem fault for their attitude sometimes(I want to let clear that I ve never been sanctioned, I speak only by what i read here), The community itself is full of flaming players who think they are the best around here.
Yesterday i helped a new guy set up his char, he needed some money and asked for 3mil right away, no introduction, greetings or anything only a "Can i get 3mil from you?" in Priv chat. He was lucky that I am not the flaming kind of guy and asked him for an explanation of why he needed the 3mil which I at the end gave him.
Today I helped another guy set his char that he had lost after 2 months of inactivity, he needed to get back on his feet and I offered to help and gave him 10mil.
My point is? Well these guys were lucky it was me and not some one else, I know a lot of people who call others noobs and flame them, insult them etc, juts because they ask for help. I could have been that guy and tell them to make their way by themselves instead of helping, like it happened to me at the beginning.
The rest of the community should provide help for new people and stop acting like idiots, now I'm not telling you to give money to newbs, that is completely evryones decision, but a good advice on how things work would be nice, instead of flaming adn killing evryones fun
good point. when i first started out on here, i was mining silver from silverton and taking it to cali minor. well along came this smuggler who commenced to giving me enough money to buy a better transport ship. then he gave me more to get an even better ship. and showed me how to fix my rep with junkers and get smuggler ID with him. before he did this, i had no idea about the reps and how to get them fixed properlyi asked him later if he wanted to me to pay him back, and he told me not to pay him back. but instead help others like me. so i have been. i constantly get PMs from low level characters asking me stuff like where to buy ships and how to do this and that. i have helped several people by giving them a couple of million to upgrade and get them on they're feet. and it always feels good to do that. because you gotta remember your roots man. glad there are a few people like me out there. its good to hear.
Adding to a sentense like
'Not reading server rules and acting contrary to role play rules can get you banned from this server sooner than you want.'
to the login would solve a lot of noobs misbehaving. You dont actually have to ban peopel more, just threaten it at the login.
Also, add something like a 'mini quest' to keep newcomers busy for the beginning of the game, like making a small ship with mining, then using a certain traderun, then fixing your rep to go to a certain place where u can get your first VHF for a low price (thus making the whole thing worthwhile). The 'storyline' or 'what you are expected to do and what you will gain' can be told by commodities like the 'history of serious'. Kind of like a tutorial for disco that teaches you the essentials and gets you interested in RPing as well. I saw something like that on a vanguard server, worked pretty well. Something like the oracle quest, except that it should be very easy and intended for newcomers.
About the 'abuse of power':
When you start playing on disco, you feel that there are 2 types of 'higher-ups' or 'long term people' here.
1: people that are polite and explain you the rules when u violate them and give u useful information on how to fit in better. They treat people with respect so get respect in return.
2: people that have learned the rules and use them to be jack-asses and get their way. They
-are rude and insulting in the worst way without using bad words and then report you when you talk back
-tell oyu they dont want 'your type' on the server, or arbitrarrily decide that your kind of RP doesnt have the right to exist, so they will do their best to get rid of you by exploiting every little rule they find
-try to tell you you are acting oorp while being more oorp than you
-enjoy being disrespectful because ur a noob and they are all powerful since they are here longer
Some people seem to confuse 'being on disco longer' with 'being more mature', and should check if they fall in category 2.
Quote: -are rude and insulting in the worst way without using bad words and then report you when you talk back
I seem to remember someone telling me "Glad you left Ravager, your presence was beginning to make me ill"
Quote:'Not reading server rules and acting contrary to role play rules can get you banned from this server sooner than you want.'
I think that's a little oppressive. I remember I didn't feel very welcome on Discovery when I joined to start with, and if we add that.. might scare the younglings away
Ackarion (that indeed is funny to reply to first post on a 4th page...)
I understand you run into some strange admin entity who pew-pewed you when you just undocked. Shame on that unit.
However, please do not judge the wholde admin team after meeting just on of them, sadly- the worse one. Even the best make mistakes and seems the one you met was one of them.
I personally had few interactions with admin in-game. One time one of them reminded me that to fly a cap-ship I need to have the Guard ID equipped. The other remind me to remove LN tag from before my name as I wasn't officialy a LN member - that's how I learned about indies. The other one answered my question and was very friendly. Well, all of them actually were. I was talking to them per "sir" due to respect to their work but they always called me "friend" or "mate". They were very player-oriented.
So, my experiences with admins are very, very good.
What I try to say is that mistakes happen and sometimes happen to new people as well.
Now a bit about the rules.
I'm sorry to say that but the truth is you should at least attempt to read the rules before logging on to server.
They are not here for the admins fun's sake. As the mod grows, more systems and factions are being added, more people is online, and last but not least - people sometimes do behave like children, the rules need to follow the changing shape of a server environment. It is true they are sometimes too complicated but that is a side effect of trying to keep the order.
I understand it takes some time to get familiar with all the rules, how-tos and stuff but that's normal. It took me like two months to know the rules enough to avoid any trouble but hey, that's normal.
As a part of a friendly advise to newcomers I would like to say:
1. Read the rules, even if you don't get half of them you always know the other half.
2. Login and ask someone more experienced of things you're not sure.
(I am always happy to help and answer questions but yeah... No one's asking...)
3. Trade at the beginning - it's funny and safe, as someone stated before me. Just interact with people and learn the RP.
At the end of my a bit too long post I would like to say one thing, which just my personal feeling about what's happening outside of FL server:
Just don't think too much. The game was made to give fun, so login and take it. It's that simple.
(just my personal thought, no need to agree with that)
' Wrote:yeah my spell and such sucks but i what ever