As an example to your question, we were going to Texas and one of us was late. He was rejoining us and a liberty navy cruiser told him to halt for inspection. The funny thing is that he never stopped any of the traders he encountered before nor after. That's why after our late boy typed the name on the chat that one of us said he had a KoF char, that's why I arrived to this conclusion.
The USI isn't the "faction holder", I think both factions have the same power, and you might think the KoF are more considered since they've been allowed a base in Minnesota. The problem is : how do you want us to have important interactions with thems ? We don't have a real view of what they do even after the temporary faction suspension they had. the VP and P doesn't have much time as they are organizing stuff, and a "server-faction-wide" secret project, aswell preparing texts regarding the USI.
Myself I've a lot of work too, improving the CMU (Convoy Management Utility), working on the beta of the UNNI (Universal News NeuralNet Interface), preparing new tools and doing the front website so people know more about the USI.
As for exterior traders, companys tends to not deliver their secrets:P
The runs we do have been longly setup and searched by the P and VP.
But out of that it still make us have a lot of RP interactions.
Karen brought up a few good points, because she is awesome like that, and I would like to go over a couple of them in detail.
First of all, while we don't take independent traders on our Corporation Routes we still take them on publicaly known routes like the boron route from Pittsburgh. Also, absolutely anyone can join, after just a short pop quiz so that we know you understand our rules (As we have had some problems in the past).
Now to address the KoF. As Karen said, at the moment we haven't the faintest of who or what they are. Before they were a group that broke off of universal shipping to pursue their own interests. Then a chain of events lead to them having to change their RP. Now their name is changed to King of Freight, so we may be dealing with them soon. However, until their RP is finalized I think we will just wait. (Oh and to any KoF reading this, forgive me if I am missing something)
"Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage."
---Niccolo Machiavelli
' Wrote:This I would like to See proven first of all. I have known the KoF for a good deal of time, and that is something I do not think they would condone. Along with that, I know that attempts were made to increase KoF and USI friendship. Which were a little harshly dealt with, acting as if the USI were the Faction Holders and the KoF were a secondary unofficial Faction. Work on that...
As for the USI Faction, I've seen good and I have seen Bad. Good being that you manage to coordinate such large groups rather efficiently, you apparently keep your members in order. And along with that you take up a heavy mantle of becoming a large trader faction.
If you continue the work and continue working on your Roleplay, I'm sure you will do fine.
O ya. And allow other traders to possibly join your convoys. In my experience seeing you around, your faction seems very "Exclusive." Open yourselves up alittle.
Keep it up
I will speak on behalf of the USI for today, though I'm not a CEO. Thank you for your sugestions. We will keep working on it aswell as deal with our problems. :mellow:
Though your last sugestion isn't benaficial for us, if we open up the information of our routes will leak and be comprimized. Which screams trouble for us, as pirates will know these routes and will pirate us at the best location, for their advantage.:nono: Thinkjust for a minute if you were in our company. You are threatened by pirates, you are their sorce of money and the only way for them not to figure out the new route is by keeeping quiet.:sleep:
I have RP'ed with you guys, somewhat, not a lot actually, but I do like how you like to setup large convoys (well...2 mastadons look pretty large to me...).
And your very cooperative with law enforcement as well. I believe my LSF (Lindi Fox) prevented the USI Detroit from being held hostage, and the USI Detroit ran when he was ordered to. The Situation was very much under our control thanks to your help.
' Wrote:Supporting Liberty Since 0 AS
Technically, it should be 1 AS I think, I could be mistaken, but I do believe there was no '0 AD', there was only '1 AD', so yeah...
but then I could be mistaken since I've seen that 0 AS quite a lot...
' Wrote:Technically, it should be 1 AS I think, I could be mistaken, but I do believe there was no '0 AD', there was only '1 AD', so yeah...
but then I could be mistaken since I've seen that 0 AS quite a lot...
Hah, thanks for pointing that out. Hmm, Year 0...I don't think that's accurate. We'll change it for you. And I was informed by Detroit of that situation, Thank you for helping us.
Very nice, I'm really impressed.
In fact, I'm going to sign up as soon as I speak to one of the VP / P 's
Members are very respectful and willing to help. I weren't able to check up on the RP skills but I've heard pretty good things about you guys about that.