' Wrote:Please, change the Daumann status from neutral to allies. Its not an option, admin said we are allies. Here you can read the fact (1st line)
Consequence: you can make freely mining operations in our areas, and we will visit yours of course (sure we wont but you can do).
Lets take it to PMs there are some things that you misunderstood...
We are rivals but we are not attacking each other, because if we would
we would get some attention from Military and goverment in RP...
' Wrote:Lets take it to PMs there are some things that you misunderstood...
We are rivals but we are not attacking each other, because if we would
we would get some attention from Military and goverment in RP...
Also, updated shiplist.
Well I understood all, I know we are busines competitors and so on. This nice guy who reported me didnt know, and that admin didnt know. The 1st person dont mean nothing, now he know, but the 2nd..... He wrote clear we are allies so please obey him like I obeyed. Its necessary because if we remain business competitor I dont think this sanction has any base.
Goverment arent strong there, they dont represent themself there, so a corporation can do there much than the core systems - no eyewithnes. Until now I thought thats clear if a competitor steal our raws and he dont left the area when we asked, we can do acts. Now seems like our competitor status mean nothing, your declared relation with us mean nothing, like our ment nothing. We need to play that game what the admins let us. Its simply: you are rheinland lawful I am rheinland lawful so WE MUST BE allies. Be sure I dont like it. Be sure hard to agree it, but you see the 1st line where an admin tell to everyone Daumann and Krueger are allies. I tried to explain its different, but I cant reach any changes. As soon as the official admin oppinion change, we can return the real RP, until remained this "good & bad side" or "lawfull vs unlawfull" type. Sorry.
Yes, I agree with mining in opposite mining sites, because it can be RPed as "faction expanding". I suggest that you send PM to Dusty for true info, because he did something with the Daumann.
EDIT: Also, I didn't saw any reason to sanction you, because as long as it was RPed I see no problem. I think that rule has to be rewriten (somnething like: "unless it is Role-played"" )
' Wrote:Yes, I agree with mining in opposite mining sites, because it can be RPed as "faction expanding". I suggest that you send PM to Dusty for true info, because he did something with the Daumann.
EDIT: Also, I didn't saw any reason to sanction you, because as long as it was RPed I see no problem. I think that rule has to be rewriten (somnething like: "unless it is Role-played"" )
I agree with your edit. And about Dusty, you thought the D:? Because then thanks but no thanks. That was a lolteam, what cant be stay further the daumann's role. It wasnt a secret too. That lived for a time because admins was there. If a normal player do the same everyone refuse, and the idea die before born.
yeh the "D:". Well... but I still think that he might help you with this matter. There might be the few situations when admins doesn't know/misunderstoods the true RP, so I suggest that you talk with other admins too. Talking about Daumann and Kruger- we are still unfriendly (not hostile). Our reations are holding for centuries and you still can drive out our miners from your fields:Plike we do to your miners;).
' Wrote:yeh the "D:". Well... but I still think that he might help you with this matter. There might be the few situations when admins doesn't know/misunderstoods the true RP, so I suggest that you talk with other admins too. Talking about Daumann and Kruger- we are still unfriendly (not hostile). Our reations are holding for centuries and you still can drive out our miners from your fields:Plike we do to your miners;).
Well I tried and the sanction was the final, but uhmmm worth a try.
I've talked a bit with several of your members, and you all seem to know the RP. (mind you I had a small selection but still...)
I'm definitely looking forward to future encounters with Kruger Minerals.
I also hope you all get to become Official soon.
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
Thank you for your interest, and yeah we have a members that can RP:P. Anyway one of our new goals is to hire new players and teach them RP... it is hard, but still, we are fighting against lolwuting. Also, we have currently dome minor problems, but I hope we will resove them.
Just a question because I can't figure out: we of course keep our eyes in Omega and on Kruger, but as I remember never see how you transport the minerals on your own, Kruger| tagged transport ship. When I see, you make deal all time with foreigner shippers. I should understand a rheinlander one but these arent. Why is that or I see the excepts all the time?
I strongly believe you see the exceptions all the time, this group has its own mechanism of transportation, even seperate ranking systems are employed.