Sorry Dab, but one of your systems - Omicron Delta - will need to be renamed. I've taken the name for my new system. I hope it won't be too hard, I will post greek alphabet in Developers forum soon.
Igiss,Nov 23 2005, 02:13 AM Wrote:Sorry Dab, but one of your systems - Omicron Delta - will need to be renamed. I've taken the name for my new system. I hope it won't be too hard, I will post greek alphabet in Developers forum soon.
*More to come*
I can find another name, so thats fine.
Lancer,Nov 23 2005, 03:27 AM Wrote:I think the LS will want to claim the three liberty systems :)
I think that new RH systems should go to RM, likewise with Liberty for the LS, Kusari for IG, and Bretonia for SDF. While Omicrons go to AW and Taus go to TG.
Already starting to share systems that haven't been included? Great ;)
Why not allow everyone to explore the new systems? At least for the first weeks. Instead you greedy guys want to claim new free systems. I'm introducing system taxation since 4.78 so you'll have to pay for each one. And pay a lot.