Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.
I have something very special for you zis time. I tracked zis pilot in the Omega-49 system. Zere I dueled him until he had reached critical damage, as he attempted to escape I managed to gun him down.
On the back of my associates remarkable accomplishment the Reavers would like to present you with another set of offerings. The destruction of, if I am not mistaken, the MR's flagship within Londonderry itself. Furthermore we present the mundane, virtually unworthy of offering, destruction of a common Mandalorian and Republic Molly.
This is most excelent to see, not only have you succeded in destroying one of our most wanted Outcast targets, but you have also destroyed the Molly flagship, within Londonderry no less!
This is, without doubt, a payment well earned, we are deeply greatful for your service in destroying these two very important targets, among others.
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.
Two Corsair brothers were under attack by three Outcasts who belonged to a group known as ze Venezi Syndicate. It seems both sides had been heavily weakened but ze Corsairs were about to lose. One of ze Corsairs was destroyed and the other had to retreat after a while,
I avenged zem both.
Apart from what you've seen already, I've done the following work for you:
[MR]Landsverk ID + kill - $4,000,000
(note that the ship is in terminal phase of reactor overload, thus making destruction inevitable)
BHG SHF in New London: IDdestruction - $1,000,000
I took some trash out the back.
[MR]Landsverk destroyed in Dublin in assistance to Ms. Selena Benitez: 1234 - $4,000,000
Regardless of gender, if a member of the Benitez family is in need of assistance, I don't see why I shouldn't help when it's well worth the time, money and reputation earned.
Molly gunboat in dublin: foundremoved - $2,000,000
A Molly gunboat was burned down, which set the stage for the next phase of the assault, destruction of the MR flagship.
My associates and I have recently found ourselves discussing the campaigns that we have been waging across the Sirius sector, much of which we hope has reflected favorably upon the vision that the Corsair nation has for the sector, a sector which is best decorated by the burning remnants of Hessians, Mollies and the traitors of Malta.
We wished to extend the invitation of thought that, should our efforts to actualize your will continue to please the Corsair nation and her presiding body of Elders, that the matter of trading kills for weaponry might cross the table.
Credits carry a transitory value, Corsair friendship... And engineering... Is altogether a worthier coin in this day and age. Please consider this a request for internal deliberation and thought, not the crude panhandling for superior arms which is so common in the mercenary practice.
I was traveling to the Omega-5 system and spotted a Red Hessian Army bomber attacking a pirate transport with ze call-sign "Giulliano Sails". Ze Corsair was under critical fire but I managed to intercept in time.
It is amasing how fast the Mollies are able to repreassureise their ships and get them destroyed again, and how many Outcasts have to fall before they realise their defeat is unavoidable.
With regards to the equipment request, you will need to be more specific as to what it is you are requesting before it can be considered by the Council.
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.