does someone have a link for milkshape 1.78 i have searched for ages and can only find 1.82, the importer does not work with 1.82 so i cant import any vanilla ships.
@ Armageddon: Have asked Treewyrm, if the newer MS version 1.8.3, he has, does work with cmp importer. He answered, it does.
@ian: Yes, they work well and you need them for the creation of models for Freelancer. You will also need the "Mat exporter", "Sur exporter 1.1", "FLModelTool10ab6" and the "UTF editor".
If anyone is interested in Freelancer original ship models. I have the complete shippack (once downloaded from TLR), but no homepage. So i will have to send it via mail. Just send me a PM, containing the e-mail, the shippack has to go to.
As I've lost this file numerous times if you'd be willing to pass it on to me I can set it up to be hosted on Rapidshare, Megaupload, and possibly some private server space so it never goes missing.
Included are all Freelancer Vanilla ships in .ms3d format along with appropriate textures in .dds format. Currently there are mirrors available, if either link goes down please PM me and I will reupload as soon as possible.
I have a question.... I read some where that iti s a good idea to make a half a ship (crosssection) and then clone and merge the two pieces together.... wellI tried that but the resultsa re far less than satisfactory (the pieces merge but there are extra pieces in between them). could some one give me a detailed description no how to join two half that are mirror of each other seamlessly? (using 3ds max)