' Wrote:Mao, it's because of posts like that we can't have nice things.
But it's because of images like Spazzy's that we have posts like that.
But we have images like Spazzy's because of posts like that.
No, damn it! It's like this:
Because images like that we have posts like this and we get images like that because Java doesn't have defense turrets capable of killing anything. You never saw images with 4 =CR= Hydras near Cali. Oh and note that I said CR... just in case you missed that.
Old pic is indeed old, but I can remember that fight. It was actually a spontaneous set-up one, which makes maos comment even more fail beside him not having been there and not know that there was a total of 3 CR battlestars in that fight... Among lots of Viper Mk2s.
' Wrote:Spazzy's picture is saved for the future generations of mankind to enjoy.
Also, you'll notice that T23 is almost always a gankfest. When it isn't a swarm of CR bombers that decide that five isn't enough to take out a pirate transport, it's a pair of Ranseurs and ten tridentes chasing a nyx.
Probably won't help that Order and BHG CORE are moving into the region in preparation for that Gallic mess, or that the Gallic unlawfuls feel so bad about being gallic that they move out to antagonize people in the taus. Oh, and let's not forget the odd Council Cruiser that goes OMG OUTCAST ENGAGING!
Don't forget about the odd privateer that decides that his mission of disrupting Kusari trade involves shooting at IMG miners that are actually mostly exporting niobium to Rheinland.
Also, KNF, GC, Hogosha, and a mix of others have been known to grace the Taus with their presence, though usually they're off in Leeds.
Long story short, T23 is a huge melting pot of people that have a reason to shoot at each other, but are too scared to shoot at each other until they're confident that they have more numbers than the other. It's a natural conclusion to what's been happening, and it's a vicious cycle for which no particular party can be exclusively blamed.
OH! Almost forgot that TAZ and junkers also frequent T23, but only for trade and they're usually either quietly trading or busy getting shot at - though I haven't ever seen them ever return fire or anything.
No surprise Zoners don't shoot back, all they can try is to ram the attackers to death (and as some random avatar tells it even works sometimes). But that post describes the overall situation pretty well. Situation is pretty screwed there and all sides are doing it wrong. Which makes it kinda impossible to solve since you can't start in all involved parties at the same time. If you start in your own, they'll not listen because the other side will not improve. If you try to talk to your enemy, your "own" kind will stab you in the back and launch ten gunboats on a lone fighter not half an hour after you managed to get through to the other side... Been there, done that. Pointless.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Face it. All noobs run to Outcasts for the tridente,and then these same noobs run to Tau-23 to pirate miners for 20-30 mil. They are Lolwuts,and not very good at all. Just kill em. I went 1 on3 with my IMG fighter,and killed 2 tridentes,and hurt 3rd before i died. Does that sound like they are skilled? or even a threat? I mine there 2-3 times a week when i need spare cash,and not 1 Outcast ever got me. The CR? they are a bunch of morons that watch traders,and indies get killed,saying "oh to bad,poor indie died" So yes your on ter own,and yes it is common,but any pilot with a little skill can kill the lol tridentes.
I had this happen three times to me today...
And I wasn't really around Java that much.
I fly to Java or undock there...
And some Outcast really SITS outside and thinks he can pirate me.
This is just plain wrong.
You know what?
The same happened to me in Dublin a bit later too.
I'm sitting near Hood, pirate comes...Tells me to pay some money...
And gets blown to pieces as he tries to kill me next to the Hood.
Congratulations to him! He just reallized the Hood isn't a good place
for pirates! You aren't around Java anymore!
I hate T23 for all the pewpew and all the ooRP base camping and
all the unfair stuff etc etc. that's happening around there.
Because it's very common to see that happen.
...yesterday I had an OC Tridente at range when I undocked from Java.
As I turned around to dock again (just fixed my UI),
he came running at me, yelling and screaming at me, trying to pirate...
Just hopped on my bomber and blasted him away.
But I'm tired of this metagaming bull**** to get Java the defenses it
should have. Stop sitting there like it's a freaking picnickplace!
I have a nice screenshot of an official faction member of the IMG sitting in a battleship right outside of Cali with one BHG lulwut cap and another IMG gunboat.
What's worse? Outcast indies who doesn't know any better because there are no admins or Angels up in the Omicrons or people who are in official factions who are supposed to know better than to camp a base?
' Wrote:I have a nice screenshot of an official faction member of the IMG sitting in a battleship right outside of Cali with one BHG lulwut cap and another IMG gunboat.
What's worse? Outcast indies who doesn't know any better because there are no admins or Angels up in the Omicrons or people who are in official factions who are supposed to know better than to camp a base?
I'd say people in official factions who should know better than to camp a base.