I'm not sure if it should be pilotable. I think it'd be better as a base, because turkish made a size comparison on his render software, and at nearly 3 time the size of the rheinland battleship, it looked really great.
Make it Orbiting Planet New Berlin., It MUST be Das Gottkanzlers holy flying Palace! That is, if it isn't flyable by itself.
Anyways, it looks so fantastic, im going to be crappy my pants for the next week or so constantly.
One thing, please make the windows WAY smaller. The bridge alone should have at least 3 decks of windows, for a ship that size, you need a lot more people. ON the number of crew memebrs, some people think that in the future people will need less to fly ships, I think you need a lot more. Battle FLeet Gothic had it right by having a 3 kilometre long cruiser that needed 10000 skilled crewmen to fly. That didn't include pilots or Naval Ratings (brute workforce).
Anyways, I love this ship. I hope it gets implemented some way or another.
How bout just making it proportional to the size of the Liberty carrier? As in if the Liberty dread is x long and the RH BS is y long and the Liberty carrier is 2x long, make this model 2y long.