When using my Marauder, I was unable to use the Dresden->Stuttgart jumphole without being 0 away (at the point where it quickdocks it). It switched to uncontrollable and just kept drifting til it crashed.
The class 8 Gaian guns are still not using the correct color.
Skye's ship dealer npc is missing in action. It's just no one there.
I swear there was something else, but I'll post about it if I recall.
Game crushing during docking with OC dread...looks like lot of caps have that problem according to ealier posts. Same happens when I'm fastdocking on sabre to malta.
Plus don't know if it can be consider as a bug but in resolution 1280x1024 after undocking from base, all edges are cuted. When you are on base everything is ok - click.
When I'm undocking it looks like this: click and click
-dx in shortcut helps but it make resolution 1280x960