' Wrote:Well the BS primaries were changed because of the overall turret rebalance, but so did every other BS primary because of the much higher damage, and the Corsair BS turret damage was increased about 3x. The Colada looks like it got a nerf, but the truth is that as Mjolnir explained in the pulse gun thread, all pulse guns were equalised in terms of damage to shields, rather than doing 100% to positron, 80% to graviton and so on -- so there wasn't any actual nerf to pulse guns against people who fly graviton, and this will just encourage people to mount other shields. Osiris is hardly useless, it's just not an OP ship like it used to be and it's more on par with its size, it should be used as a support ship not swiss army knife pwnship. The Salamanca received no nerfs.
So I wonder where you get information that everything Corsair got nerfed from because it just looks like jumping to unreal conclusions to me...
I already explained the sair guns thing a few times and I won't do it again. The sair pulses were a way to balance the Outcast Inferno gun and our slow guns (600/600) and ships (the Centurion HF, for example, is slower than most VHF's). The Salamanca got a nerf, it now uses a bit more energy.
Again, I'll just deal with it and and use the /abandon thread command
Salamanca uses 7 more energy. That's not a nerf you will ever even notice. Salamancas are still really efficient guns, much more than most VHF guns. Corsair pulse guns were not nerfed. Yes the stats changed. No they were not nerfed because the stats were amended to account for the change in how pulse guns work against shields. It's kind of tiresome as well to explain over and over why that is not a nerf. The Centurion is a very good HF that makes up it's slightly slower speed with some additional HP and still quite nice shape that avoids a lot of shots, it wasn't nerfed.
At the same time the Sabre which is pretty much what all of Corsair enemies fly got a nerf to its strafing speed and response. So it's funny that you didn't mention that at all...
The truth is Corsairs aren't really worse off at all. The only piece of equipment that was in need of a nerf was the Osiris. It got one. So it's hardly "everything Corsair is useless now".
' Wrote:The Colada looks like it got a nerf, but the truth is that as Mjolnir explained in the pulse gun thread, all pulse guns were equalised in terms of damage to shields, rather than doing 100% to positron, 80% to graviton and so on -- so there wasn't any actual nerf to pulse guns against people who fly graviton, and this will just encourage people to mount other shields.
No, thats not true. The damage was not equalised. I wish people would stop hiding behind other peoples mistakes. The corsair weapon lost some 170 points of damage, the civilian lost 140. The difference is some 30 points of damage. You can't be seriously telling me thats not nerfed?
Still unconvinced?
How about you put those 30 points of damage onto the Salamanca without adjusting power use and see what the community says about that?
As usual, certain parties in positions of power say "just corsairs moaning" or "it's in the rumors" which incidentally, turns out they had a hand in writing.....
Vito is just voicing the concerns of players who have seen it all before and have given up posting about it.
With regard to the Osiris, I have to admit that whilst it needed looking at, I can't help but think the knife has gone too far - again. Give it back just it's reverse speed for now and see how it gets on at the very least. If it's still not balanced, you can always remove it later or if needed add a spinal mounted gun. I'm sure we can roleplay a meet between a Liberty cruiser and some corsairs to steal the tech and you know, actually win.
- the Colada has been the most useless gun in the game since forever
- the Decurion LF's max angular speed is slower than an Eagle's and that is a damn VHF. There are no class 4 Corsair or civilian guns for the other LF, the Legionnaire with vanilla stats, so how can we benefit from the increased speed for LF's?
All these issues were raised ages ago and restated numerous times but nobody bothered to look into it. That's where most of my rage comes from, the fact that nobody seems to care
' Wrote:Corsairs can get to Omicron Alpha through the Sigmas.
That sucks. Means OC's will fight Gallics now and some other nearby enemies, and if 'we' (Sairs) lost Etna base in Eta (I believe we did) means we will be fighting Rheinland / Brethonia military now - of course I'm talking here about massive cap fleet battles. With 'closing' Theta-Eta 'doors' we have no common battlefield with OC's. So it's looks like there will be no more Alpha/Gamma raids.
And that sucks for me, cause Corsair-OC conflict was one of the most entertaining things I found in Freelancer - maybe because of Hispania mother-ship -> the fact that origin of both factions is 'hispanic' but now they are so different. Recently I found some really interesting RP in this conflict, which made me even more interested in discovering how my character feels when he fights OC's.
But, to be honest, I believe Sair-players are the most responsible for those negative RP and mechanical changes. I'm not talking here about Benitez or Sails - cause both those groups are totally cool in-RP and in-PvP - but I'm talking about the numbers of Corsair cap-players.
I admit, I am still a Disco noob, and I had my mistakes (MANY) but I learned from them at least A LITTLE, and each day I am at least TRYING to play a little better my character, who is commander of Corsair capital ship. But - from what I see around - most of Sair cap-users are just lolwuts-gankers, who doesn't care about RP at all, who even play against the rules of Corsair ID and only think about making a HUGE GANK.
So yeah, 'we' - Sair community - should blame first ourselves.
A fair amount of the blame can be put on me about Eta. I've pushed for a long time to see it's removal so that we can get the Hispanics back in Sigmas where they belonged. I didn't succeed in it's deletion but it appears we opened that little Eta box up and integrated it to the Sigmas. We'll be coming to you if you don't come to us.
' Wrote:A fair amount of the blame can be put on me about Eta. I've pushed for a long time to see it's removal so that we can get the Hispanics back in Sigmas where they belonged. I didn't succeed in it's deletion but it appears we opened that little Eta box up and integrated it to the Sigmas. We'll be coming to you if you don't come to us.
Well, I guess we'll see both how the things will work out in practice in Sigma's.
' Wrote:A fair amount of the blame can be put on me about Eta. I've pushed for a long time to see it's removal so that we can get the Hispanics back in Sigmas where they belonged. I didn't succeed in it's deletion but it appears we opened that little Eta box up and integrated it to the Sigmas. We'll be coming to you if you don't come to us.
Removing Eta would have been the best thing, but the Lambda option seems to work too. I'll be very happy if the Sigmas get more love (and we'll make sure they do ;))