' Wrote:Oh alright. So basically by your terms you can't call people you like on disco friends simply because you've never met them face to face ?
Not sure if trolling or serious.
The brightness continues. Where did I say that, exactly? I simply said he claims those people are his friends, yes? Yes. If they are, he could've resolved his issues with them in private, and avoid this charade of a thread.
Quote:You said the thread was nonsense, meaning there is no point to it. So you say it is pointless, yet force your trolling posts into it. Seems you are the one with the issues in this thread, not SMI. Now, leave the thread and dont come back.
Did I now? Or did I say that these kind of threads are only for show and for the admins to see how sorry someone is? After that I said, it works, but it's nonsense. So forgive me for being tired of explaining things into the tiniest of details but that simply means it's nonsense that it actually works. Anything else, or should I just leave?
' Wrote:The brightness continues. Where did I say that, exactly? I simply said he claims those people are his friends, yes? Yes. If they are, he could've resolved his issues with them in private, and avoid this charade of a thread.
Did I now? Or did I say that these kind of threads are only for show and for the admins to see how sorry someone is? After that I said, it works, but it's nonsense. So forgive me for being tired of explaining things into the tiniest of details but that simply means it's nonsense that it actually works. Anything else, or should I just leave?
SMI Great Fox apologised, it does take guts to apologise on this forum simply because we have a mass of people that will just trolololol this kind of thread. Oh wait, isn't that why a bunch of posts have been invisibled already ?
On the other hand, it's usually these very same trololol post people that will never ever be able to apologise to someone for what they did, but instead attempt to make themselves look like a winner just so they don't lose face.
It doesn't take a lot of effort to write a post about how sorry one is.
It's as hard as to lie in excuse.
But I'll be looking forward for at least this certain player to correct his mistakes, whatever. I do the same each time someone makes a thread to apologize.
If it's a real apology or not, it doesn't matter. He apologized. Some people forgave him, some didn't. That's all. Debating what his real intetions are is just stupid, you can't know what a person truly feel or think, no matter how hard you argue about it, no matter how good/bad your arguments are. Unless you believe yoursef a mindreader, which would put you in the highest spot of stupidity, even psicology can't be applied throught internet. Silly people, silly. In this huge ocean of information, persons and alt accounts, you can only choose to blindly trust someone or not.
It doesn't take balls to apologize on an internet forum, nor to admit you made a mistake. Sorry, it doesn't.
Though, this thread shows the true nature of our community. One man comes here to apologize, people applaud him and state their opinion, another states his opinion and then an admin and a moderator treat the person with a differing opinion like a piece of crap. Very classy. I guess having a differing opinion is trolling now. Go figure.
Anyways, SMI, your post reads of a ton of excuses for some very bad decisions on your part. I'm not a fan of excuses. I'm not a fan of people blaming their failures on some stress caused by real life. We all deal with stress in real life, not all of us act in the manner in which you have. That is due to maturity level.
With all these problems in game and in real life, any normal man would have killed himself by now or taken a break. - SMI
Don't over inflate your issues. Normal is relative, but I highly doubt a normal man would have killed himself if he was dealing with the same issues you are. A weak, immature man possibly, but not a normal man. I will agree, a normal man that was stressed likely would have taken a break.
Don't take this the wrong way, what you've proven here (if you are being sincere) is that you've noticed you were being immature and have grown. That is something a lot of people go their whole lives without doing too many times. So, kudos to becoming more mature.
Some advice: If leading +LE+ is so stressful you need to find capable seconds. If capable seconds can't be found then that means the members of the faction don't truly care about the faction itself. If this is the case and the stress outweighs the fun, then perhaps letting the faction die would be a wise choice. With capable seconds you will be free to enjoy the faction yourself and thus the faction itself will prosper.
As Daedric said; It's great you've realised you've been less than smart, but I'd only even think about being impressed if you take the step that's actually important and do something about it.