' Wrote:Hehe, I can already see pirates coming into mining fields while cloaked, on heavy bombers. just to make sure that certain Hege won't hit cruise button.
I already saw few cloacked traders (well I not ''saw'' because of stelth)
thins thing must be fixed as well. some powertraders on 5000 ships will have 3500 ore and 1100 fuel to cloack themself. all this cloak things must be reballanced
' Wrote:I already saw few cloacked traders (well I not ''saw'' because of stelth)
thins thing must be fixed as well. some powertraders on 5000 ships will have 3500 ore and 1100 fuel to cloack themself. all this cloak things must be reballanced
Name me a 5k'er with CM, except for ZBT (that can't dock in house space anyway)
Also, 3500 ore on a 5k'er? I'm sorry, but that equals to 15 million fine EACH time you make a run, if carrying an ore. a 30% drop in profits.
There's a reason why so many 5k'ers were flying with Au8 only.
' Wrote:Name me a 5k'er with CM, except for ZBT (that can't dock in house space anyway)
Also, 3500 ore on a 5k'er? I'm sorry, but that equals to 15 million fine EACH time you make a run, if carrying an ore. a 30% drop in profits.
There's a reason why so many 5k'ers were flying with Au8 only.
You are, definitely, not a powertrader:D
sure thing Im not:P
And I mean this: trader jump off from TL when see red target in 13k away. before pirate can get to him he can activate cruise engines and cloak. so his 30% loss can turn into escaping from paying 5-10 millions to pirate
so if trader will see many pirate on his route he will have more cash after all...
If you know how to avoid pirates you don't need a fancy cloaking shizz...
the au8 it's the perfect defense on a 5ker if you'r 20k from a friendly base
going for 3.6k ore i would just rather take a smaller transport (libertybattle transport) and rape all pirates i see with 3.6k ore on board.
And yes, i'm a powertrader, whOREtrader,powerminner,capplayer etc. and i use the most unholy methods to win 8-|
cloaking module it's just the ultimate weapon for trolls
Quote:Also, true powertraders have House Military cruiser chars on their favourite paths.
But that's indeed an emergency, ultima ratio situation if you have to relog into cruiser, because you can lose 10-30 minutes as a result, if not more. Which is a big no. (for ore haulers, at least)
' Wrote:sure thing Im not:P
And I mean this: trader jump off from TL when see red target in 13k away. before pirate can get to him he can activate cruise engines and cloak. so his 30% loss can turn into escaping from paying 5-10 millions to pirate
so if trader will see many pirate on his route he will have more cash after all...
Well, imho - it's easier to play carefully and avoid pirates, then drop your profits by this amount.
Also, true powertraders have House Military cruiser chars on their favourite paths. :cool:
But that's indeed an emergency, ultima ratio situation if you have to relog into cruiser, because you can lose 10-30 minutes as a result, if not more. Which is a big no. (for ore haulers, at least)
Imo, the real purpose of cloaked transports is to serve as an ultimate scout ship.
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Barge is too big and too slow. so even cloaked players would be able to see it. and due to low speed cloaking it is no point. it will run out of fuel even faster then on 5000 ship. I guess...
EDIT: 800 posts:Dand Im ''most active'' not in Flood