' Wrote:according to our new tracker, we're th e second most active Kusari faction, and 14th overall! Rising daily!
Training PvP near Planet New Tokyo. Yes. Time is ticking, but that is not cotribution to server activity, nor makes logical RP explanation when passing ships sees that.
They were not KSP ships. However i have spoken to those involved, And i have mentioned that KPD ships are still bound by the restrictions of their ID's and should act accordingly. Kusari Space is their area, not Nommy land.
You should really mute down the huge number of caps you use all the time. If Kusari would have the resources to field so many caps in the service of the police, it wouldn't be in the current groom state.
Also, cut down the ganking, it's quite annoying. If you can't play nice and fair, don't expect a nice and fair play later.
Firstly,i'd like to appreciate your hard-working in kusary,whole day trying your best to chase after pirates and make them leave.
On the other hand.I'd agree Pancakes,i've seen [KSP] flying caps so many times.Which is really rarity for Polices. Polices mostly flying snubs,not caps.
If they don't like flying fighters let them fly gunboats, so what? If they wanna be a police force in gunboats let them be a police force in gunboats. I don't see a problem.
The ganking is slowly getting on my nerves though, even though it happened only 2 times to myself, people keep complaining that they get ganked all the time. When people keep complaining in chats about the same thing over and over again, I get annoyed. So, how about you stop ganking?
KSP is allowing more freedom in ship choices? KSP is amazingly active for a police faction? Must be a coincidence.
I can't speak to the ganking, but I've enjoyed the RP I've had with the KSP so far. As far as corrupt rascists go, they seem to be doing it pretty well.