' Wrote:Since you want to derail this thread, let's go. You are incorrect: the last time I wrote code here was less than a month ago. I put together a system that lets me track: where any player has been at any time in the past, where a faction's ships have been at any time in the past, which players have passed through a given system at any time in the past, and the status of any base over time graphed elegantly.
The admins said the information was ooRP, so I made the information off-limits to the admins. So you say I never do any work? Maybe I just choose to work for my own benefit.
Cannon asked me to work on a UTF editor that nobody else wants to or has time to work on. I just moved into a new house this weekend but I expect to make some serious progress on that later this week. Of course, you wouldn't know, because this is behind the scenes.
I think a more accurate statement is that I avoid the powergamers and roleplay willingly with other casual players. I don't recall asking for your opinion of my roleplay, though... Back on topic please
I'm derailing nothing. I'm partaking in the discussion and the tangents of it.
The code you wrote was not for the mod, so don't confuse the two. Code that is written for the mod as a Hook plugin is FAR different than code used to power game in role play.
So yes. You never do any work. You are all talk and no drive. You make a big fuss about wanting this, that, and the other added to the mod and claim to be a pro coder. Yet, no code from you is ever given to the dev team? Correct? Have you given any code to the dev team for testing to have it implemented into the mod?
Before your ban you were on about programming an in game SRP thing. You were told to code it and submit it for review. Never did it did ya? All bark, no bite. Though, I'll bet you'll bet that was due to your ban.
I honestly don't care if you asked for my opinion or not. Public forums. Until one with the authority to tell me to hush does, I'll speak my mind.
Funny you claim to avoid power gamers, yet you are one yourself. As evidenced by the fact that the admins said as much. Funny how you complain about what others do, yet do it yourself. Pot, kettle, very very black.
There are many things that go on behind the scenes here. There are many people that do things behind the scenes here. As I said, I dare you to prove me wrong. I'd be happy if you did, as it would mean our fair development team would be getting some help. Help be a good thing.
We are on topic. Merely because you don't like where the discussion goes, doesn't mean it is off topic. Just means I've hit a nerve.
If you want to be on topic - how about addressing the points I've laid out. You know, the ones in my posts. The ones you ignore because you really don't want anyone posting here that disagress with you or has a differing opinion. Those. Let's discuss them. I mean, that is what you claim to want right? A discussion on this topic?
' Wrote:Why don't you discuss smelting instead of attacking me, thanks
I did. Why don't you discuss smelting instead of ignoring the discussion because you don't actually want to discuss it?
I'll do the leg work for you, since you don't like to do it yourself:
Quote:Player Bases are a public feature. Anyone is free to construct one and operate it. I'm also of the mind that certain aspects of such a system should be restricted to certain IDs.
I highly, highly doubt that the GMG would allow their stations to be used by third parties to refine h3 into hfuel. Same with the smelting facilities on the mineral mining groups stations.
You claim to want this feature to promote role play, but then turn around and ignore role play and lore because you can't stand the current system here. Wonder why the dev's don't pay you any mind?
I do agree, fudge giving any of this feature soley to official factions - it goes to the IDs so that indy players of that NPC faction can also use it. Though that just creates and environment where, people like you, merely make alts instead of role playing with other people. Already have that environment though, so wouldn't hurt.
' Wrote:I did. Why don't you discuss smelting instead of ignoring the discussion because you don't actually want to discuss it?
You have not really made any points regarding how a smelting system should work. All of your 'points' involve calling me lazy, loudmouth, hypocrite, et cetera... I do not deserve to be insulted just for making a suggestion and not devoting 20 hours a week to code as a volunteer, thank you very much
To your ninja edit... Player bases require a large amount of play-hours to construct and operate, more than most people or small groups of friends can achieve on their own. Only extremely dedicated independents and well organized factions can maintain a base. They are *not* accessible to everyone, so smelting should be available on permanent base
' Wrote:better just make capitals producable instead of buyable.
I've thought about that many times before. That could be quite interesting.
As an example:
Make it so Liberty Navy cap ships can only be produced at the lawfully owned shipyards in Liberty (the ones they are built at by lore). Make it so if a player wants a cap ship he must go to that ship yard. Enter some Hook command and construction is started. Player then has to get a certain number of various goods to the base for it to be built. Make it ID dependant too. Only Navy ID can build Navy ship.
/buildship LNDREAD <password>
This begisn cosntruction. To drop goods off and have it go towards your ship you login to it!
/buildship login <password>
Then merely sell your goods to the base.
I'm not going to bother with the goods needed. Nor am I sure this is possible as I laid out as I'm not sure if it can track that you sold the goods after you logged in. If you log in and another guys sells a required good (just trading wise) can the server understand the difference?
' Wrote:You have not really made any points regarding how a smelting system should work. All of your 'points' involve calling me lazy, loudmouth, hypocrite, et cetera... I do not deserve to be insulted just for making a suggestion and not devoting 20 hours a week to code as a volunteer, thank you very much
To your ninja edit... Player bases require a large amount of play-hours to construct and operate, more than most people or small groups of friends can achieve on their own. Only extremely dedicated independents and well organized factions can maintain a base. They are *not* accessible to everyone, so smelting should be available on permanent base
Perhaps you should read then. You seem to have missed the points regarding this topic. I've quoted myself so you don't have to click a mouse button.
I've not insulted you. I've merely stated a fact based on observation. If you can't handle being criticized, then you probably should give up on doing mod work. Criticizing isn't insulting. I critizied you because you make suggestions and then whine and complain stating they aren't done because other people, who volunteer their time, didn't do the work. That and you're a hypocrite.
Anyways, enough about you. We are well aware of you. Care to discuss the meat of the topic? Or are you just going to harp on an aspect of the topic?
Oh and player bases are managable by a small group of friends. OSI's base is maintained by a trio. Stygian, myself, and sometimes Gytrash. That is maintaining it. Yes, others helped with all the construction and stuff. We paid them. Hell, Cam helped us. Cam. He hates official factions. <3 Cam.
I'm not going to disagree though. I think this idea should be on perm bases, but restricted by ID.
I read it, why don't you restate your point more clearly and civilly without attacking me?
And nice ninja edit, once again... Your criticism of my character is unwelcome and off topic, please take it elsewhere
' Wrote:I read it, why don't you restate your point more clearly and civilly without attacking me?
Doesn't matter if I do. You'll ignore it, just as you have for three posts now.
As I said. Care to discuss or are you just going to be your typical self and make a fuss and not really do much at all? Again. Prove me wrong; I dare ya.
Quote:I'm also of the mind that certain aspects of such a system should be restricted to certain IDs.
I highly, highly doubt that the GMG would allow their stations to be used by third parties to refine h3 into hfuel. Same with the smelting facilities on the mineral mining groups stations.
There is nothing wrong with a particular faction locking off its production facilities, but hfuel refinement is probably doable on another base like a Freeport. True, some groups do not operate their bases like a laundromat. I think as long as there are a few public bases for any given process, factions can be as private as they want to be about their facilities.
Quote:I'm not going to disagree though. I think this idea should be on perm bases, but restricted by ID.
Ok we can agree on this, but I think some locations would not restrict by id, like freelancer bases and probably freeports.