In one of the LN-RM battles, my dread got surprised in the rear by a cloaking turtle. I was tied up with a couple of RM bombers and the turtle decloaked and started firing into my exhaust. He used the tech like it was supposed to be used, I didnt think it was wrong in any way.
I have also done exactly what the OP asks about. There are some cloaking cruiser pirates and one way to kill them reliably is sneak up on them with a cloaked battleship while giving RP in /s broadcast so they dont know your distance, then BLAM BLAM from the rear no-lube style. I dont feel bad about it all, never thought of it as 0.0 issue either. I wouldnt do it to another ship who wasnt [ab]using cloaks, since its kind of a pain to setup for.
I figure this is all what cloaks are designed for. If you cant use them without breaking the rules, they need a redesign.
' Wrote:Paying newbs to kill other players on sight, and telling them that this is a PvP server? That could very easily be sanctioned for the follwing core tenets of the Discovery rule book.
' Wrote:In one of the LN-RM battles, my dread got surprised in the rear by a cloaking turtle. I was tied up with a couple of RM bombers and the turtle decloaked and started firing into my exhaust. He used the tech like it was supposed to be used, I didnt think it was wrong in any way.
I have also done exactly what the OP asks about. There are some cloaking cruiser pirates and one way to kill them reliably is sneak up on them with a cloaked battleship while giving RP in /s broadcast so they dont know your distance, then BLAM BLAM from the rear no-lube style. I dont feel bad about it all, never thought of it as 0.0 issue either. I wouldnt do it to another ship who wasnt [ab]using cloaks, since its kind of a pain to setup for.
I figure this is all what cloaks are designed for. If you cant use them without breaking the rules, they need a redesign.
Agreed. I believe that militaries should be allowed to engage each other without roleplay. They're signing up for the military, they should be prepared for combat. If you have to talk to everyone before you fight, that completely ruins any chance of guerrilla warfare. The point of roleplaying is to play the roles of your characters. What kind of people, in a real war, would start talking and announcing their presence, and give the enemy time to prepare before the attack?
I can understand having roleplay requirements in other situations; if pirates were to simply uncloak and kill haulers, that would wreck the game. But if two militaries are at war, they should be able to sneak up on each other when they want to. (Basically, I'm saying that there should be an exception to roleplay requirements when two militaries are engaging each other, so that no speaking is required before engagement, but only when two militaries are engaging each other)
' Wrote:Agreed. I believe that militaries should be allowed to engage each other without roleplay. They're signing up for the military, they should be prepared for combat.
While I generally agree with you, our atmosphere is a tad more friendly than that. A few lines isn't asking for much at all. I mean if we went the route that you're suggesting (and one I've thought about before), bunch people would whine because they got killed while sitting still in front of their mortal enemas.
' Wrote:Agreed. I believe that militaries should be allowed to engage each other without roleplay. They're signing up for the military, they should be prepared for combat. If you have to talk to everyone before you fight, that completely ruins any chance of guerrilla warfare. The point of roleplaying is to play the roles of your characters. What kind of people, in a real war, would start talking and announcing their presence, and give the enemy time to prepare before the attack?
Because it's a game ?:)
And I can add this : This is an arcade game.:)
It's good to have fun without ruining the fun of the others. I think.
' Wrote:Because it's a game ?:)
And I can add this : This is an arcade game.:)
It's good to have fun without ruining the fun of the others. I think.
Exactly, games are for fun. Why limit everyone by not allowing the use of any sort of strategy, by requiring that everyone group together and announce their presence before engaging an enemy military? The fun is in strategy, and when strategy isn't allowed, it just turns into "who has more guns on their side".
' Wrote:Paying newbs to kill other players on sight, and telling them that this is a PvP server? That could very easily be sanctioned for the follwing core tenets of the Discovery rule book.
Never said pay them to kill others on site. I will give them cash for a fully fitted VHF with AU-VIII. Then tell them go out and kill stuff. Never said kill stuff with no RP. Also welcome to Discovery PvP server is not against rules, and from what i have seen in last 3-4 weeks with bases shooting allies, and same ID'd players threatening to shoot each other this is a PvP server. Show me how a base is RP'n before it shoots everything that gets near it, including ships of same faction. Show me how 1 group of military can shoot another group/person in same military in RP. It is not RP, it is pure PvP/power gaming/lolwuts. I have played on pure PvP servers that have more RP then Disco lately, and players with more honor/curtesy/fairplay.
' Wrote:And what's wrong with that? 0.0 is bulls digesting tract subproduct bearing no real value or meaning. Just a thing for admins to cover any loopholes of the rules if any arises. It allows them to punish people beyond the actuall existing rules in a dire unregular situation which might not be covered by existing rules.
It's terribly flawed, you see. Lets say I get snaced while stationary by a sucker punch.. oh well. My bad. That's it. So I can assume according to golden rule that other people wouldn't care either. But obviuosly it's not true. It's flawed and it's not a rule. I could understand it as preamble at best. But it alone itself without actuall rules fallowing can't control or regulate anything.
I see people qouting this thing as a rule others should obey.. and for me, they look irrational at best.
^THIS^ 0.0 is utter BS. I seen a player get pirated for 100mil carrying O2 in a rhino report under 0.0 and nothing.
Seen 4 dreads uncloak and kill a Salvager with not 1 word, and again no 0.0
Seen a group of light fighters ram a barge for 20 minutes just to be pricks. No 0.0
So show me 1 sanction for this rule that is not the admins just using to cover a loophole.
' Wrote:In one of the LN-RM battles, my dread got surprised in the rear by a cloaking turtle. I was tied up with a couple of RM bombers and the turtle decloaked and started firing into my exhaust. He used the tech like it was supposed to be used, I didnt think it was wrong in any way.
I have also done exactly what the OP asks about. There are some cloaking cruiser pirates and one way to kill them reliably is sneak up on them with a cloaked battleship while giving RP in /s broadcast so they dont know your distance, then BLAM BLAM from the rear no-lube style. I dont feel bad about it all, never thought of it as 0.0 issue either. I wouldnt do it to another ship who wasnt [ab]using cloaks, since its kind of a pain to setup for.
I figure this is all what cloaks are designed for. If you cant use them without breaking the rules, they need a redesign.
Pretty much my thinking. Was going to RP 3-4 lines while sitting behind an enemy cap, then uncloaking and letting the plasma fly free.
After all i have had quite a few RM caps Uncloak and fire without any RP, so 3-4 lines was perfectly fine in my thinking.
' Wrote:I think someone finally pushed Ryoken over the edge. If you get that stressed over a game you need to step away for a while.
Actually i took a month off. Came back and in 1 hour some total fracking jack-offs that think they run the server did more then finally push me over the edge.
For example: i gave several of the server most hated players money to replace sanctioned ships. Against rules? NOPE. Will it cause a crap load of trouble for a certain group that pissed me off? OH HELL YEAH!
Sort of a pre-paid 500mil bounty you could say. Also no rules against it. Just paying a group to do a job they would do on thier own if they had the gear.
Thats the funny thing in Disco. You get a group that thinks they are all high and mighty, and can do what ever they want. Well that pisses alot of people off, but most(unlike myself) keep quiet and let the rage build. Now it is like a gas leak near a flame. The pool will get bigger, and bigger until the flame hits that fuel. For as many here that hate my posts, i get just as many in PMs that support them. So i called in some favors, so of made the leak into a full flowing flood. Now to wait for it to hit the flame. Glorious boom! a coming.
' Wrote:Just currious here. If a cloaked ship RP's that he is going to kill an enemy, say 3-4 lines of RP, then uncloaks, and fires away killing them. Is that allowed?
Not asking if it is nice, or a cheap tactic. Just is it allowed by rules?
' Wrote:It currently violates neither the letter nor the spirit of the rules.
In truth i say drop all the dam rules. The admins already got rid of the only rules that mattered, and now we just got the rules that everyone abuses, and gets away with abusing daily. Especially the mystical 0.0 rule that no one can use in sanctions but admins.