Okay, enough of the 'Your an Outcast player, so your biased. Your a Corsair player, so your biased.' Stop reducing people to the characters they play and view them as the people they are. People that can, god forbid, have opinions on things without being influenced by the characters on the server that they play as..
I'll be making a new buster line and updating current ones for you all to look at. If there are little to no changes need made I'll submit it to Igiss to see what he thinks and possibly get them implemented..
'Pirate' line (not Outcast alliance) will be made, with Imp. Debs being the top of it.
Civilian line will be updated.
Coladas will be rebalanced.
Imp. Debs wil be a Lane Hacker - Civilian combo buster. It will be the level 9 for pirates and civilians, made jointly by Lane Hackers and Ageira (Ageira designed it and Lane Hackers stole copies of the design plans when most fled Ageira, which is why its available to LH now.).
The pirate line will have level 5 to 8 busters (5, 7, 8), same for civilian line.
All Deb-line weapons will be lawful only, with exclusion of Imp. Debs and maybe Adv. Debs (depends if LH produce them as well).
Pirate line will be sold on Outcast alliance and Corsair alliance bases, but isn't likely to be on either Outcast or Corsair bases, but their ally's bases.
Corsair Tizona will stay more powerful than the Imp Deb, but also use more energy. Colada will be the best in terms of damage but the highest energy usage. Pirate line class 8 will be roughly on-par with Adv. Deb except it will either take less or more energy and do less or more damage in return.
Please mention on the infocards of the to-be lawful/civilian shield busters that they are manufactured by at least one corporation in each house, otherwise we may get into another discussion in the future about who these should really belong to. Good thing maybe, but still its a lot of work keeping shield busters balanced as it is, and if house ones get added in the future then that will become even harder.
Will there be a Rapier II aswell, or will we rely on the class 8 generic pirate version? Just wondering in advance is all, I dont mind either way.
Also, will the Imp Deb be available for other pirate factions who have relations with the Lane Hackers? Again, just wondering so I know what to prepare for. Also, maybe the Imp. Deb needs to be renamed to to the Heavy Debilitator, as the improved flashpoint is less effective than the advanced flashpoint, but the heavy flashpoint is better than the advanced flashpoint, unless im very much mistaken and the advanced flashpoint does not exist:$. [Datastorm ( :O ) is refusing to play ball right now, and I know what it is. Searching for an XP disk!]
All the Deb-line guns will mention they were made by house corps and are LAWFUL weapons, with Imp Debs (might rename to Heavy Deb..) being said to be built by Ageira and Lane Hackers, who are willing to sell it to their allies, the Outcasts, in return for Sabres. (Gives a reason for LH to be flying BW ships.)
The pirate line will have level 8s for Corsairs. Won't be making a Rapier II. There will be a level 5, 7, and 8 pirate buster available on stations that allows Corsairs AND Outcasts to purchase them. Example would be, sold on a Gaian and a Molly base. Or a Farmer's Alliance and GC base. And the name and infocard will only state it as a 'pirate' weapon, with no reference to the makers or distributors.
There will be no pirate level 9s as the Corsairs have their Tizonas already and the OC can get their Debs from the LH.
Corsairs - Tizona Del Cid, Colada Del Cids, Pirate Buster Class 5, 7, and 8.
Outcasts - Imp (Heavy) Debilitators, Pirate Buster Class 5, 7, and 8.
Lawfuls/Mercs - Debilitator line, including Imp (Heavy) Debs.
Corsairs won't have access to ANY of the Debs, OC will only have access to the Imp Debs, as a counter to the Tizona. Both will get Pirate, neither will get the Class 8 and lower Deb lines.
Right now the whole debilitator line - 7,8,9 is sold on Leiden. (LH base)
Adv. Deb (Class4/8) turrets are only on lawfull bases
while Debilitator turret (Class3/7) is sold on 9 unlawfull base in whole Sirius.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
I'll make some 7, 8, and 9 turrets as well. And I'll have the lower-level debils off the unlawful bases, including the turrets (all will be replaced by pirate busters anyway).
' Wrote:All the Deb-line guns will mention they were made by house corps and are LAWFUL weapons, with Imp Debs (might rename to Heavy Deb..) being said to be built by Ageira and Lane Hackers, who are willing to sell it to their allies, the Outcasts, in return for Sabres. (Gives a reason for LH to be flying BW ships.)
Or maybe they, you know, bought their ships from the Zoners...
I pirate in my slippy with the class 8 debbies. It is true that they are not completely necessary to win but they are to pirate. The lighter ships simply do not have the power levels to damage heavy shields without specific shield busters. It would be nice to have all the different house busters but the developers would be doing so much better to work on actual problems then developing a fix to something that really isnt an issue.
' Wrote:Or maybe they, you know, bought their ships from the Zoners...
You can't purchase a Sabre from any Zoner station in Sirius.
I'm sick of people saying they can justify any weaponry or ship they have by saying; 'Oh, we bought it from the Zoners.' Regardless of the fact that the Zoners DON'T SELL THAT ITEM/SHIP.. Its a poor, OORP excuse and the amount its used is sickening. Zoners don't make the Border Worlds line. They don't sell ANY of the BW ships, any of the BW ships and only use the Dromedary, which is a freighter. Meanwhile the Outcasts and their allies use the BW line of fighters. None of the Corsairs, none of their allies, none of the lawfuls use any of them. That means they are an Outcast-used-and-built line. Zoners have the Eagle, Falcon, and Hawk. They make them, they fly them. If the Zoners made the BW line, don't you think they would fly them?
Enough of the excuses people, these things are why we have to have so many rules, because people disregard common sense in favor of 'How can I get this, regardless of whether I should?'