Alright, I've had to give up on the complete exploration of Sirius for now. Just shy of three hundred systems and somewhere near seven hundred jumphole, and I'm bored to tears. Admittedly it seems that my decision to stop by and visit a certain plantation on Canaria was ill timed. The hold full of rations I had didn't last long after that. So, I'll be haunting the usual trade paths for a while then I plan to into the office to shore up any paperwork. After I stop by the bar first, of course.
Damn man, patience of a saint there ... Nice to see someone trying to find their way round
this convoluted system of ours. Then again not much to find in the newly discovered ones,
Certainly not profitable anyway ...
I do hear there is some nice little back door routes around though, making the odd *cough*
smuggling trips a little easier on the paintwork ...
Paperwork old chap ? Why start now ... No one ever bothered before, the bar sounds
like a much better option, before the grind of the credit chase starts once more ...
Res melius evinissent cum coca ... Or something like that. Pass the Columbian ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Right, a stop by the bar is in order. Headed to Manhattan after a few more stops.
I ran across one of our escort pilots not long ago, and he seemed a bit grouchy.
He mumbled a few incoherent curses about shooting something. I didn't really catch what he was on about. Any ideas?
Yeah, me too. Those Winter boys were calling Pat all the names under the sun ...
Something about matching shoes and handbags, never quite get those two.
Leave all that stuff to Boone, seems to have almost a handle on it, though I think he
ought to pop in the bar before they get too drunk. The cleaners always ask for danger
money when they've been on a bender. Hate to be on the receiving end when they go
off on one ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Better not let them go too far. Before you know it, the whole Epsilon wing will be in the brig and the bar will be reduced to ashes. Suggest you have Sophie start watering down their drinks. I'm sure they'll wind up breaking something, so I'll pick up some furniture at my next stop.
I'll have to have a word with Pat, if those Epsilons are going to be drinking for Liberty
again. I remember what happened last time ... Thank God it wasn't our premises.
One of the LSF guys never did walk straight after that. Had to pull the building down too,
way beyond economic repair apparently. Thank God for better regs now ... Put ours up
like a blast shelter, couldn't get the insurance otherwise.
Kevlar anyone ?
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
The SCRA have overstepped their bounds again. We might need a few cleaners out there. Be on the lookout!
A SCRA tagged Assault Frigate was demanding extradition of 75 of our passengers under threat of it's big guns, claiming they were revolutionaries. I ask, since when are revolutionaries demanding revolutionaries that payed for the transport from point A to point B? Not to mention the big guns threatening at midway... I guess it's one of the big mysteries of life. Anyway, no damage done, I safely docked with Corfu escorted by the Forrestal, who's captain solved it by explaining the SCRA captain some legal gibberish about jurisdiction.
Wise decision stationing the Forrestal at Corfu I will say.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Sounds like a bit of old bollocks to me ... 75 passengers, was he making that up ?
Did he have the names ? Think not ... And where was the AW when this was going
down ? Eh. Apart from our escort ship, I thought cap ships not bearing their colours
were persona non grata in Theta.
Need to have a word with the powers that be ...
Err, next time explain with an inferno and a battlerazor or two.
Bloody smartarse pirates.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Hello, this is Gordon Fox, the CEO of OMNI Industries, I would like to
agologize for the destruction of some of your ships done by our security
forces during our hard times, so please accept my apology.
We could do some business sometime if you're interested, like free escorts
by any of our ships?
I'm not trying to pay back for all the trouble we've caused just making sure
that we could help out each other in dangerous situations, looking forward
to hear from you.
Stingray,Nov 8 2006, 08:23 AM Wrote:We could do some business sometime if you're interested, like free escorts
by any of our ships?
Message to:Epsilon HQ
Comm ID: Esc.John.Prine
Give em the bloody escort duty for free, I sez, at least until we can sort out our "color coordination" issues.
When it takes me 15 minutes and a dozen or two mines to take out two puny waves of Rogue fighters. for a measly 20K commission, it's almost free anyway. The hungry hippos we've mounted amount to a lot of flying in circles while the capacitators recharge!
Props to the drunken brothers for raising the issue. I'll be docked snug at Waterloo until i get a memo...