SENDER ID: VICE ADMIRAL, Rachel A. Baker. TARGET ID: CDR. Sius, CDR. Clark, CAPT. Polstari. SUBJECT:Operation Shield of Liberty ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Gentlemen, I thank you for your voluntary contribution to this mission, henceforth referred to as "Operation Shield of Liberty".
Polstari, Clark, inform your men of the situation and prepare to mobililze your ships, we will move into Bretonian space in short order.
Sius, Perform whatever final checks you need to on that pet AI of yours, make sure it's up to par. I don't want the thing crapping out on us in the middle of a Gallic incursion.
Gentlemen, our ships, though few in numbers, will serve as the tip of the spear, It will fall to us to make sure that the Gallics advance no further than Leeds and Magellan. It will fall to us to test the capabilities and tactics of the Gallic military in Naval warfare, and to prove that our will to fight and remain free, is stronger than the will of their 'King' to conquer our homes and endanger our loved ones.
Operation Shield of Liberty will serve only to aid the rest of our military in preparing for full scale war with this tyrannical...'Kingdom' of Gallia.
Our gunboats will deploy to Leeds, without the rest of the force I requested. Hopefully we will not have to wait long for additional support.
Should the Leeds Defense Fleet fall, and our flotilla with it...The enemy will have a straight shot into Libertonian space. We cannot, and I know you will not, allow this to happen.
Captain Polstari, Commander Clark, I'll be glad to have you gentlemen with me. You two are highly capable Naval Officers, and I know you'll do everything you can to ensure that the Shield of Liberty is never broken.
SENDER ID: LIEUTENANT, Daler Mehndi TARGET ID: V Adm. Rachel Baker SUBJECT:Operation Shield of Liberty ENCRYPTION:You want this punk? huh? you want this? No! Tunak tunak high.
Mehndi here.
Count me in. I'll be perfectly happy to dance with the Gallics, and introduce them to a deadly variety of dance...The libertonian way. I'll be on a trusty Upholder.
<<<<Log in: Lt Cmdr Remus Sius>>>>
<<<<Password Accepted>>>>
*****Incoming Transmission***** COMM ID:Lt Cmdr Remus Sius/[LN]-LNS-MacArthur
TARGET ID: Vice Admiral Rachel Baker/Liberty Forces Reporting Centre
Good day,
Ma'm, as you requested all necessary preliminary checks have been performed and no mishaps have been reported by the chief engineer. The MacArthur is ready to be deployed to the Leeds Front.
On its way to Leeds, a short test run on the new systems was conducted. The ship successfully intercepted two transports carrying slaves.
One of the transports docked: [X]
The other was destroyed: [X],[X]
As there was no friendly transport nearby, I managed to hire a Freelancer to rescue the freed 'slaves'. They are now at West Point awaiting medical attention, proper identification, and possible re-settlement options.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
COMM ID:Commander Alicia Winterfield TARGET ID:Report channel SUBJECT:Valor down ENCRYPTION:HIGH PRIORITY:HIGH
Today at 18:20, the [LN]-LNS-Cloverfield and BAF|HMS-Leviathan engaged a Valor known as the RNS-Paris in Leeds.
This vessel had been chasing the Cloverfield from Tau-31.
For whatever reason, the captain of the RNS-Paris thought it would be wise to jump on the other side and persue.
He met a terrible fate.
COMM ID: John Miller
TARGET ID: Report Channel
Today marked the Final Test flight for my overhauled Executioner, and i must say it works like a charm. I met up with Junior Lieutenant Wilcott to assist our forces in California. On the way to the Jumpgate we picked up a Rogue on Scanners and gave chase through New York, Colorado and Kepler, where he was then forced to Dock. Returning to Colorado to head back and link up with our forces, we were then interrupted by a Lane Hacker, who thought it was smart to engage 2 Navy Fighters. After a rather lengthy brawl and some major damage to my Hull and turret, i was finally able to dispatch of the Enemy. We both returned safely to Norfolk Shipyard for repairs.
Good afternoon members of Libertonian 'igh Command. I'm Leftenant Commander Ashleigh Pierson n'I've been transferred from the Bretonian Reserves' 277th Training Command to the Liberty Navy's 273rd Strike Group under Admiral Baker.
As y'mighta figured, I'm 'ere to assist in th' training of Libertonian servicemen on 'ow t'operate an' maintain some of the fine Bretonian ships you've all recently acquired. Not tha' it makes much bloody sense t'me, but orders be orders'n 'ere I am.
COMM ID:Junior Lieutenant Rohj Teerin TARGET ID:Vice Admiral Rachel Baker SUBJECT:Liberty Navy Leeds Force ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
Teerin here.
Reporting in for this Leeds operation, Admiral Baker. I'll bring an Avenger along.
Teerin out.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
To: ADMIRAL Baker, Rachel
Subject:RE: 'Voluntary' Mobilization
Encryption: High
Priority: High
Admiral Baker,
Sorry for the belated response on this, but I had to do some thinking and planning regarding whether or not I'd be able to participate in this operation. I believe I will be able to participate after all, assuming that I will be given opportunity to return to Liberty at regular intervals to handle personal business.
If I am selected, I can bring either a fighter or a bomber with me to Bretonia, whichever is needed more. I would also be willing to captain a Bison transport if one is made available to me, since Commander Clark's resignation leaves that place unfilled as well.
<<<<Log in: Lt Cmdr Remus Sius>>>>
<<<<Password Accepted>>>>
*****Incoming Transmission***** COMM ID:Lt Cmdr Remus Sius/
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Successful defense of Texas
Good day,
The alarms blared as I was attending to a proper maintenance of my Havoc. Several Rheinland capital ships were spotted by the Houston Space Satellites. As I launched my bomber, there were already Liberty ships preparing to amass against the Rheinland invasion fleet. It took us a couple of minutes to organize the defense force. I jumped ahead to find Rheinland cruisers headed for Norfolk... One of them suddenly jumped out of lane and attacked me... Two more followed suit and I was dodging missiles left and right.
The timely arrival of the two Dreads: California and Bastian saved my sorry ***. Soon, the Rheinalnd cruiser retreated to Texas. Junior Lieutenant Wilcott spotted what appeared to be a Kusari Battleship over in Texas. We rallied all ships we could and proceeded to the target system.... There we found the Battleship prowling the lanes. We opened fire as soon as we exited the lanes.
The California went down first to the combined power of the Kusari Battleship and its cruiser escorts. But soon the Kusari Battleship fell to two of our own Carriers and bombers. Gamma-6, an Upholder, also fell down when he got too close to his own Nova explosion.
Here is a list of enemy casualties:
I will send a formal complaint to the Kusari Naval Forces regarding the appearance of a Kusari Battleship in the hands of Rheinwehr forces.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
To: Primary Fleet
Subject: Just a quick update.
Encryption: Medium-High
Priority: Average
Sender ID Confirmed: Jr. Lt. Jay Wilcott
Opening Message
'Sup folks, Wilcott here.
Just thought I'd drop in a line here, been a while since I used this thing. Anyway, just a quick update on the Rheinland War. Just a quick extension onto Sius' report.
So, they attacked Texas again earlier today, had a small wing of bombers, myself, Sius and a few others, including some Secondary Fleet ships.
A small assortment of Cruisers and some Wraiths and Bergelmirs, which I might end up calling beefburgers at the rate they get fried, and something that REALLY shocked me. A Kusari Battleship in the hand of Rheinland Military, evidence for this will follow when I get photographic proof. Anyway, we held them back with minimal casualties.
The only evidence I got of any of this is almost poetic.