Circumstances:An Outcast gunship was detected in the immediate vicinity of planet Manhattan. A second mercenary called for my assistance and together we were able to dismantle the Tridente.
This is Enforcer Lamar Paisley from EDG Enterprise reporting in, delivering some highlights on the May, 14 Liberty house space clean-up duty. Gun camera shots are kindly provided by Protector Vityaz Hunt.
Responding to a distress call received from NY jumpgate - planet Mojave region in California system, our fighter group, supported by a single gunship, ran into a mixed force of Liberty Rogues, Lane Hacker and pirate attacking several independent lawfuls not far from the above-mentioned trade lane. In the resulting attack, EDGE pilots scored one LR RA-4 gunboat, two LR Barghest bombers, one LH Bayonet heavy fighter and Pirate Werewolf VHF with no casualties neither in strike force nor in the initially attacked lawful group. No ID scan is provided for the second bomber, but, judging his official callsign tag and IFF, it can be figured out easily.
Second LR RA-4 gunboat attempted to flee the location on cruise speed, but, after a long chase, was eventually cruise-disrupted and went down.
Later, during the squad mission briefing on New York system in Newark station vicinity, my idly-drifting leading Manta was attacked by a single I3GS-1 Lane Hacker gunship with no incoming signals, warnings or explanations. Supposing that was a mistake, I ordered the group to start pursuit and de-shield but not take down the hostile, while Protector Hunt was requesting an explanation on such an action from his side. Evading the pursuit, the gunship accidentally ran straight into (NPC) Liberty Navy dreadnought and, having his shields down, got instantly destroyed.
After completing the patrol mission, while docking fighters in NY space, our pilots spotted Outcast Sarissa-class battleship moving towards Texas system. Launching a bomber group, we tracked it down to Texas and assisted Liberty Navy fleet in bringing it down. The payment for the help was received by Protector Hunt right after the battle.
Bounty targets: LR RA-4 gunboat Legal.Crime, LR RA-4 gunboat LR-Last.Chance, LR Barghest bomber LR-Wolf.Blitzer, LR Barghest bomber LR-Stealthy.Decoy, Pirate Werewolf VHF BlackBeard, Lane Hacker Bayonet HF David.Hyneman, Lane Hacker gunship Jared
Central Liberty Internal Treasure [color=#66FFFF]Ferris Dufresne
[color=#99FF99]As you may all be aware, there is a re-structuring occuring within the Liberty Navy. This Bounty Board will be seen to in due course. Thank you for your co-operation. We aim to rectify the situation within a few days.
Oh crap. Such things happen when getting new employer. Since I don't have bank account you could send those whooping 17.8 millions to IC|Bank from where it will be handed to me.