Seymore Justice slammed open the door to Sunbucks Cafe, frustrated at the news delivered to him by the LPI mechanic. "Grounded, Son," he proclaimed with a note of finality. "Your ship is grounded and will be until further notice."
Seymore pulled up a chair and plopped down a little too hard. He knew nothing about how to repair ships, never needed to. Fly them, yes. Repair them? Forget it. Yet now, with his ship in space dock, he felt absolutely dependant on the grease stained mechanic. "Just do the best you can," Seymore extolled. "I don't expect miracles."
"You won't be getting none either, sir." The mechanic grinned. "Just hang tight and I'll get your ship up and running in no time."
Seymore face bore a grimace. "You let me know the minute I can fly again, will you sir?"
The mechanic huffed. "Sure 'nuff, sir."
Seymore raised his hand to order a drink, however the waitress was already there with his Shirley Temple. He reached for the drink with a smile. Finally, something was going right today.
Hull O'Brian walks into Sunbucks after nearly crash landing his Libby. A sudden and unexpected Solar Storm came out of nowhere. It was predicted to last at least 24 to 36 hours.
"Might as well have a drink" He thought
He walked up to the bar, saw a stranger sitting there, and a new officer. He nodded to both.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
The woman looks up from her cube with a curious look in her eyes. A small grin started to come over her face, and she gave Hull a long, lazy wink, before returning to her toy.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Matt sees a fellow officer walk and nod to him. Matt returned his nod and continued to drink the strange liquid that the bartender gave to him. All of a sudden Matt started to fell light headed and dizzy....he looks at the drink and realizes its Liberty Ale! Matt still young and Never drinking anything alcoholic, Finds him self in a pickle. He tries to walk out of the Door to head home but falls flat on his face.
"****.....well this is bad....oh well."
Matt just lies on the floor, trying to regain him self.
You, you, and you: Panic. The rest of you, come with me.
The woman looked at the man passed out on the floor, and sliped across the seat to nudge him with her foot. Getting only a quiet groan in return, she giggled and slipped back to her toy, which was emenating a silver-blue glow.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Seymore smirked at the alcohol intolerant recruit sprawled out on the floor of Sunbucks Cafe. "Cleanup on aisle 10," he heard Deputy Chief Hull O'Brien bellow out. Smatterings of laughter echoed across the shop. At least Hull is here to help, he thought, and not one of those unruly officers that would jump on the helpless recruit with both hands armed with tazers.
Suddenly, his senses fired up on alert. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied a patron at a corner table dressed in a black trenchcoat, and donning a strange helmet. Not LPI issued, he thought. The stranger walked over to the prone recruit. From its gait, Seymore surmised that this person must be a woman, at least it glided and swayed like a woman. She gave the prone recruit a kick, giggled and then returned to her seat which lay at the furthest end of the cafe. The sound of her lilting voice confirmed it. Definitely a woman. In her hands, lay the source of Seymore's alarm. A small cube with a menacing glow lay inside her grasp. She cradled the object with the same care that a mother gives her child.
Seymore looked intently on that object. That glow. It looked familiar. Could it be some sort of Nomad creation?
Seymore slowly unfastened the holster at his hip, and left his hand hovering closeby. He didn't want to appear overly aggressive, but he knew from experience that he better be prepared for anything.
Frank Austin walked through the door of the Fort Bush Sunbucks in his brand-new LPI flight suit, feeling somewhat self-conscious of the Recruit Officer patch on his shoulder. The tall, lanky Houstonian stumbled and nearly tripped over a body sprawled by the door. He saw the Recruit patch on the boy's shoulder, did a double take and knelt down to check his pulse.
"Aw hell," he muttered. Sluggish and slow, looked like alcohol poisoning. "Hey barkeep!" he yelled, pointing at the boy "How much did he have?"
The barkeep made a particularly rude gesture at a single glass on the bar. "One Ale, cowboy, and he didn't pay neither!"
Frank looked down at the lad again. "You serious? Liberty Ale's mostly water."
The barkeep snickered and hefted a suspicious looking jug "Not when its spiked with a little Rochester moonshine. My little surprise for the flatfoots."
"Aw hell," Frank muttered again. "Right, I'll take him to the infirmary. Kid'll learn his limitations, at least."
He lifted the blacked-out officer up in a fireman's carry and headed for the door be fore turning and catching the barkeep's attention again.
"Oh, hey barkeep? Ya'll keep that jug handy, I ain't had real Junker moonshine in ages. Just don't poison it with Liberty Ale, it ruins that nice burning sensation. I'll be back in two shakes."
And with that he headed for the lift and the infirmary.
The Austin Clan: George Austin, GMG Paramilitary Ensign; Frank Austin, LPI Recruit Officer
The Chief walks in and begins to order his Chief-size 1 gallon mug of coffee (black and strong). However, he thinks about it a moment and instead orders the half-gallon mug, remembering what his doctors said about diabetes and whatnot.