Mr Parsons, good to hear from you so soon, apologies for not being able to take your call in person earlier.
Good to see the rest of the crowd are looking after our interests ...
Interesting name there, one a few of us are familiar with. Hows Mr Woolfson ?
A Turn of a Friendly Card is always found round here ...
Any way enough of the smart ass musical banter, please feel free to name the vessels and join the ranks
Though I am led to believe one or two other 'Pilots' were around at the same time as Mr P ...
And the odd Bluntstone.
See you in space ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Waiting time was not a problem, thank you for re-contacting me.
Mr. Wolfson left us, I am sorry to tell you. Maybe "Lucifer" was a reason.
Well, as a good friend of mine, Mr. Raven, said:" Nevermore "
I am going to do that all alone, now.
I am glad to hear, you are now working on my papers, I hope to have the answer, soon.
United Global Traders, a new guild regrouping real Traders is looking for big Traders (but Escorters too).
All infos about us in Discovery Factions.
Only real traders allowed!
Paperwork seems in order ... Buried now at base camp.
Ship registry added to listing. Feel free to drop in at anytime, my door is always open ...
Everyone knows why, I'd like it back at sometime thanks.
Watch the 'fly-by-nights' out there, someone suggesting we ain't real traders around ...
Money talks.
That is all.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Have you guys seen this about another trading company starting up?
How about we get some use outta those battleships we've got sitting around, a hostile take-over should solve this little problem and remove the splinter before it goes in too deep...
Appreciate your sentiments old boy, though as traders we ought to be having a little healthy competition.
Then again this lot have been to the wall a couple of times already, no good management at the top ...
Not a problem ... Our current financial status, according to the auditors, on the last quarters books, puts
us out of the reach of any one else. IC rules Sirius, and owns most of it now.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Does Interspace Commerce can take part in Military operations?
I guess not, so IND neither.
United.Global.Traders doesn't want war. You want competition? Why not but you have 16 members who are trading, and we're 4 at the moment... Not really a balanced competition.
Moreover we had some problems with RM so our trading operations have slown down.
I think, and I hope, there's enough place in Sirius for 2 merchants guild.
I'll echo the boss on this one. There's little competition to be had. Though it might be healthy to have some, the UGT have a lot of catching up to do. If they expect to be able do good business in Sirius, however, they'd better learn to follow the rules of the road. I caught a little rumor about their "problems" in Rheinland... Apparantly one of their traders disobeyed a 'Stop for Scanning' order that was issued by none other than Admiral Krieg himself. Not Smart. You know how the saying goes. When in Rome...
If hostilities do arise and escalate to such measures, don't forget to change IDs, although we're just not allowed battleships with our current ones... that's why the battleships have Freelancer/Neutral IDs.
On the other hand, the UTC is no threat financially, let them grow. And then... there are mercs, assassins, pirates... we have money... catch my drift?
hedonismage starts:
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor