Ok So i know im gonna be getting some harsh kicks up my ass for saying this but i can take it
As it is now , the Barge to me ...........well its nothing but a Big Lump of Slow moving metal welded toghether with a blowtorch , by the time the Barge would make a full 360 i would have aged by 30 years and dont get me started on the movement speed so the only thing "special" about it is its HUMONGOUS cargo space and that's it
So turning it into a Super Carrier or Mothership which ever one u like and having the ability to Dock Gunboats and Cruisers and giving it battleship agility and speed i would have that over the old barge anyday............but then again that's just me and my opinion on the matter
I dont use a barge so it doesnt affect me in any way but i thought i should give my 2cents on the subject
Im against removing the Barge.
So +1 with whoever here is Pro-Barge.
Those who don't have one or never been with a TEAM that used one don't know its limitations and difficulties and just look at the cargo hold and the end result and QQ.
Except it's not about two camps "for" and "against", that's not what matters. What does is that the problem with current Barge is two-fold: jumping and over-provision extension of supply for player bases. Both things it was never meant to do.
(09-03-2014, 12:28 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: Except it's not about two camps "for" and "against", that's not what matters. What does is that the problem with current Barge is two-fold: jumping and over-provision extension of supply for player bases. Both things it was never meant to do.
Let them be Jumping. However, building bases is now only, possible via forums and blueprints. Just make an new rule, that you are allowed to use the barge for PoB supplying BUT the condition is that you can only Jump two times a day for PoB' supplying. Anything that exceeds this limit would be sanctionable as abuse of an SRP ship.
And restricting barges from docking on bases, has no sense. You guys don't think before posting (nothing mean, sorry). You can just call a friend with a 5k transport to get your cargo in trips. So it is done with 3 minutes more time, np. Every base builder has at least one friends, also this is possible.
I would say, let the barge how it is. Don't make it an OP ship or something similar. Don't change it, it is good as it is, you had an idea while implementing it first. But seems like, no one cares about the RP background, except the people who have a barge or have played already with one in a team.
Shame on you, that here are people who want to remove such a ship without any fine reason. But, if you ever pirate a barge, you will love that ship, eh?
But hey, I got nothing else to do the whole day, except than Jumping with my barge Ore to kill the activity of common traders +1 (Irony). However, it's a nice idea by the dev and admin team to start an discussion about it instead of just removing it. +1
(09-03-2014, 12:53 PM)Phillip.from.Mars Wrote: Let them be Jumping. However, building bases is now only, possible via forums and blueprints. Just make an new rule, that you are allowed to use the barge for PoB supplying BUT the condition is that you can only Jump two times a day for PoB' supplying. Anything that exceeds this limit would be sanctionable as abuse of an SRP ship.
Unenforceable through available game mechanics.
(09-03-2014, 12:36 PM)larzac Wrote: Then remove jump hability and put a restriction to 5K to PoB instead of deleting a ship that can be use for a lot of RP.
My personal opinion is somewhat similar to that, I suppose it might be a viable option.
(09-03-2014, 12:28 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: Except it's not about two camps "for" and "against", that's not what matters. What does is that the problem with current Barge is two-fold: jumping and over-provision extension of supply for player bases. Both things it was never meant to do.
Why remove a barge just because it can feed a base? If you are so worried about that then just make bases like planets so that barges can not dock on them.
(09-03-2014, 12:36 PM)larzac Wrote: Then remove jump hability and put a restriction to 5K to PoB instead of deleting a ship that can be use for a lot of RP.
Why not have the option to build your barge up when you convert it from a base? Like... the base changes into a barge. Would been SIGNIFICANT SRP but still.
(09-03-2014, 12:36 PM)larzac Wrote: Then remove jump hability and put a restriction to 5K to PoB instead of deleting a ship that can be use for a lot of RP.
My personal opinion is somewhat similar to that, I suppose it might be a viable option.
This option, restricting bases to only 5k cargo ships I think is the best too. However, it's not the only one in here, but I think it wouldn't cause more problems than we alreaddy have with that ship, would it?
Removing the jump ability makes it pretty useless tbt, but is somewhat of a necessary decision to stop the constant jumpers. It would be best to increase it's cruise speed and turning ability (basically resizing it to make it more maneuverable than it is now). Making it a heavy carrier with many docking mods would be great too, since the cap raids nowadays have been repetitive of late.
Or any other ideas to make it less of an OP ship would be nice too. I can't think of any other things that making it a high cargo ship with more pirate vulnerable or making it a super carrier that can carry heavier class vessels.
This has been negatively affecting the game in what way?
Why dodge the more serious issues to focus on something inconsequential?
Very seldom does anything get better from nerfs or deletions.
Adding things and then removing them is also counterproductive.
Instead concentrate on things to improve the server.. add don't subtract.
Anyway just my opinion we need more content, ships, missions, active factions and a slew of other things to spark more interest.
Deleting the barge, nerfing its ability to jump or changing it would not accomplish any of that.
I could point out all the activity and RP fun we've had around our own barges.
I could also show how pivotal they were in constructing the dozens of pobs we built.
I could also show all the base maintenance we've used them for.
How they've been inspiration to many Congress members that were allowed to fly them after being promoted and granted permission.
Plus all the random interactions we've had from players seeing one of those big bastards for the first time.
Lots of fun times have been had with our barges.. be a real shame to see em go.