**Incoming Transmission**
**Decryption Process initiating**
**Clear text reads**
To: Harrison McRemitz, Lord Charles Canning
The secretary of state for foreign affair
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries,
Representative of the Council of Zoners
Message reads:
I have been instructed to inform you that the agreement will stand as we last agreed on. The LN and BAF will be allowed to act as we previously stated. Now that things have been corrected, I will inform Mr. Holliday to contact you for arrange the signing.
Samuel Nichol
Council of Zoners representative
**Incoming Transmission**
**Decryption Process initiating**
**Clear text reads**
To: Harrison McRemitz, Lord Charles Canning
The secretary of state for foreign affair
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries,
Representative of the Council of Zoners
Message reads:
Mr. Holliday would like me to extend you an invitation to meet him at Bethlehem station in Pennsylvania. There we can sign this momentous treaty. I will also be in attendance to assist with any issues. We will be waiting for you there.
Samuel Nichol
Council of Zoners representative
Mr. Samuel Nichols surveys the conference room. Inspecting each wall he nods. He waves one of the workers over that is positioning the round table in the center of the room.
"I want a Liberty flag hung on this wall, a Bretonia flag on this one and one of ours hung on the back wall. Make sure they are all the same size. Next we will need 6 chairs, two for each participant. This way we can seat their seconds. Lastly see if you can scare up some of that wonderful wine from Galla, for after the ceremony. Oh and in the next room set up the buffet. Mr. Holiday will hopefully be along shortly so we need to get this all ready."
Samuel looks down at his data pad as it beeps at him. Reading the message he frowns slightly.
"OK I have some OSI business to attend to.I will be back later, if you need me before that contact me in my quarters."
Samuel turns and walks out of the room muttering about optronic chips and pirates.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS-Dominion, New London Orbit]
[CommID: Bretonian Foreign Office]
The HMS-Dominion and HMS-Isaac.Brock are setting out for Liberty as we speak. The Right Honourable Lord George Mountbatten, Prime Minister of Bretonia, shall accompany myself to sign the Treaty on the behalf of Her Majesty.
Lord Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
[End Transmission]
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
=============incoming Transmission======
Comm ID: James Patterson,LSF, Liberty first special operations Detachment
To: all concerned partys: subject: trety signing Security
honored Delagats,some of you know me and some of you may not in observeing these Transmissions i have taken the liberty to with permission "pull security" along with perhapse another liberty vessel and two zoner counterparts the Fort Louisbourg will stand guard in Full Formal Dress and Colors my ship was at the curcaou treaty signing and id be honored to be able to attend this one be it aboard station as direct security or aboard my command preferbly the former as there has been sadly recent piracy and Cartell movments in the signing system i eagerly await your aproprate responses and the fort wil lrepostion inside the system unless ordered otherwise
Long Live Liberty,God Save The Queen and Eris Preserve The Zoners
<he saluted as the transmission cut his full dress uniform and medal board the last seen before the ships Insignia and Libertioian star apered with the ships Name>
Sam sat in his quarters reading over the newest messages on his data pad. Skimming them and typing out replies he stops when he came to one.
"Oh for crying out loud. That is it...someone else can handle this mess they want to create."
Walking into the hall he made his way down to the communications office.
"I need you to get a message out to the Liberty and Bretonia representatives that are on their way here for the treaty signing. Inform them that I will no longer be handling these talks and that OSI has officially left the Council of Zoners due to disparity within the Council. Let them know I do apologize for any inconvenience, to them or their governments. A representative of the Council will have to continue this diplomatic event in my stead. Send that off right away. I'm leaving and heading back to my office in Freeport 9."
Sam exited the room and headed back to his quarters. Packing he called up his engineer on his Yacht.
"Fire up the engines we are out'a here. I wan to disembark as soon as I get on board. Call the docking control for clearance"
Finished packing Sam headed for his Yacht never looking back.
The Zoner governing chairman of Bethlehem Station was looking distinctly flustered as he ushered the Bretonian Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary into the conference room aboard the station that Mr Nichols had prepared for them. The Libertonian delegates were also around, but besides the hosts from Bethlehem Station there was no sign of any official Zoner representatives. An aide came up to the 2 Bretonian politicians and handed over a copy of a transmission from Mr Nichols. OSI had left the Council of Zoners. He would not be turning up to the signing ceremony.
Mountbatten frowned and glanced across at Canning, muttering, "First Malaclypse, then Holiday and now Nichols as well? What the devil is happening here Charles?"
Lord Canning smiled, "They're half anarchists George, we should really have seen it coming. But seriously, my reports suggest that delegates have been leaving the Council in droves. Until they elect a new Chairman, there is little hope of us receiving any official representative with the power to represent the Council."
Mountbatten reached across the table to where the official documents had been layed out ahead of the ceremony for signing, and pulled them towards him. Firmly stapling the Zoner Laws and the Foreign Law Enforcement Treaty together into a single document, he scrawled his signature at the bottom on behalf of Bretonia. "There," he said, flinging the document back into the centre of the table, "we've done our part, I'm not waiting here for weeks whilst the Council makes up their mind to send someone to sign this damn thing. If anyone wants this treaty, they can come here and sign it be they the Council, SHIZL, or just random Freeport governors. But if we don't have a signed, ratified Treaty deposited at our Embassy two weeks from now, just tell whatever remnants of a Zoner governing body you can find that the deal is off."
The two men walked out of the conference room back to their ships, picking a handful of hors d'oeuvre from the buffet on their way out and leaving the combined treaties lying on the table, bearing the signature for Bretonia only.
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
.::Incoming Transmission::. Message to : Bretonian and Liberty Delegates
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Dear representatives of the Bretonian and Liberty governments, please pardon my intrusion of these proceedings.
It is my regret to inform you that Doctor Holiday has fallen ill and many members, including 3 Zoner factions have resigned from the Zoner Council (over 20 delegates). We understand your frustration and ask for a little bit more of your patience as we move through these turbulent times. The Zoners Consortium, one of the factions that has departed from the Council, is very likely going to contact you separately and finish whatever negotiations have started here. I say "likely" because I am not entrusted with the power to make that decision. One of my supervisors will address you shortly.
I want to thank all delegates pertaining to these diplomatic sessions for their patience and understanding. Please rest assured that the Zoners Consortium will address all pending issues in one way or another.