' Wrote:Can't you roleplay a character that thinks and operates like this in an existing faction, though? It is a very minor difference, isn't it?
*sigh* yes i could very well roleplay such a character in another faction, that is not a problem for me/us nor is joining another faction. The fact is we are wanting to create our own faction and hence why i created this RP story and hence why I have posted a thread here.
Also if any one wants to talk to me on TS they can sign on right now, as i am on TS and usually am.
My TS name is of course Nightblade and im the GMG channel
The way I see it, that is a great story you wrote, but its not the kind of story you use to create a faction. I would suggest becoming a group instead. After all, a faction is mean't to recruit, but not many would seek to join some ghosts from a different galaxy or time.
As a faction idea, I do not think this can work. However, for a small group such as what you want to be, it would be very good. You could carry on the role play between you and your group of friends on the forums and it would be great, but I just can't see this idea becoming a faction.
Ok then, thank you very much. Ill talk to my friends and ask em if they would just rather be a group, or to be a actual faction. If they would like to go as a faction (as i would like to see it as) then i shall change the RP story accordingly
ok, story is good but it has nothing to do with Fl universe. The only faction that does not exist and could be established it of Dom Kavash, becouse they are mentioned in vanilla, and could be superior race, but with few allys only like Order. I am sure u cold thin story with Dom Kavash , it is pretty mistyrius ancient civilization who dissapard without the clue.