The Manslu is readily available on the open market, so all I can say is: grab one and go for it! It is a heavy form of a light fighter, so be prepared to fly it accordingly. A small frame as other light fighters sport is not its strength, but its nimbleness makes more than up for it.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
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The Guild will gladly provide ALG with a Sagarmatha Battlecruiser once the necessary legal paperwork has been obtained.
I'll be frank: no IMG Cruiser has ever managed to get permission to be operated in Rheinland, not even in Omega 7, and the Guild is not interested in creating a diplomatic issue with Rheinland, nor with Bretonia in O3.
Operating it fully outside of House Space is hardly possible. With no shipyard for repairs, in a thoroughly hostile environment and the lower Omegas full of radiation, the operation parameters sound not sustainablein the mid- or long term.
It would make a lot more sense to operate it from Omega 3, Aland Shipyard, as this is the only shipyard that has the experts and the technology to repair this class of vessel. And believe me: it will need repairs sometimes.
I suggest you seek permission from Bretonia to regularly pass through O3 for refitting the Cruiser at Aland. This should be possible, even though I do not think you can obtain anything else. Asking for permission to operate it in O3 might already be too much to ask in my personal experience.
Once the paperwork has been completed, we can talk about how to operate it.
The name Erdbeben seems quite fitting, by the way.
I wish you luck with the paper-pushers and I apologize for what must seem a hesitant approch to this project, but experience has shown that trouble doubles whenever a Sagarmartha-class is concerened in any possible way.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
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I hope you're doing well, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Guild for the aid its provided us, in repairing one of our vessels. However, I'm here to discuss a different topic. While The Cincinnati is capable of it, its rather wasteful to send an Overlord for survey and recon work. I'm not a fan of wasting resources, especially when we have so few at our disposal, so I'd like to discuss the possibility of constructing an IMGC-104D Sagarmatha, for deployment within my fleet.
As I understand, its not often these leave Guild hands. I'd also like to add, that any construction materials required, can be provided by our Logistics department directly, so as to ease the cost of manufacturing the vessel. Any additional information can be provided upon request.
I'm Anita Raichert, director of shipping for ALG Waste Disposal.
Browsing the used ship market recently, we came across a relatively new IMGT-8C Shishapangma Heavy Transport at a great price, the former IMG ship Sensation.
We're always looking to expand our hauling fleet, so we took the deal. The ship is awaiting its new registration at Singapore.
So, we're asking for permission to operate this vessel under ALG papers, with the name [ALG]-TGX-Windhuk. Hopefully this will just be a formality, and thank you for your time.
My name is Helmut Weinstein, director of ALG Division V, ALG's department for special operations.
As you're no doubt aware, the crisis unfolding in the Omicrons has left everyone involved scrambling to ramp up their military capabilities, and ALG Waste Disposal is no exception.
At the moment, Alpha Squadron's flagship, the Orkan, is stationed in the region to assist friendly vessels - including one of your own, the Dulzian Madness, just earlier today. However, Security Division has posts they are assigned to, and the Orkan will have to return to her posting at Java eventually.
Division V is therefor taking over Omicron operations, and for this we need to expand our forces. Specifically, while we possess a sufficient number of snubcraft, we lack a larger vessel to act as a pivot.
With Security Division reporting good performance of the Orkan, Taifun, and Monsun, Division V has also decided to operate an IMGC-24C Gasherbrum-class Gunboat.
If approved, the planned callsign is [ALG]-V-Nebelbank.
Reports of the redeployment of the Orkan and its heroic operations in Delta have reached the Guild.
Knowing that these boats are in good hands, you are granted permission to get one of our newly produced gunboats that - according to production schedule - should be ready for pickup in three days.
The material for the construction has already been covered by the surplus that was delivered for the Erdbeben project, therefore you can use your logistic fleets in other operational scenarios, in which they might be more relevant at the moment. Good luck!
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
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I would like to officially request now the final licensing papers for the following IMG vessels to be used by AFC club members for purposes that include IMG convoy security operations as well as humanitarian efforts... and also perhaps one or two to be customised for racing purposes:
Manaslu, IMG light fighter.
Lhotse, IMG very heavy fighter.
Nanda Devi, IMG heavy bomber.
I am also interested in the Vampire Technology that is on the open market.
I would like to ask for proper licensing for this technology as well.
For now they are operating at 75% of the power core, though I would imagine in the near future we may ask your skilled engineers to provide a similar service as they had done for the IMG ships.
To whom it may concern,
In the interest of good will, cooperation and business between Auxesia and the Guild, The Inner Phalanx would like to purchase and register the following:
As per the agreement of our past technology trading, in regards to the Battleship weaponry and Nanda Devi usage, The Inner Phalanx agrees to avoid using the above equipment and vessels in situations which might jeopardize the Guild's relationship with any organization. I trust this leaves everything in order, and we look forward to continuing our prosperous relationship.
The ships you requested are open market, so there is no problem in your aquiring and using them. However, the Guild is always grateful when allied parties inform us about their purchases and the intended use.
We would ask you to refrain from shooting at any House officials or commit criminal acts that would reflect badly on the Guild - I am sure you know how we operate from years of cooperation.
I hope the ships work well for you and if you manage to improve core performance, we would welcome to learn how you did it. Our techs are constantly striving for improval in engine and core tuning efficiency. Good luck!
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
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