Mu obsesion detected. Instructions: Go and hide into a quadruple mega armored Titanium-o-lead-o-polycarbonatic nuclear shelder and bag head here:
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People have the right to be stupid but some people abuse their rights
I don't suffer from crazynes, I enjoy it every moment.
Artifical intelligence does not compare with natural stupidity.
Nobody's perfect, i am nobody.
T H 3 K ! L L 3 R 0 F 8 U N N ! 3 2 H 4 2 2 P 0 K 3 N
The Damned,Feb 7 2006, 02:18 AM Wrote:This made me angry... Attacking a light fighter with a missle cruser..WoW thats so brave and powershowing...
You were above level 30, and then it's legal to attack you, so no need to complain. At all.
At least if you were {TDK}-Death's_Hand as shown in the first couple of pictures, that is. :$
Then again, I don't know what faction TDK is, and whether or not they are at war with AW. If not, then the nice thing to do would be to at least warn you, before firing upon you.
And sorry to Dab if you actually did this. :)
If the AW and TDK is at war with each other, then he can, as far as I understand the rules, attack you whenever he wants to.
As far as I can see Omicron Gamma is not the home system of the AW, so I see no problem in you staying there. If you did this in Omicron Theta, then I might, just might, understand if Dab gets annoyed. That is, of course, if the two factions are at war.
Then again, do expect to be attacked, it is after all a system where the AW operate, and you are at war.
Again, if the TDK and AW aren't at war, it's rather different, then I would assume Dab to either leave you alone, or make you pay a small fee to be left alone. Whatever is reasonable.
Apart from that we get a saying in Denmark that goes something like: When the cat is out, the mice are playing
In this case it would mean, if you see Dab (or any other AW for that matter), avoid them!
That is of course if your character(s) is at war with them.
And if they aren't online, then do whatever you want to. They aren't there to stop you then. :)
Of course, if you find yourself in Omicron Theta and all of a sudden three AW's get online in that system, you should probably get out of there very quickly. :P
Regarding the fight itself, and Dab's behavior: I see no problem in Dab changing ships, at least as long as you think it's alright. For example it he suddenly annoyed all Corsairs nearby or something similar. Then again, did Dab think it was alright that you changed ships in the beginning? Yes, you were flying in a LF, but so what? That doesn't make it alright to change ship.
Entering a AW influenced system in a LF is just ... well, stupid in my humble opinion.
Beware the Lazy Invasion of the Lonely Mudcrab of Doom! Lady Arwen's Realm
Most of the time Phantoms can fly past other (notice the word other?) AW players and get at most a 'Hi, how you doing' or just totally ignored.
With Dab on it's totally different he will quite happily use any means available to kill as many phantoms as possible.
He doesn't, I'll admit, use F1 at all.
However using a missile cruiser with 14 BS missile turrets against a VHF that is a PIRATE ship and therefore (like all NPC pirates) has NO torpedo launcher mounted, just a cruise disrupter, is definately the way to go.
Because Dab is the only one here who will claim it's easy to avoid the missiles by dodging and dropping Counter Measure's. This is debatable and not my point.
My point is this.
Dab is the only AW player I've seen on the server who uses Cruisers (just his missile one) against fighters and will run across half the sirius sector to get to his Fighter so he can switch to it and use it against a single Cruiser and 1 fighter.
In my limited experiance here on this server I can honestly say that I can think of NO other player who would do this AT ALL. They just use the ship they have at the moment.
If they die then they die, if they win then they win.
Either way the matter doesn't get dragged into the forum!
Has anyone else noticed that this was almost exactly the way he reacted to the -=?=- when they were on the server?
xit,Feb 9 2006, 04:19 AM Wrote:You were above level 30, and then it's legal to attack you, so no need to complain. At all.
At least if you were {TDK}-Death's_Hand as shown in the first couple of pictures, that is. :$
Then again, I don't know what faction TDK is, and whether or not they are at war with AW. If not, then the nice thing to do would be to at least warn you, before firing upon you.
And sorry to Dab if you actually did this. :)
If the AW and TDK is at war with each other, then he can, as far as I understand the rules, attack you whenever he wants to.
As far as I can see Omicron Gamma is not the home system of the AW, so I see no problem in you staying there. If you did this in Omicron Theta, then I might, just might, understand if Dab gets annoyed. That is, of course, if the two factions are at war.
Then again, do expect to be attacked, it is after all a system where the AW operate, and you are at war.
Again, if the TDK and AW aren't at war, it's rather different, then I would assume Dab to either leave you alone, or make you pay a small fee to be left alone. Whatever is reasonable.
Apart from that we get a saying in Denmark that goes something like: When the cat is out, the mice are playing
In this case it would mean, if you see Dab (or any other AW for that matter), avoid them!
That is of course if your character(s) is at war with them.
And if they aren't online, then do whatever you want to. They aren't there to stop you then. :)
Of course, if you find yourself in Omicron Theta and all of a sudden three AW's get online in that system, you should probably get out of there very quickly. :P
Regarding the fight itself, and Dab's behavior: I see no problem in Dab changing ships, at least as long as you think it's alright. For example it he suddenly annoyed all Corsairs nearby or something similar. Then again, did Dab think it was alright that you changed ships in the beginning? Yes, you were flying in a LF, but so what? That doesn't make it alright to change ship.
Entering a AW influenced system in a LF is just ... well, stupid in my humble opinion.
TDK are the 8492nd of the Phantoms. They are a branch of the Phantoms. So yes they are hostile to us.
marauder,Feb 9 2006, 05:02 AM Wrote:Most of the time Phantoms can fly past other (notice the word other?) AW players and get at most a 'Hi, how you doing' or just totally ignored.
With Dab on it's totally different he will quite happily use any means available to kill as many phantoms as possible.
He doesn't, I'll admit, use F1 at all.
However using a missile cruiser with 14 BS missile turrets against a VHF that is a PIRATE ship and therefore (like all NPC pirates) has NO torpedo launcher mounted, just a cruise disrupter, is definately the way to go.
Because Dab is the only one here who will claim it's easy to avoid the missiles by dodging and dropping Counter Measure's. This is debatable and not my point.
My point is this.
Dab is the only AW player I've seen on the server who uses Cruisers (just his missile one) against fighters and will run across half the sirius sector to get to his Fighter so he can switch to it and use it against a single Cruiser and 1 fighter.
In my limited experiance here on this server I can honestly say that I can think of NO other player who would do this AT ALL. They just use the ship they have at the moment.
If they die then they die, if they win then they win.
Either way the matter doesn't get dragged into the forum!
Has anyone else noticed that this was almost exactly the way he reacted to the -=?=- when they were on the server?
Two things. Im not the only AW to use cruisers on Phantoms. Vtec was using his cruier against Damned. And about driving it to get my fighter. I had no chance in that thing. Two Light Fighters were too good at dodging and had countermeasures. The cruiser had good anti/cruiser weaps. Plus I knew you would complain if I just docked and changed chars to my fighter. Plus in my opinion that is the same as F1ing. Plus I needed to be sure you would follow me to my fighter.