Police factions can always use a hand. BPA, LPI, RFP (RFP most of all I figure)
Kruger could use escorts, BHG can always use hunters, Bowex can use Ex Sec people. My advice: look at the wiki page in the faction list. you may get an idea from there.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Police factions: Been proposing to help the RFP a while ago, they didn't want that, so I let them be. Other police factions don't really get me that much at all, I don't know.
Prysin: I'm not saying nay to PvP, I can deal with it. I just turn down factions with only this one purpose to exist.
For the Omicrons...Not sure, I'm in the Order already, things aren't going so well. Corsairs and Outcasts ? Seems dull to me, since nothing is evolving RP wise.
Samura: Problem #1: Kusari's dead, it's just how it is. Problem #2: Mining operation 24/7 isn't really what I'm looking for, thanks anyway.
I'm not really looking for anything specifically "lawful" or "unlawful". I'd prefer something unlawful or semi-lawful though, since most of my chars are lawful.