For the sake of transparency, I was approached by members of the Administration team about my stance on furries, as the storyline department head and lead developer of the development team.
My general take on it is that no, furries (as well as catgirls and other alien species from different sci-fi or fantasy settings) do not and have not existed within Discovery Freelancer as a part of the lore. They are not canon, they do not exist.
One thing to consider is that individual player and player group roleplay coexists interdependently with NPC faction lore. That is, for example, while the Liberty Navy has no lore alliance with the Maquis, each group could roleplay such an alliance if they wished to do so. That would then exist on the forums and in game, without necessarily having to be canon. Other players or groups could possibly ignore it (see FR2). Eventually, as roleplay helps drive the lore, this could potentially be developed into that, taking into consideration a number of minutiae and criteria.
Is that relevant here? Well, yes and no. Just because furries aren't stated to exist, does not strictly mean they don't exist. That's the strongest objective argument for them. Alas, having just argued for them, I shall now state that I don't agree. Why? Even with no explicit denial in lore, there is simply no basis for fox, wolf, or other canine-like human hybrids. The aforementioned example alliance has a basis to occur; it's plausible and the lore might eventually recognize it, whereas fantastical furred humanoids do not.
Counting Outcasts as humans, there are only two other contemporary sentient species known about in Discovery. Those are Nomads (plus infected/hybrid humans) and the Gammu AI. If you're not within one of those three categories, then how did you come about and why? Evil experiments from a shady branch of a secretive research group seems to be the most common scapegoat, which is quite cliche and hardly acceptable from a lore point of view. Additionally, if you didn't consult that faction and get their approval, then it's a form of backhanded powergaming to state that they created you if they themselves didn't know about it or didn't agree to.
Hence, I'm inclined to echo a question on the minds of many: what compels people to choose to roleplay something that does not have a solid, nor reasonable, basis for existence within a setting that really isn't designed for it? Sure, RP flavor is oodles of fun, but this crosses a line.
For those who do, have, or plan to roleplay as one of these creatures, I mean no personal offense. This is just my analysis of the situation, put public for people to see. I'm not even here to debate or discuss the necessity or wording of the new rule.
I am going to express myself lastly on this matter. I grown fed up of people making non-constructive posts. Here I go:
- @Teerin Nothing to argue on your post, it's your opinion after all. I see some common aspects with mine, but not much.
- @Ayngeh Your post is completely senseless, mostly this peculiar sentence:
Ayngeh Wrote:If people want to keep Furry RP possible (or 12-year old admiral RP, or nomad ***warm*** RP), they should make an effort to make it just non-stupid enough to keep their RP bearable to other people.
What do you think Toris has done all this time, buddy? He never wanted his characters to be accepted by the community, he just wanted to roleplay as a furry. And also, it's not stupid, as you would say. I roleplayed with him lots, and also looked at his character bio's. They were well-made and solid.
@"Sombra Hookier" Toris was asked what the community wanted him to do-adapt his character. He did, making an android. His android wanted to be exotic, and it was. To be menacing, taunting, savage. And it was as well. Yet, he was tempbanned because of it. And when he tried to explain the reason behind that choice, he wasn't given the time-because he would find himself permabanned. Do you think is this right? To prevent someone from expressing their reason behind a peculiar choice? I think not.
Personal opinion:
If I am asked the now-annoying question "Do you consider Furries canon?", my answer would be no. Yet, Toris never wanted to flaunt the rules, nor even to break them. Not intentionally. I don't want to blame either the Mod Team or the Admin Team, as this is their job, but I think that sanction it does not do justice to him, as it wasn't pondered enough*. I am the only one to have taken its defences because I befriended him.
In conclusion: you don't like furries? Okay, no reason to interact with them. That doesn't mean you have to keep flaming, insulting and trolling the member behind them, like how it was done with Toris. And don't say it isn't true, because it is. First with Red Kimiki, then Charles Jinxia, then again Cody Faulkner and Tikram.
And yet, you all fail to look beyond the wall. I can considre the first three, as they were furries. But not Tikram. To be known as a furry, it needs furry aspects AND fur/skin/hair, so Tikram hasn' got the last aspect. In fact, he could be considered a "Neko", as he only retains the furry aspects. But is he made of fur, skin or hair? NO! He's made up of steel, circuits, plastics, sensors! Not even damn close to a furry! That is clearly an android, and you fail to realize it! * takes a deep breath
Now, with Toris's permaban, you have lost the best roleplayer around here. Trust me.
(04-11-2016, 06:58 AM)SirDoge Wrote: Now, with Toris's permaban, you have lost the best roleplayer around here. Trust me.
I'm not going to sit here and argue about people's RP skills because they were furry, but considering how I've witnessed some pretty OORP things he did ingame, I find your claim laughable
1. Name of Official Faction requesting the Perk:
Ageira Innovations
2. Date of last Perk request:
This is the first perk request.
3. Type of Perk:
Adding the following line to Ageira~ Innovations ID:
"Can demand cargo from Junker Congress in systems bordering Liberty"
4. How will this Perk be used?
We would start demanding their cargo on the outskirts of our current ZoI - Liberty. Those systems being Bering, Cortez, Galileo, Hudson, Kepler, Magellan.
5. If another Official Faction is involved in this request, do they approve?
We have not contacted Junker Congress about this as we believe it is best kept completely in roleplay without prearranging matters and changing genuine roleplay.
6. Describe the RP leading up to this Perk Request. (If you provide RP links, please give a brief description of what we are looking at.)
There is a long term hostility between Ageira Innovations and Junker Congress that recently culminated and resulted in their internal order "kill on sight".
I have made a full inRP statement on this matter located here. It contains links to ingame chat logs, flight logs, criminal registry reports and communication channels. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
7. Is this request for the Player Faction ID only?
8. Do you understand that if the Admins approve this Perk request, we retain the right to alter it, or remove it, as we see fit?
Additional Notes
We believe this request is much better alternative to submitting FR5 request or placing a Sirius-wide bounty on their ships.
Firstly, FR5/rephack would be devastating to them due to how NPC diplomacy work. On the other hand, bounties are a cowardly way to outsource activity that benefit noone but PvP-hungry mercanaries.
Therefore, this request comes after reasonable and deliberate calculation what can be the most interesting and least devastating outcome that involve factions directly participating in this conflict.
(04-12-2016, 06:55 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Imo, it is the decision of the faction leaders that were denied to decide whether they want to publish the information they got, or not.
In the sake of it all, I want transparency. But to be fair, I also understand the need for privacy. So, I'd like transparency when the involved parties wish.
This is what I get for messing around in the Shoutbox. Jeremy here.