SENDER: Captain Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT: Liberty Navy First Fleet LOCATION:LNS-Akhetaten, California System PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:Advanced
Good day, Captain Christopher Edwards of the Secondary Fleet reporting in.
I am here to bring attention to a certain event that took place yesterday outside planet California Minor. It seems that the area was once again infested with hostile contacts. The moment we undocked from the planet we saw at least 7 hostile ships on scanners, consisting of two Tridente-class gunboats, 2 Arbiter-class Heavy Battleships, an Archer-class Siege Cruiser, and a couple of fighters. We immediately docked back on the planet and requested assistance. A few minutes later we undocked once again and engaged our cloaking device, taking some distance from the enemy ships. One of the enemy ships, namely IN|G-INS-Libertine had a Cloak Disruptor mounted, a piece of technology I've never seen before, but we made sure to keep our distance from it, as the device's function is pretty obvious by it's name.
Soon enough, our backup, Captain Robinson and the [LN]-LNS-Shenandoah arrived at the location, and the purging begun. Every single one of their ships was put out of action, with no casualties whatsoever. In fact, the Shenandoah remained completely undamaged while the Akhetaten suffered medium but manageable damage.
COMM ID:Lieutenant Commander Adam West TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Command SUBJECT:Flight report ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
Yesterday, rather late in the night, I got called for support against a small group of Rogue ships around Riverside Station in California. Upon my arrival the group had swollen up to 6 hostiles, containing not only Rogues but also Insurgency, Outcast and Reaver elements. Gladly the LNS-Fluvanna was already at the scene to even the odds for us. We proceeded to engage the enemy, who dragged us towards the Ice field south of the Jumpgate to New York, where the fight finally started to heat up.
I took command of the fighter unit and we were able to dispose of their Super Heavy Fighters first, in order to protect the Fluvanna from the punding their heavy powercores can unleash. Sadly we were a bit too slow and the Fluvanna fell to the enemy soon after we had overcome the two first targets. After that we proceeded to take out the enemies strikecraft, taking down two of them before the last Rogue and the Reaver legged it. No surprise this spineless lot ran once the odds turned against them. I was very impressed by the performance of Cadet Grand, he prove good nerves under heavy fire. Secondary fleet pilot James performed beyond expectations as well.
Shootdown details:
[15.07.2020 23:54:06] Death: [R]-Ragefire was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna (Gun).
[15.07.2020 23:56:01] Death: [R]-Aurore was put out of action by Joshua.James (Gun).
[15.07.2020 23:56:02] Death: [LN]-LNS-Fluvanna was put out of action by IN|H-Lolita.Longsword (Gun).
[16.07.2020 00:02:21] Death: IN|H-Lolita.Longsword was put out of action by Joshua.James (Mine).
[16.07.2020 00:11:39] Death: Chalanka was put out of action by Joshua.James (Mine).
That would be all.
Signing out,
Lieutenant Commander Adam West
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander James Davis TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Head Command SUBJECT: Patrol Report PRIORITY: Medium DATA ENCRYPTION: Medium
Good day, this is Lieutenant Commander James Davis, reporting in.
On a patrol in California system, I came across a DSE Liberty Supertransport, identified as DSE)Hawker.Tempest.
As he was taking a route that seemed to me suspiscious, I asked him to cut his engine, and await further instructions.
However, instead of complying, the pilot kept going, asking why he should stop, thus breaking Liberty Laws Section 5 stating that failure to comply to an Officer order is considered as obstruction of justice.
I finally got close enough to scan the ship, which was clear. As the pilot seemed rather mad, and since the ship didn't have anything suspicious in the end, I didn't think that charging its pilot for both his behavior and his failure to comply was necessary.
However, since he talked about taking that matter to the Head Command, I think that'd be normal if I share my side of the story.
Here are joined the communication logs.
If anything has to be said or action taken against me for my behavior on the field, I'm taking full responsibility.
I'll leave this matter to you and hope that won't cause any trouble for the Navy's relationship with Libertonian citizens.
Best regards,
James, Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
[17.07.2020 02:10:18] [LN]-James.Davis: This is Lieutenant James Davis. DSE)Hawker.Tempest, please cut your engine and await further instructions please. [17.07.2020 02:10:28] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: Why?
[17.07.2020 02:10:40] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: You can see I am empty. [17.07.2020 02:10:42] [LN]-James.Davis: Routine control. [17.07.2020 02:10:54] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: Patrol* [17.07.2020 02:11:08] [LN]-James.Davis: No, control. [17.07.2020 02:11:16] [LN]-James.Davis: I know what I'm saying don't worry. [17.07.2020 02:11:32] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: Unless you have a valid reason to stop a lawful citzen then I do not have to.
[17.07.2020 02:12:01] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: You have a military scanner... check the readings [17.07.2020 02:12:05] [LN]-James.Davis: The thing is, if you don't comply I'll have to take you down. So make up your mind. [17.07.2020 02:12:19] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: That is not the law... [17.07.2020 02:12:57] [LN]-James.Davis: Yes it is. Failure to cooperate will result in the immediate response the officer sees fit. [17.07.2020 02:13:09] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: I wouldn't cause a stink buddy as that goes up to your senior officers
[17.07.2020 02:13:33] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: And thye do NOT like junior officers acting like Wyatt Earp [17.07.2020 02:13:38] [LN]-James.Davis: Well you're lucky nothing is wrong with it. And feel free to refer to my senior officer. [17.07.2020 02:13:51] [LN]-James.Davis: I'm not a Junior, buddy. [17.07.2020 02:13:56] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: You bet. [17.07.2020 02:14:01] [LN]-James.Davis: Safe skies, pilot. [17.07.2020 02:14:32] DSE)Hawker.Tempest: (mutters) Stupid power crazy officials...
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander James Davis TARGET ID: Captain Marcus Robinson, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet SUBJECT: Shenandoah's escort PRIORITY: High DATA ENCRYPTION: High
Good day, this is Lieutenant Commander James Davis.
I've been assigned ordered by Commander Jeremiah Sawyer to be the escort of the LNS-Shenandoah aboard the Defiant-class vessel LNS-Jefferson. My crew is up and ready and can't wait to fly by your side.
We are currently stationned at Battleship Alma awaiting yours orders, Sir.
Best regards,
James, Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
SENDER: Captain Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT: Liberty Navy First Fleet LOCATION:LNS-Akhetaten, California System PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:Omega
Good day, Captain Christopher Edwards of the Secondary Fleet reporting in.
I am providing read access to entry #15 of my personal Captains log to the Liberty Navy, mentioning details of my most recent 'meeting' with an Insurgent Overlord, IN|H-INS-Discovery, in the New York system.
Commander Sawyer - aboard the LNS-Durango - and myself were stationned near West Point Academy when an Outcast Dreadnought was spotted near Norfolk Shipyard. We went to investigate and there was indeed a Ranseur there. Commander Sawyer took care of it, while I provided cruise disruption support if needed.
I was already assisting the LNS-Akhetaten in New York when the LNS-Shenandoah required cruise disruption support near New York Jump Gate, in California. As Lieutenant Commander Hopkins from the 5th Fleet and Captain Edwards were taking care of the matter at hand in New York, I moved in to assist in California.
As ordered by Captain Robinson, I engaged the Liberty Siege Cruiser, and the target was put out of action.
During a patrol in the Whitney Ice Field, I came across a Judicator-type ship. I engaged the ship, until the LNS-Malrone showed up. I immediately stood down, providing only cruise disruption support, but two Rogues - a destroyer and a bomber - undocked from the unlawful station. I engaged the Insurgency Battlecruiser again, taking him down with the help of the Shenandoah.
The two other targets were too close the the station's defences to approach safely, so we returned to base.
James, Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
SENDER: RMDL George J. Kennedy RECIPIENT: Liberty Navy First Fleet LOCATION:LNS-[REDACTED], Interdictor, Galileo System PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:Top Secret
Despatched to patrol Kusari borders in accordance with parameters relayed to comms from HQ. Discovered an anomaly labeled San Quentin Base around sectors G3 in which scanners detected life on board. Situation became hostile but due to mission parameters we did not engage and continued on our patrol.
In lieu of the response from HQ, preparation for further action is underway.
As we were escorting an OS&C liner to Pennsylvania Jump Gate with Commander Sawyer abord the LNS-Monitor, a hostile signature appeared on scanners, Nothing to worry about for our convoy, since the ship cruised away to the Badlands.
We took the lane and crossed the path of a Rogue Super Heavy Fighter. We made a run for the jump gate, which paid off. We successfully escorted the liner to Planet Erie, and suggested he took another route, given the criminal activity at the time.
We went back to New York, and no hostile signature was to be seen at this point anymore.
During the patrol however, we came across two Scyllas and two Rogue bombers.
Helped by the LIA battlecruiser Chimera and the LIA agent Kaiju, we managed to take the two Scyllas and one of the bomber down. The last one ran away unfortunately.
[11.08.2020 22:56:36] Death: [R]-Locker.Room.Lord was put out of action by [LIA]-Chimera (Gun).
[11.08.2020 23:06:47] Death: [R]-Bad.Habits suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[11.08.2020 23:09:46] Death: [R]-Leviathan was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Jefferson (Gun).
As I undocked from West Point Academy, I saw a Tridente under the name "Silencer" running away to California Jump Gate's direction. I started the chase, followed closely by agent Minuteman from the Liberty Security Force.
As I was on the lane towards the jump gate, a lot of signatures appeared on scanners.
I quitted the lane, and indeed, there were five Insurgency fighters around the lane, along with the Tridente.
"Silencer" left the scene, but the deserters decided to fight.
Backup arrived, as Agent Bobcat from the LSF and LPI Officer Izumi Ishikawa quitted the lane where we were standing.
The fight started, and went well: none of our fighters were taken down, and all Insurgency vessels were destroyed.
[12.08.2020 17:24:44] Death: Crimson.Guardian was put out of action by =LSF=Minuteman (Gun).
[12.08.2020 17:30:32] Death: IN|H-Lolita.Longsword was put out of action by LPI-Izumi.Ishikawa[O] (Gun).
[12.08.2020 17:32:50] Death: IN|H-June.Rivers was put out of action by LPI-Izumi.Ishikawa[O] (Gun).
[12.08.2020 17:36:23] Death: George,Dalton was put out of action by =LSF=Bobcat: (Gun).
[12.08.2020 17:37:51] Death: Crimson.Warden was put out of action by =LSF=Minuteman (Gun).
[12.08.2020 17:38:58] Death: IN|G-Iota.1 was put out of action by =LSF=Bobcat: (Gun).
James, Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
SENDER: Ensign Matthew Grand RECIPIENT: Liberty Navy First Fleet LOCATION: Fort Bush, New York PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:High
G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
Today we were called in to assist in the search of an Outcast capital vessel, which showed up on Liberty's radars. After a thorough search of the New York system, we recieved word that the vessel, now identified as an Cruiser class had been spotted in the Colorado system near Pueblo station. Upon my arrival it had already been located and stopped by Jeremia Sawyer. However the vessel seemed to be on autopilot, as we weren't able to open a Comm channal with it. Upon scans which showed no liveforms aboard, we opened fire and quickly dispatched of the enemy vessel. Its automated guns weren't able to inflict any notable damage to our two Bomber snubcrafts.
Involved Personnel:
- Jeremiah Sawyer
- Marcus Robinson
- Matt Grand
[17.08.2020 18:50:50] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Central lanes are clear.
[17.08.2020 18:54:47] [LN]-LNS-Shenandoah: Colorado.
[17.08.2020 18:55:04] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Jumping
[17.08.2020 18:56:17] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: I'll approach it from Pueblo.
[17.08.2020 18:56:28] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Got him
[17.08.2020 18:56:53] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Closing to Pueblo
[17.08.2020 18:57:46] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Not the speaking type I see ?
[17.08.2020 18:57:59] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Entering formation
[17.08.2020 18:58:13] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Well, got nothing to say ?
[17.08.2020 18:58:24] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Oh well, let's get this over with then.
[17.08.2020 18:58:35] [LN]-Jeremiah:Sawyer: Matt, you are free to engage, weapons free !
[17.08.2020 18:58:39] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Roger
[17.08.2020 18:58:43] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Antimatter armed
[17.08.2020 18:59:00] [LN]-Marcus,Robinson: By the time I'm going to arrive - you will be guys done.
[17.08.2020 18:59:54] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Anyone at the helm of this piece of junk?
[17.08.2020 19:00:20] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Its weapons are firing but that's about it
[17.08.2020 19:00:22] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Odd
17.08.2020 19:02:32] [LN]-Matt,Grand: Alright, let's end its suffering
[17.08.2020 19:02:39] Death: MNS-Nightwolf was put out of action by [LN]-Matt,Grand (Gun).
Ensign Matthew Grand
Liberty Navy, First Fleet