(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: I agree with Omi on this, I find A/) to be a flawed RP concept based around serving one megalomaniac master that was once a Core Guildmaster but has now gone rogue and holds grudges with everyone.
Battlegroup Auxesia do as their master pleases and it is never clear what they might do next, this compounded by their inability to pick a single side and stick to it.
You've made some interesting points, yet know that the roleplay behind the development of diplomacy isn't strictly based around one character's actions. The Delta event in such case, we'll never be able or would want to side with Core ever again. (Bar a personal IRP friendship and mutual dislike for the Corsairs)
(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: In Delta, I have seen A/) in one minute helping core and the next mortaring Yaren?
Its all very confusing and hard to follow, also given the self-centered* abrupt attitude of the leader does not make for a group I care about or want to interact with to be honest.
You don't bring much to the discovery table and as such you don't need to be official.
The shift away from the Core has been happening. A lot, actually. It's been a steady buildup, but it's there and visible.
While I value the feedback you've given, flying a Mako to Lost to try and buttcloak a Corvo, and essentially shooting on sight, Black Widow, isn't really interacting with the faction above a PvP level. As for bringing much, please review the links provided in the OP.
Some good replies there!!
In relation to buttcloaking a corvo, that was merely RP retaliation for your ships camping Yaren while cloaked and enticing Zoners to engage / distract us while the Eidolon Wraith and Cincinnati took up position to buttcloak our ships.
Which failed but still you reap what you sow ey?
In Lost, I was eager to just blow the corvo out of the sky its true. But when I arrived I saw Apahanta just sitting there happily talking to the Corvo. So I RP'd a bit and then turned nasty, because it would not make sense to follow Apahanta's lead to just sit there talking.
To me things are black and white if we are at war then I kill it, returning in kind the actions that are shown to me by said group engaging in hostilities i.e. A/).
Anyway, things are clearer than what they were before, I know where I stand. So I know what to do when I see Auxesian ships.
Just watch your leaders actions, they leave much to be desired especially with such self-centred attitudes.
Thanks for the feedback, and it's good to see your explanations. As you stated, for your characters actions it wouldn't have made much sense to sit there and join in on the conversation. We're enemies, right?
Since this thread now seems to be a feedback thread: Here's mine.
I have unintentional high amounts of Auxesian encounters, and I enjoy those every time. Since I'm yet a noob to all the lore, I did some peeks into Auxesians lore and watch all the comms that are currently happening. (Also, people suggested me to take a look at the SRP thread and the links there to get a view about what I have to keep in mind to SRP something myself, since I'm about to do a similar thing like Nyx did.)
I think there are lots of people a bit jelly about how Auxesia does things. They don't have ZoI, which I find absolutely important for a roleplay-focused group, because you want to do stuff with not always the same people. Auxesia mostly flies in groups and rarely alone. I think that's cool, because it's rare to encounter a group of ships of a faction that's not about to raid/gank. You know what I mean.
Auxesia seem's to collect a bunch of SRP'd ships - and since you don't get SRPs that easily, I wonder why people always question Auxesias roleplay background. There's enough stuff on the forums to read. Too bad there is no TL;DR-version for lazy ones, so I guess it's easier to just rely on ooRP hate and repeating what other ooRP haters tend to babble in Skype. Yes, saw that happen.
If you ask me, Auxesia does enough to give a benefit to the community. They do forum RP, they do lots of RP ingame, both serious and jokey, and it's not just Raven. It's also Hunt or Keating and some other guys that are a bit more silent. Every faction has people like those. Some are a bit more talky, some stay a bit more silent. Okay, Auxesia is small in numbers yet, so, of course the focus is on the talky ones like Raven.
Auxesia has lots of ingame presence in the Omicrons. I have enough video footage on Auxesia, fighting, doing roleplay, being funny or just crossing my path. So, you have a faction with lots of ingame presence, roleplay bot ingame as well as in the forums via comms and stories, and you have a faction that is very dynamical. There's enough background, and yet more is coming. Every faction has had a warm-up phase, right?
Also, may I remember Nodtviet started an offensive against Zoners and the initiating reason was some nomad gunboat remains on an indi nephilim as well as some hand-rolled Lucky strikes from Jess? Nothing wrong with leaders acting weird. They are still humans, or are they not? (#ICNodtvietConspiracy!)
Before we carry on with this, as initially mentioned on Skype to Nyx, there will be a few anomalies with this officialty request which perhaps were not pointed out to AFC when they posted their own.
As you're essentially applying to be a Freelancer ID based Official Faction, it effectively means you will be not be related to any NPC faction. As such the following Faction Rights will be unavailable to you:
- Faction Right #1
- Faction Right #2
- Faction Right #5
- Faction Right #6
- Faction Right #7
Please note Faction Rights are planned to be revised, however most areas covered by the FRs listed above will likely not change too much.
If the request is successful, you will be eligible to receive your own ID, just like all others official factions.
We'll give you a few hours to think about the above and let us know if you have questions regarding your official possibilities. If/when there is/are no issue(s), have Nyx quote this post and validate your intention to carry on with this request and the process will start as soon as the money is taken.
(05-13-2016, 01:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Since this thread now seems to be a feedback thread: Here's mine.
I have unintentional high amounts of Auxesian encounters, and I enjoy those every time. Since I'm yet a noob to all the lore, I did some peeks into Auxesians lore and watch all the comms that are currently happening. (Also, people suggested me to take a look at the SRP thread and the links there to get a view about what I have to keep in mind to SRP something myself, since I'm about to do a similar thing like Nyx did.)
It's always nice to inform yourself on things and get reference points. Thanks for keep yourself up to date on our stuff.
(05-13-2016, 01:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: I think there are lots of people a bit jelly about how Auxesia does things. They don't have ZoI, which I find absolutely important for a roleplay-focused group, because you want to do stuff with not always the same people. Auxesia mostly flies in groups and rarely alone. I think that's cool, because it's rare to encounter a group of ships of a faction that's not about to raid/gank. You know what I mean.
We tend to fly around in places that would be of interest to the group, and we find interaction there, rather than sitting in one place too long, we go elsewhere and share the activity we provide with the rest of Sirius.
(05-13-2016, 01:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Auxesia seem's to collect a bunch of SRP'd ships - and since you don't get SRPs that easily, I wonder why people always question Auxesias roleplay background. There's enough stuff on the forums to read. Too bad there is no TL;DR-version for lazy ones, so I guess it's easier to just rely on ooRP hate and repeating what other ooRP haters tend to babble in Skype. Yes, saw that happen.
Note that the SRP's were two separate stories, one (The Cincinnati's in particular) stretching back longer than the faction as a whole. The merging of the various developing stories and Auxesia added a lot of roleplay weight, which is good and the primary thing we enjoy as a faction. Yes, people will be lazy. Yes, people will hate and gossip. That's just people being people. Can't fight nature, can we? We bring as much roleplay as we can to the table.
(05-13-2016, 01:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If you ask me, Auxesia does enough to give a benefit to the community. They do forum RP, they do lots of RP ingame, both serious and jokey, and it's not just Raven. It's also Hunt or Keating and some other guys that are a bit more silent. Every faction has people like those. Some are a bit more talky, some stay a bit more silent. Okay, Auxesia is small in numbers yet, so, of course the focus is on the talky ones like Raven.
Pretty much this. Has anyone really taken the time to try and talk to the other characters?
(05-13-2016, 01:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Auxesia has lots of ingame presence in the Omicrons. I have enough video footage on Auxesia, fighting, doing roleplay, being funny or just crossing my path. So, you have a faction with lots of ingame presence, roleplay both ingame as well as in the forums via comms and stories, and you have a faction that is very dynamical. There's enough background, and yet more is coming. Every faction has had a warm-up phase, right?
Roleplay wise, Vendetta knows my questions regarding numbers and how do the Auxesia mantain such fleet. Logistics wise, numbers do seem a bit off, but that can be dealt with rather easily with an increase in influx of goods (i still fail to see that logistic fleet. Core APM is a good example to follow).
Thing is, where do you repair the battleships etc et all, something i think you should address fast with your allies. One thing is repairing/refitting snubs, battleships is a whole different ballgame, because even Core, Mollys, Angels, SCRA, whatever faction that have battleships in their composition have a shipyard to show that.
I can keep going on about several key points of your roleplay. Regarding your nomad hybrid projects (that whole device that translate nomad telepathic thoughts comes to mind), genetic clone army inception (Thalatte), i find it a wee off the charts because i fail to see how the numerous factions that revolve around nomad lore and base line militaristic (LSF/BDM/etc + Order + Core) that have better resources than a 4000+ (dunno if it is the right number) person battlegroup, would be overshadowed in terms of R&D by said group.
Blueprints wise for snubs (Manta) seem to be taken care of, haven't seen the roleplay for that (didn't found it, a link would be nice), and the rest of the snubs are either civilian or Hellfire, which can help you rebuild them.
Ingame interactions were mostly Delta wise, that left little time for roleplay with Core vessels looming on us. Didn't knew about that Core bounty. And yes. Entering Mu unannounced with two battleships was not the best idea to start a chat.
Waiting for new interactions to get a better idea of your behaviour ingame.
Roleplay wise, Vendetta knows my questions regarding numbers and how do the Auxesia mantain such fleet. Logistics wise, numbers do seem a bit off, but that can be dealt with rather easily with an increase in influx of goods (i still fail to see that logistic fleet. Core APM is a good example to follow).
Thing is, where do you repair the battleships etc et all, something i think you should address fast with your allies. One thing is repairing/refitting snubs, battleships is a whole different ballgame, because even Core, Mollys, Angels, SCRA, whatever faction that have battleships in their composition have a shipyard to show that.
I can keep going on about several key points of your roleplay. Regarding your nomad hybrid projects (that whole device that translate nomad telepathic thoughts comes to mind), genetic clone army inception (Thalatte), i find it a wee off the charts because i fail to see how the numerous factions that revolve around nomad lore and base line militaristic (LSF/BDM/etc + Order + Core) that have better resources than a 4000+ (dunno if it is the right number) person battlegroup, would be overshadowed in terms of R&D by said group.
Blueprints wise for snubs (Manta) seem to be taken care of, haven't seen the roleplay for that (didn't found it, a link would be nice), and the rest of the snubs are either civilian or Hellfire, which can help you rebuild them.
Ingame interactions were mostly Delta wise, that left little time for roleplay with Core vessels looming on us. Didn't knew about that Core bounty. And yes. Entering Mu unannounced with two battleships was not the best idea to start a chat.
Waiting for new interactions to get a better idea of your behaviour ingame.
Kaze bb <3
Point 1: LV- ships are logistics. They were very active for the Delta event, and @wanderer95 is logistics head, who is currently busy with finals. I left him some notes on planned means of getting logistics more involved on Skype, and noted such earlier in the thread.
Point 2: We have access to the shipyard in Cayman should we need it, and could just as easily request access from the HF. Not saying we'd get it, but the option is there, and we've had such before. The IMG have occasionally helped with the Cincinnati, and were the prime reason for it's refit and guns, using Singapore in secret while trying to not draw the attention of the GRN. Fuski was nice enough to sit and RP with one prior to the acceptance of the original SRP rather than dock when it popped up on scanners. Fleet maintenance is a fuzzy area, but we /do/ have repair ships to maintain us on the go. A/)-Drone <3
Point 3: I can see where this would be confusing, being such a small group in comparison to better-funded and seemingly more organized groups such as house intelligence agencies. However, note that a lot of the people within Auxesia are very intelligent and capable, with contacts outside of the Battlegroup in the IRG, and as of recently, MFE. The research being done by the group is rather daunting, yes, but if you examine it carefully, it's all being done on a small scale. We're not tank-breeding an army of thousands of soldiers every few months. We're doing ten, in three months, that may/may not even work. You'd have to read along to find out. I have a post schedule for that.
Point 4: The blueprints thing isn't something I've taken the time to refresh myself on just yet. I'll leave it to Nyx to explain.
Point 5: While they were short and mostly occupied with shooting at the ungodly amount of Makos/Threshers, they weren't bad. Hopefully with the way things have quieted down and the direction we're taking, we can get more. I'll go ahead and say that the Mu thing was a mistake and has already been discussed. At least we woke the Order up (:
(05-13-2016, 02:33 PM)Wesker Wrote: Confusion from me:
1 day you support the RHA in a fight with the corsairs/core
The next you shoot at us.
Who are you hostile with in this case or are you for hire?
Do you have the particular reference for this? This may be pertaining to the SCRA not really liking us for stealing their remains/ties with the RoS, but since that Battle in Theta we haven't shot SCRA/RHA.
(05-13-2016, 02:33 PM)Wesker Wrote: Confusion from me:
1 day you support the RHA in a fight with the corsairs/core
The next you shoot at us.
Who are you hostile with in this case or are you for hire?
Do you have the particular reference for this? This may be pertaining to the SCRA not really liking us for stealing their remains/ties with the RoS, but since that Battle in Theta we haven't shot SCRA/RHA.
You shot RHA before you assisted us, I wasn't in a position to fight 3 factions at once so I hired you. But it still is confusing to me. You actually hopped into a 1v1 between me and an RoS and shot me buying the RoS time to restock and the A snub was jittering (lol).
Something I'm not ok with either is seeing the Cinncinati shoot an RHA ship than dock on an RHA base to restock and come back. On an SRP ship, than ram itself into tangier because it didn't want to die when corsairs showed up to mop the rest.
EDIT: you shot me in 49 than assisted in theta screens can be provided soon as I'm home same with the tangier incident