. User ID:Bristol Constructions Recipient:Hector Booth Subject:Your Application .
Mister Booth,
many within Bristol share your sentiments but we do need to make sure that these aren't going to cause conflict with the authorities. There is a work group we'd offer you to join to see what you can do for the survivors of Veracruz.
With your qualifications and background we'd offer you and your crew to join the Bristol group. There is some contractual recommendations we have and there is a system in place for semi-independent crews like yours to work within the entire company. An orientation training is included to be attended within the first week.
Please make your way to any of our installations and report to the administrative office with this acceptance notice. Basic transportation and expenses while travelling to any Bristol installation up to 275 credits will be covered by Bristol Constructions. A shuttle service between Bristol locations is available for all applicants and employees free of charge.
Application for Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing Eduard Leopold Helheim Gender:Male Date of birth:02.02.782 Place of birth:Gschlachtenbretzingen, Planet Hamburg ,Frankfurt, Rheinland
Previous experience and Qualifications:
Krüger Mineralien:
5 Years as hegemon crew
3 Years as hegemon captain
2 Years as transport crew
15 Years as transport captain
5 Years in R&D to chase kruger wild goose
Last 6 month Freelancer at Freeport 8
I have over 30 years of experience at Krüger Mineralien, starting as a miner, then moving into ore transport, and eventually ending up in R&D, thanks to a state grant.
My time there ended when I was let go after one of the company’s many missteps.
After leaving Krüger, I developed a strong dislike for large corporations and house-run businesses, and I decided to embrace a more independent lifestyle. I’m currently based at Freeport 8, tying up loose ends and preparing to move on from my old life. That’s when I came across your cooperative. Its goals and more personal approach really appealed to me, which is why I’m applying.
. User ID:Bristol Constructions Recipient:Eduard Leopold Helheim Subject:Your Application .
Mister Helheim,
we appreciate your application and with experience like yours would like to welcome you within Bristol. While we are not affiliated with any of the houses, we are growing. To avoid the pains of large organisations you state, we'd like to have your advice in the local voters meetings once your probation period is over. As Bristol is growing we'll rely on all the advice our employees can provide to steer into a mutually beneficial future.
Please make your way to any of our installations and report to the administrative office with this acceptance notice. Basic transportation and expenses while travelling to any Bristol installation up to 275 credits will be covered by Bristol Constructions. A shuttle service between Bristol locations is available for all applicants and employees free of charge.
Posts: 223
Threads: 13
Joined: Dec 2022
Staff roles: Moderator
Application for Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing Phil Kincaid Gender:Male Date of birth:789 AS Place of birth:Manhatten,Planet Manhatten,New York,Liberty
Previous experience and Qualifications: I would like to give my previous experiance as such:
Started as planet side loading crew
Engines Mechanic on medium sized transports
Lead Mechanic on large size transports and miners
Got a degree in large transport and miner comandeering
Independet transport comander for different Libertonian Corps
Background:I cannot say that there is much to say about me. Born and raised in the lower parts of Manhatten, life was never good but also never rough, father was in construction while my mother well she died giving birth to my younger borther. I did live a normal life for most of my years even helping my father in his planet side construction small business, but I always like that free spirit and maybe the thrills that come with flying. I started to help around the docks at around seventeen years of age, then slowly but surely I was quite good at what I was doing and got the chance to join different crews. After some time I decided that it was time for me to move a bit up the food chain and decided to get specialized and even try to get my own ship. Nowadays I take independent contracts from those with credits to give and with places that need feeling. Upon encounters from Acetri base I have begun to like how you guys handle bussiness and being on your own has it's risks, so might as well bring my knowladge and experiance in a corporate enviroment, maybe it will be good for me, but I never ever found a company who was not in need of a helping hand.
. User ID:Bristol Constructions Recipient:Phil Kincaid Subject:Your Application .
Mister Kincaid,
we've inquired with representatives at The Arcetri Company. The feedback we have received is positive. There is various positions within the group we can offer you in the mining and transportation teams to match your skill set. We do have to warn you that there is a certain threat level involved with Galileo employ. We do have openings in Pennsylvania and Bering if that is a concern.
Please make your way to any of our installations and report to the administrative office with this acceptance notice. Basic transportation and expenses while travelling to any Bristol installation up to 275 credits will be covered by Bristol Constructions. A shuttle service between Bristol locations is available for all applicants and employees free of charge.
Application for Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing William Brimble Gender:Male Date of birth:807 A.S. Place of birth:Planet Denver, Colorado, Liberty Space
Previous experience and Qualifications:
- 6 years assisting my father with trade runs on his freighter
- Acquired my Pilot's License at the age of 18 on Manhattan
- 4 years as armed escort pilot for family business
- 5 years piloting a freighter after a business expansion
Background:I was born in the cockpit of my father's freighter on the side of a tradelane right outside of Denver. Unable to make it planetside in time, my parents exited the tradelane and delivered me the ancient way before taking me to the Hospital on Planet Denver and registering me there. I was raised mostly by my mother, as my father was often gone for work, although he called almost every night and came home as often as he could. Admiring my father and wishing to follow in his footsteps, I pestered Mom until she finally agreed to let me tag along with my old man on his freighter. I spent the next 6 years learning the ropes of space trade and travel until he sent me to Manhattan to earn my Pilot's License. Once finished, I began working for Dad as his armed escort. Business was good, for a while. Good enough for him to afford expanding with another freighter, which allowed him to give me the same ship I was born in. Of course he took the shiny new one. After 5 years, however, business dried up, my father sold the business (everything but the ships), and we are looking for the next opportunity. Working for a big company like Bristol could be my chance to strike out on my own and make a name for myself.
. User ID:Bristol Constructions Recipient:Brimble, William Subject:Your Application .
Mister Brimble,
We’ve made inquiries at Denver and Manhattan regional ports and are more than happy with the feedback given by both of these considering your age. There are a number of positions available to someone of your experience and knowledge within our transportation teams, from aiding our mining efforts in Galileo to supply for our major installations.
Please make your way to any of our installations and report to the administrative office with this acceptance notice. Basic transportation and expenses while travelling to any Bristol installation up to 275 credits will be covered by Bristol Constructions. A shuttle service between Bristol locations is available for all applicants and employees free of charge.
Application for Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing Gino Imperial Gender: Male GENDER Date of birth:28.08 768 Place of birth:Freeport 1
Previous experience and Qualifications:I gained my full pilots license at the age of 21, Working as a freelance miner & trader, and after a few years joined the Zoner youth program, flying various trade routes & exploring unchartered nebulas.
Background: Born on Freeport 1, whilst growing up, i spent many an hour helping my father with retro-fit & repair work on various vessels, after gaining my license i went on to explore the wider reaches of the Sirius system, which is where i met a Bristol Construction pilot in a bar in Bering.
I want to work for an up & coming organisation like Bristol Construction, & feel i have the necessary qualifications to help with the further expansion & consolidation of Bristol Construction.
I await your response with interest.
. User ID:Bristol Constructions Recipient:Imperial, Gino Subject:Your Application .
Mister Imperial,
Thank you for your application to Bristol C&M. We’re always glad to welcome Zoners into our ranks, from the Taus to the Omegas and beyond, with that unique style of independence and reliability that can only be found from such individuals, and Bristol is happy to see that you’re no exception. Mr Booth has made inquiries as to your records as found on Freeport 1 and has confirmed that you certainly haven’t been spending the years loitering on Gran Canaria. Your accomplishments certainly speak for themselves and we’ve found you more than qualified for several positions from cargo transport to survey operations.
Please make your way to one of our installations in Bering, Galileo, or Pennsylvania and report to the administrative office. Basic transportation and expenses while travelling to any Bristol installation up to 275 credits will be covered by Bristol Constructions. A shuttle service between Bristol locations is available for all applicants and employees free of charge.