' Wrote:Unlocked mouse flight camera for capital ships.
It would be nice yes.. if someone makes it work.
The only "solution" I have seen so far, is making the camera "float" around the ship in chase view. This needs the ship to turn extremely slowly and also makes hitting small targets very difficult. (we actually tested that)
The goal needs to be to have the ability to control the ship (say trough keyboard) while in turret view.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Well nice nice.... finally we are course correcting to the right way of discussion... :)
Here is an amazing wishlist idea...
1. Battleship CoPilot When a player docks to the battleship, the battlship pilot has the ability to assign one or more of its turret to the fighter pilot player. in turret mode....lets say a fighter pilot is badly damaged in a dogfight, he has the ability to dock on the battleship and continue fighting from there...The fighter pilot then can finish out his fight from the BS and is not allowed to come back out and start fighting again.
2. LIGHT and HEAVY BOMBERS Good idea and has been discussed to death. My idea of a light bomber would be a fighter ship with SHF flight characterstics and a powerplant capable of firing a razor. and an extra CD slot. Kinda like the WereWolf.
3. BOMBER MISSLES Well just wanted to clarify, these could be missles in name and torps in nature. Hence the request to make em act like Sunslayers...If you do not joust, it is very tough to hit a fighter pilot with a sunslayer. Also if you noticed, that missle I proposed would have been primarily a shield buster. Bombers would still be nerfed against the fighters...
Now notice the scnario.... If the Bomber has this missle on his ship.
1. May be slightly better odds against fighters.
2. Caps can currently see incoming torpedo and shoot it down what if the Bombers shot Couple of the missles with a Nova torp in the mix. If they looked alike the cap ship will have to shoot multiple incoming bogies to neutralize threat. (Remember Rhineland chancellor in the Single player?) :D
1. Limited to 70 Ammo. Lets say Johnny B decided to mount all torps...yeah he will be a pain in the butt to deal with for 17 shots (17 x 4 = 68) then he is out of ammo. I dont have to explain how effective a bomber is against fighters then.
2. Missles cost money...(think of this as a stimilation package....people will think about making money if there is a need for ammo). I am imagining most bomber pilots sticking to guns and maybe one or no missle.
3. Missles can blow up in your own face unlike gun fire....
4. if they require energy like a razors, pilots will have a hard time firing other weapons if they use the missles.
What do you think about em now ? F.Y.I: Again this is just a wishlist mates. I talked to CANON and he already stated no bomber missles...
1. Limited to 70 Ammo. Lets say Johnny B decided to mount all torps...yeah he will be a pain in the butt to deal with for 17 shots (17 x 4 = 68) then he is out of ammo. I dont have to explain how effective a bomber is against fighters then.
If they make different missiles you mount 4 different missiles not so hard
heavy hull, light hull, heavy shield, light shield. whatever you like and you have 70 heavy damage missile waves.
(example with fighters missiles (Cannonball, lancer, Pluralizer, neutralizer) Although the neutralizer needs a boost.
What I'd like to see is tactical view for caps.
1k away rear view or something.
' Wrote:2. Caps can currently see incoming torpedo and shoot it down
No, they don't. Really, they don't. I've never met a capital ship pilot that shoots a Nova flying at them. Even then, they aren't exactly easy to hit, and have a lot of health.