Funny... coulda sworn one of my posts disappeared.
Hot_Rod Wrote:The naming has more to do with what was their role in Vanilla I think. Both are related to piracy and illegal activities in some way, if memory serves right.
Now thats just hidious discrimination against Cretans and Maltesians. D:
Zelot Wrote:There are no more food shipments, Zoners have stopped them. Doesn't really give the Corsair leadership much incentive to stop them, now does it?
If shipments resumed when [A] is stopped, and if they stopped permanently when [A] isnt stopped, it would be an incentive, actually.
If you really care about food, that is.
Hideki Wrote:Given the current situation, Saladin did indeed predict well the outcomes.
Pope Palpatine already predicted the Corsairs would do this when that Outcast put up a bounty against all zoners without worrying what the Outcast leadership would have to say about it. The force is strong with Pope Palpatine, you know.:D
' is possible to do it mathematically. We just need to take an assumption how much One "Unit" of food is worth.
Then we fix a percentage that was supplied by zoners, and compute the rest. Not difficult.
All I'm interested in is the physical provable reality.
How much food do the Zoner players move to Crete in an average month. Feel free to take the posted evidence over a 12 month span, beginning with last month, and then figure her out.