Mr. Able, on of Your pilots threatened not only IC property, but even threatened to shoot one of our third party contractor. How would You resolve this issue in my place?
Mr. Lehmann I'd like you to add one Eric.Knox:. to the bounty list, He's a Lane Hacker who pirated me in the kepler system, I cannot remember the exact make of his ship, in the excitement I forgot to make proper logs of his equipment, to be honest I had more pressing matters on my mind. Just the standard rate for this one, Nothing special about him.
Another one to add to the list when you get a chance sir is The.Alabama A pirate claimnig to be part of some larger Indian survival group, He pilots a border worlds Falcata and stopped me in Colorado.
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.
Greetings mr.Lehmann. Please check the file number one which I send you with the last transmission. In that file you will find information that my status with your corporation is 'friendly'. To be sure I sending that file once again.
Ach. Missed that. You know... Business matters and such makes me tired. Welcome to the hunt.
Mr. Price, thank you for this information. May he suffer for what he did!
Mr. Able, on of Your pilots threatened not only IC property, but even threatened to shoot one of our third party contractor. How would You resolve this issue in my place?
This would be simple Sir, supply me the Evidence and I'll ensure this won't happen again, if Evidence is given i shall also grant you a Injury supplement in cash towards any IC whom was injured or attacked in hope that it won't turn to the Civil Courts and we can sort this issue out here.
You see, Mr. Able, not always will money fix things. There such thing as loyality, respect and reliability.
We shall try to extrac evidence out of our archives.
Let's say this, hunt us 5 Lane Hackers per per next 7 days, and we will forgive this incident.